*- Havana Times.org - http://www.havanatimes.org -*

*Cuba Exhales after Venezuelan Vote*

Posted By *Circles Robinson* On October 9, 2012 @ 11:03 am In
Ravsberg,Lead Articles,Uncategorized* |

*Fernando Ravsberg* <http://cartasdesdecuba.com/> [1]

Billboards in Cuba with photos of Chavez, whose popularity stands in third
place behind Fidel and Raul Castro. Photo: Raquel Perez

HAVANA TIMES — Most Cubans are breathing easier this week. The victory of
Hugo Chavez in Venezuela will ensure them a stable supply of oil in
exchange for the work of tens of thousands of aid workers from the island
who are employed in his health and education programs.

The Cuban greeting to Chavez was written personally by President Raul
Castro, noting that: “Your decisive victory ensures the continuity of the
struggle for the genuine integration of ‘Our America.’ We reiterate our
unwavering solidarity and support.”

But not everyone is happy. Dissidents and exiles see it as a curse that
allows the perpetuation of socialism in Cuba. They know that the US
economic embargo will never have the impact they seek as long as Havana
receives that support.

For the average Cuban, the equation is much simpler. The reelection of
Chavez as president of Venezuela means six more years without blackouts, an
adversity that everyone remembers from the 1990s, when energy shortages
lasted up to eight hours a day.
The 100,000 barrels*

When they began announcing the results of the Venezuelan elections, one
young Cuban said: “A friend from California called to congratulate me.
Laughing, she said she was glad because I could keep sleeping with air

During the days before the election, many of my acquaintances — distrustful
of the typical triumphalism of the national media — asked me what I thought
would be the Venezuelan election results and the real capacity of Cuba to
face a Chavez defeat.

It’s no secret that the country has no capacity for self-sufficiency in
oil. It needs the 100,000 barrels a day that come from Venezuela, which is
equivalent to the amount of foreign exchange that Cuba couldn’t pay without
the work of its aid workers.

It also means a sigh of relief for those same Cuban professionals who go
back and forth working in Venezuela earning a share of their salary in
foreign currency. This allows them to bring back to the island appliances
that they could never have purchased on their normal wages.

*A bad memory*

Chavez’s victory again dispels the bad memories of the 1990s, when the
blackouts were so long that people jokingly refer to “*alumbrones*” (brief
periods when the lights were actually *on*). Those were exceedingly
difficult years for most Cubans given everything they entailed.

Masses were even held in the Havana Cathedral for the health of Hugo
Chavez, who was afflicted with cancer and treated by Cuban doctors.

The lack of electricity meant no air conditioning or even a fan to cool the
hot tropical nights. People camped out on rooftops and sleepless mothers
spent their evenings fanning their children to cool them down and to keep
the mosquitoes away.

Nor was it possible to enjoy a shower, because in most homes and buildings
water was pumped using electric motors. What people had for drinking was
served at room temperature, and food rotted in refrigerators that couldn’t
keep things cold.

Currently the situation would be even worse, because back in those days,
cooking was done using natural gas, kerosene and firewood; but since the
“Energy Revolution,” a lot of the appliances that used those old energy
sources were changed for ones that use electricity.

*A common strategy*

Cuba is trying to diversify its international relations, but still no
country or group of countries can replace Caracas. In selling its services
abroad, Venezuela absorbs 40,000 Cuban aid workers, while all of Africa
contracts only 5,000.

But the Venezuela of Chavez is not solely interested in Cuba in the
economic field. The Venezuelan government also has a political commitment
to regional integration projects in Latin America, which includes Havana
and excludes its main enemy: the United States.

Petroleum policies of Caracas that are supportive of the continent have
allowed it to create a community of leftist ALBA states — among which Cuba
moves like a fish in water — and to also push for broader and more diverse
formations such as UNASUR (the Union of South American Nations) and CELAC
(the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States).

In fact, relations with Venezuela give Havana a greater presence on the
continent thanks to programs such as the “Operacion Milagro” eye surgery
program and the “Yo si puedo” literacy method, funded by Venezuela while
implemented by Cuban aid workers.


Article printed from Havana Times.org: *http://www.havanatimes.org*

URL to article: *http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=79973*

URLs in this post:

[1] *Fernando Ravsberg*: *http://cartasdesdecuba.com/*

[2] Image: *http://www.linkwithin.com/*



Cuba Can Learn from Chavez and Venezuela

Posted By Circles Robinson On October 9, 2012 @ 5:53 am In Lead
Articles,leftcol3,Opinion,Pedro Campos |

Pedro Campos

Hugo Chavez. Photo:http://www.presidencia.gob.ve

HAVANA TIMES — President Hugo Chavez has again won the presidential
elections in Venezuela. We of Cuba’s “Participative and Democratic
Socialism (SPD) platform congratulate the Venezuelan people, the United
Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and especially Comrade Hugo Chavez for
this victory.

In this triumph, the ideas of a new form of participative and democratic
socialism are focused on the solution to the problems that affect the

The recognition by the opposition of Chavez’s triumph left gasping for air
all those who aspired to create social chaos in which they hoped to destroy
the Venezuelan revolutionary process.

The president’s call for dialogue and “coexistence,” as well as his
recognition of the role of the opposition are new paradigmatic milestones
of the new form of socialism being sought.

Popular enthusiasm around the elections in Venezuela, both by Chavez
supporters and the opposition, shows that the democratic system of parties
has a place in the future of what some call “socialism of the 21st century”
and in today what’s being attempted in Venezuela.

For Cubans, Chavez’s victory is particularly important, given the ties we
have with his people the and the large amount of economic exchanges based
primarily on exchanges of medical and other types of services for
Venezuelan oil.

Cubans mustn’t respond to the process that has just taken place in
Venezuela only with our solidarity. We need to also draw from those
experiences and use them to continue radicalizing our own relatively
stagnant revolutionary process.

The Cuban Revolution began the second stage of the independence of “Our
America”; but today it is our responsibility to learn the way independence
is being best guaranteed by the
[1] peoples of Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia.

These countries have democratic processes, referenda, freedom of the press
and association, free access to social networking websites, respect for
different ways of thinking, recognition of the role of peaceful and
democratic opposition, the direct election of their presidents, new forms
of participation, community powers, the development of social enterprises
and cooperatives, and programs of direct assistance for the most needy.


Article printed from Havana Times.org: http://www.havanatimes.org

URL to article: http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=79946

URLs in this post:

[1] Bolivarian: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolivarian_Revolution

[2] Image: http://www.linkwithin.com/

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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