
Please post your  immigrant action _calendar_ 
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/calendar/EventPublish.php)   items  
Fall 2012 National Immigrant  Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest and 
News  Alert! 
National Immigrant  Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant  Rights!
URL: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
e-mail:  _Info@ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
Information about the Network: _FLYER_ 
Washington D.C.: (202)595-8990
New York:  (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Chicago:  (773)942-2268

Every Donation  Counts! Please Support Us!  
Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity  Network/AFGJ

National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
(All  donations are tax deductible)

Fall 2012 U.S. Immigrant  Alert! Newsletter 
Published by National Immigrant  Solidarity Network 
Please Our  Newsletter: 
[Requires Adobe Acrobat, to download,  go: _http://www.adobe.com_ 
(http://www.adobe.com/) ]
_Subscribe  to Newsletter_ 
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Fall12NewsAlert.html#newsletter)  | 
_Please  Join Our E-Mail List_ 
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Fall12NewsAlert.html#email)  | _Please 
 Donate to 
Us!_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Fall12NewsAlert.html#donate)  | 
_Past  NISN Digests_ 
The Election Over! Where’s Our Change? Our  Demands to the President Obama 
at the Second Term! 
In This Issue: 
1) CCR Commentary 
3) NILC Commentary
4) Petition to Support  Sergio 
5) Latino voters in 2012 election 
6) New Mexico,  Border Election Highlights
7) LA council approves ID cards for  city residents
8) Anti-Latino Laws Ignite The South
9)  Updates, _Please  Support NISN!_ 
_Subscribe  the Newsletter!_ 
Please  download our latest newsletter: 

Hurricane Sandy, Obama's  Re-election, and the next 4 years 
Vince Warren - Center for Constitutional Rights (New York,  NY) 
Two big things happened in the last week, and they're both going to  
require our attention for the next four years and beyond: the national  
repudiated religious conservatives and handed Obama a second  term, and 
Hurricane Sandy destroyed many thousands of lives. 
Our allies in New Orleans and Haiti taught us the aftermath of a  disaster 
like Sandy will last a long, long time and have far-reaching  impact on 
things like public housing, privatization of government, and  civil and human 
rights. We need to look ahead to hold the government  accountable to a 
people's recovery that meets people's needs and is driven  by a people's agenda 
guided by the principles of human rights. 
Meanwhile, Obama's re-election means we need to hold the president  
accountable for the change we want to see. Here are the changes we will  keep 
fighting for in Obama's second term: 
    *   Close Guantanamo, and end torture through indefinite  detention. 
Repatriate or resettle the men the government does not intend  to prosecute, 
and provide fair trials for the rest  
    *   End the use of solitary confinement in prisons across the  country  
    *   End unlawful “targeted killings” and the expansion of the  
Orwellian “disposition matrix.” Acknowledge, investigate and provide  
for unlawful civilian killings  
    *   End the war in Afghanistan and pull all private military  
contractors out of Iraq and Afghanistan  
    *   Abandon the endless global war paradigm as the basis for  abusive 
national security policies and end the use of war force outside  of war zones 
    *   Investigate and prosecute former high-level U.S. officials who bear 
 responsibility for torture and war crimes committed in  Afghanistan, Iraq 
and the “black sites”  
    *   Provide medical treatment and compensation to people subjected to  
torture in U.S.-run detention facilities, including in Iraq and  Afghanistan 
as well as Guantánamo, and provide war reparations to  communities in Iraq 
and Afghanistan for harms done to the people and the  environment  
    *   End the persecution of whistleblowers and journalists like  Julian 
Assange, Wikileaks and Bradley Manning for protected First  Amendment 
    *   Increase transparency, sunshine and freedom of information in  
federal law enforcement and prisons and end overclassification of  unlawful or 
embarrassing government conduct  
    *   Stop the criminalization of dissent: end the stifling of  activist 
expression under the anti-free-speech National Defense  Authorization Act 
and the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and end  overbroad prosecutions for 
terrorism under material support laws  
    *   Stop the criminalization and profiling of communities based  on 
race and religion:end the devastating Secure Communities program that  destroys 
families and spreads fear in immigrant neighborhoods  
    *   End warrantless surveillance and stop the indiscriminate targeting  
and surveillance of Muslim, Middle Eastern, and South Asian communities  
under the guise of national security  
    *   Support human rights internationally: stop funding and training  
police and militaries abroad implicated in human rights abuses in places  like 
    *   Center women's equality in all policy and legislative initiatives  
concerning their bodily autonomy and right to health 
We know that we cannot rely on politicians or even the courts: only  people 
can make meaningful change. This is a critical time for all of us  to act 
to change the course of history and build a unified vision for a  society 
guided by human rights. Hope only gets you so far. Let's get to  work.   
Obama's 2nd Term Mandate: Immigration Reform   
National Immigration Law Cente 
CHICAGO – President Barack Obama has  won a second term, beating Republican 
challenger Governor Mitt Romney.  Latinos – the fastest growing voting bloc 
in the nation – provided crucial  votes to Obama in swing states. Asian 
Americans and other voters of color  also played a huge role in re-electing the 
President. Many voted for the  president’s re-election not simply to 
support his positions, but as a  rebuke to Romney’s harsh anti-immigrant 
Below is a  statement from Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the 
National  Immigration Law Center:

“Americans have voted for a more  inclusive country. Politicians on both 
sides of the aisle should finally  realize that they can no longer scapegoat 
Latinos, immigrants, and other  voters of color to score cheap political 
points among the xenophobic  segments of our community without paying a price 
the ballot box.  President Obama, like Harry Reid two years ago, shrewdly 
recognized that  his opponent’s harsh self-deportation policies about 
aspiring American  citizens would only serve to drive Latinos and Asian 
to vote  against extremism.

