Sheriff Baca! Stop the ICE/Police Attacks!
 Stop repression on Mexicans/Chicanos!
Stop the Policy/Migra attacks of detentions and deportation against the 
Mexican/Chicano and Central American people!
March and Rally
December 10, 10 AM
Starts at Olvera St. La Placita.
March to LA Federal building to protest the Obama policy of deportations then 
march to the LA County Men’s Central Jail. Demand Sheriff Baca end SCOMM
SCOMM is the ICE program called Secure Communities that targets our community 
for detentions and deportation. The majority of people deported are Mexican 
migrants that were caught up in the system for minor infractions and detained 
by local police then put on ICE hold and deported. We are demanding an end to 
this insecure communities program we call SCOMM or Poli/Migra!
Stop the Attacks on the Mexican/Chicano and Central American People! 
Community Service Organization (213) 712-0370, (626) 532-7164
This is co-organized and endorsed by National Network for Human Rights, 
Hermandad MEXICANA, National Day Labors Organizing Network, Southern CA 
Immigration Coalition, IDEPSCA, Union del Barrio, SGV Dream Network, CHIRLA, 
Carwasheros Campaing, MAPA, Partido Nacional la Raza Unida, CARECEN, Committee 
to Stop FBI Repression, Fight Back News, and CLASE, to name a few, if you wish 
to endorse send a message.
Sheriff Baca! Alto a la Poli/Migra!
 Alto a la represión contra Mexicanos/Chicanos!
Alto a el  ataque de la Poli/Migra que detiene y deporta a la gente Mexicana y 
Centro Americana!
Marcha y Mitin 
10 de diciembre, 10 AM
Comienza en La Placita.
Marcha al edificio Federal para protestar la política de Obama de deportaciones 
y luego marchamos a la cárcel de LA Sheriffs de Baca, que apoya a SCOMM- la 
SCOMM es el programa de la MIGRA llamado Comunidades Seguras que ataca nuestra 
comunidad con detenciones y deportaciones. La mayor gente deportada son 
Mexicanos que fueron arrestados por delitos menores y mandados a La MIGRA para 
deportación! Estamos demandando al  Sheriff Baca, que ponga ALTO a “comunidades 
inseguras” o el Poli/Migra!
Organización Servicio a Comunidad (213) 712-0370, (626) 532-7164
Organizado por: Red Nacional de Derechos Humanos,  National Day Labors 
Organizing Network, Southern CA Inmigración Coalición, IDEPSCA, , Unión del 
Barrio, SGV Dream Network, CHIRLA, Carwasheros Campaing, MAPA, Partido Nacional 
la Raza Unida, CARECEN, Hermandad MEXICANA, Comité Alto Represión de FBI, Lucha 
y Resiste y  CLASE, para nombrar unos, si gusta apoyar llame.

Carlos Montes


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