
Perhaps, after all, America never has been discovered. I myself would say
that it had merely been detected.
- Oscar Wilde
I was polishing the local bartop with my elbows the other day next to a
naturalized Irishman who works as an electrician. He asked what I did for a
living, and I winced a little before telling him, "I write politics,"
because I knew what was coming. As ever, when I let people know what I do
while in the confines of a drinking establishment, I was immediately
subjected to a sustained violation of The First Law Of The Bar: "Thou shalt
not talk of religion or politics here."
Such moments are normally excruciating for me, pretty much entirely because
the absolute last thing I want to do while nursing a whiskey and watching a
ballgame is talk shop. This time, however, was different. My new friend
regaled me with a succinct, accurate and scathing assessment of his adopted
country - "Millions of people need work, the infrastructure of the country
is falling down around our ears, but no one in power seems able or willing
to put one and one together and solve two problems with one stroke," he
railed at one point - before summing it all up with a single, perfect,
devastating brick.
"America," he said, "has a war on drugs that doesn't work. It has a war on
poverty that doesn't work. It has a war on crime that has only managed to
fill its prisons. It has wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that didn't work. You
want to fix everything that has gone wrong? There's only one answer: America
must declare war on America."
My new friend did not pay for another drink the rest of the night.
Absolutely God damned right.
America must declare war on America, against the fusillade of divisive
nonsense that passes for political discourse these days, provided with full
corporate sponsorship by a small cabal of rich people via the "mainstream"
news media they own from top to bottom. Americans must declare war on
America, on the America this fortunate few would create with zeroes to the
left of the decimal on their secret donation checks, on the America these
reavers and traitors seek to make in their own corrupted, bloated image.
I have made this point time and time and time again, but it bears repeating
once more: the single greatest strength the far right and their paymasters
enjoy is their utter and complete lack of shame. They will say anything -
literally anything - to gain an advantage in any debate, and be damned to
whoever takes a screwing in the process.
A perfect example: on Wednesday, Rand Paul (R-KY), darling of teabagger
nation and son of that walking farce of a fake Libertarian Ron Paul, blocked
a vote on extending FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program until the Senate
votes on legislation declaring that human life begins at conception. Forget
all those people in Iowa and Florida who are swamping out their homes after
being inundated with record rainfall. We need legislation on fetuses...but
God help them if they're born, because these God-fearing Republicans don't
give a fig for them once they've passed through the birth canal. Welcome to
the planet, brat. You're on your own.
My friend at the bar was on fire over the massive infrastructure problems
facing America right now, noting that more than 2,000 bridges are trembling
on the edge of collapse in Massachusetts alone. Why has this incredibly
important problem not been addressed? Adam Peck of ThinkProgress provided an
answer last week:
With as many as 2.9 million new and existing jobs on the line, House
Republicans are refusing to pass a transportation reauthorization bill, even
after the Senate's version of the bill overwhelmingly passed through the
upper chamber in a 74-22 bipartisan vote.
The deadline for new transportation funding is June 30, and if the calendar
flips to July without a compromise, as many as 1.9 million workers could
lose their jobs, at least temporarily. The Senate version of the bill, if
adopted, would create an additional one million new jobs as well, according
to Department of Transportation projections.
So why are House Republicans holding nearly three million jobs hostage?
Because they want approval of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline to be
included in the bill. The State Department estimates that roughly 6,000 jobs
would be created if the Keystone XL is approved, but as few as 20 of them
will be permanent.
These are but two examples; there are dozens upon dozens more. Were I to
list them all, I would singlehandedly cause a worldwide electron and ink
shortage. Sufficed to say, where we are can best be explained by how we got
here. On the eve of the Supreme Court's ruling on President Obama's
Affordable Care Act, James Fallows of The Atlantic laid out how exactly we
came to this sad and disgraceful state of affairs:
When you look at the sequence from Bush v. Gore, through Citizens United, to
what seems to be coming on the health-care front; and you combine it with
ongoing efforts in Florida and elsewhere to prevent voting from presumably
Democratic blocs; and add that to the simply unprecedented abuse of the
filibuster in the years since the Democrats won control of the Senate and
then took the White House, you have what we'd identify as a kind of
long-term coup if we saw it happening anywhere else.
You can try this at home. Pick a country and describe a sequence in which:
First, the (2000) presidential election is decided by five people, who don't
even try to explain their choice in normal legal terms. Then the beneficiary
of that decision appoints the next two members of the court, who present
themselves for consideration as restrained, humble figures who care only
about law rather than ideology. Once on the bench, for life, those two
actively second-guess and re-do existing law, to advance the interests of
the party that appointed them. Meanwhile their party's representatives in
the Senate abuse procedural rules to an extent never previously seen to
block legislation - and appointments, especially to the courts. And, when a
major piece of legislation gets through, the party's majority on the Supreme
Court prepares to negate it - even though the details of the plan were
originally Republican proposals and even though the party's presidential
nominee endorsed these concepts only a few years ago.
How would you describe a democracy where power was being shifted that way?
As if all this were not enough already, that small cabal who helped deliver
us to this diseased and deranged estate has the perfect answer to all the
problems before us: a plastic-fantastic fraud of a multi-millionaire, named
after a kitchen utensil, who was against everything he stands for before he
was for it before he was against it, who made his money killing American
jobs, whose wife tries to connect with the common people by wearing $900
t-shirts on national television, and whose family claimed a $70,000 tax
deduction for owning a doped-up horse.
America must declare war on America. You, me, and everyone we know with
brain one in our heads and the best interests of the country at heart need
to charge the ramparts, stand our post, and refuse to take even one step
The Supreme Court is rewriting the Constitution on the back of a corporate
pay stub, Congress has made itself more useless than nipples on an ice cream
cone, the President of the United States has decided he can kill where and
who he wishes with a video game, and Colorado is on fire even as the
mainstream" news media gives respectful ear to a Republican presidential
candidate who argues that firing firefighters is a bully idea and the answer
to all that ails us.
To a great many people's surprise, a majority of the Supreme Court - led by
Chief Justice Roberts, of all people - ruled in favor of the Affordable Care
Act on Thursday morning. For many Americans, this was a big victory and a
tremendous relief, but in truth, the law does not nearly go far enough.
Senator Bernie Sanders said it best: "In my view, while the Affordable Care
Act is an important step in the right direction and I am glad that the
Supreme Court upheld it, we ultimately need to do better. If we are serious
about providing high-quality, affordable healthcare as a right, not a
privilege, the real solution to America's health care crisis is a
Medicare-for-all, single-payer system. Until then, we will remain the only
major nation that does not provide health care for every man, woman and
child as a right of citizenship."
This issue is one of a multitude facing this nation today, and there is only
one way to get it done.
America must declare war on America.
Stand your post.

Friday, 29 June 2012 00:00 By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed


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