“As a result, the mandate for President Obama,  along with the newly 
elected members of Congress, should be clear: voters  want an immigration 
that treats aspiring citizens with dignity, and  provides a roadmap for those 
living and working here to integrate fully  into society.

“We fully recognize that one person cannot accomplish  immigration reform 
on his own. We expect President Obama to exert his  considerable leadership 
to replace a system that has for too long  shattered Latino and other 
immigrant families and for Congress to come to  the table. We will no longer 
tolerate status quo of record deportations  and aggressive detention policies, 
politicians on both sides of the  aisle should recognize that if they 
adhere to these draconian positions,  their political future is at risk. The 
demographic writing is on the wall:  Republicans and Democrats alike should 
begin working now toward creating  an inclusive society in the future, or risk 
losing the heart of future  American voters.”

The Obama Administration has an ambitious agenda,  and many of their 
policies will have a profound effect on immigrants’  lives. Here are a few of 
most important issues affecting immigrants  today:

- Immigration reform. Though President  Obama has reiterated his support 
for immigration reform to Univision and  the Des Moines Register, precious 
little has been said about how he would  achieve such reform. Immigrant 
families have suffered under record  breaking deportations; we must not allow 
detention and deportation  systems to continue to destroy immigrant 
communities simply because both  parties cannot agree on how best to create a 
roadmap to citizenship for  the men and women who are American in their hearts, 
if not by their  papers.

- Immigrant access to health care. The  Obama administration should 
continue to implement the Affordable Care Act  (ACA) in as robust a fashion as 
possible, and any effort to reform our  broken immigration system must protect 
access to existing affordable care  options for newly authorized immigrants. 
This includes repealing an  ill-advised rule excluding young immigrants 
granted a reprieve from  deportation under Deferred Action for Childhood 

-  Preventing family separation. Immigration and Customs  Enforcement 
agents should finally begin adhering to the memos issued by  the administration 
that outline when an individual should be allowed to  return to his or her 
family rather than undergo deportation proceedings.  Currently, many 
individuals who should not be deported under the guidance  are banished from 
United States, often leaving loved ones and children  behind.

- Promoting economic justice for all workers and  their families. Working 
immigrant families have the most to lose  under sequestration budget 
negotiations that will take place in the coming  months. President Obama and 
Congress must protect critical safety-net  programs, including the Child Tax 
and Supplemental Nutrition  Assistance Program (food stamps), which help 
lift millions of families out  of poverty each year.

- Promoting a level playing field for  all workers. Ensure that abusive 
employers don’t use immigration  status to thwart labor rights or to gain 
competitive advantage over  workers by vigorously enforcing the agreement 
the Department of  Labor and Department of Homeland Security to ensure that 
workplace  immigrant apprehension and detention doesn’t undermine labor 
standards  enforcement. 
Please download our latest  newsletter: 

Past NISN News Letters 
_Spring  2012_ 
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Spring12NewsAlert.html)  | _Summer  
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Summer12NewsAlert.html)  | 
_Winter  2011_ 
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Winter11NewsAlert.html)  | _Summer  
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Summer11NewsAlert.html)  | _Fall  
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Fall11NewsAlert.html)  | _November  
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Nov11NewsAlert.html)  | _Spring  2011_ 
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Spring12NewsAlert.html)  | 
_September  - October 2009_ 
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Sep-Oct09NewsAlert.html)  | _Spring  
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Spring10NewsAlert.html)  | _Fall  
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Fall10NewsAlert.html)  | 
_October-Novermber  10_ 
_May  - June 2009_ 
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/May-June09NewsAlert.html)  | _March  - 
April 2009_ 
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/March-April09NewsAlert.html)  | 
_January  - February 2009_ 
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Jan-Feb09NewsAlert.html)  | _November  
- December 
2008_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/News/Nov-Dec08NewsAlert.html) 

Useful Immigrant Resources  on Detention and Deportation 
Face Sheet: _Immigration  Detention--Questions and Answers_ 
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/Documents/detq&aflier.pdf)  (Dec, 2008) by: 

Thanks for GREAT works from Detention Watch  Network (DWN) to compiled the 
following information, please visit DWN  website: 
_http://www.detentionwatchnetwork.org_ (http://www.detentionwatchnetwork.org/)  
_Tracking  ICE's Enforcement Agenda_ 
_Real  Deal fact sheet on detention_ 
_Real  Deal fact sheet on border_ 
- _From  Raids to Deportation-A Community Resource Kit_ 
- Know Your Rights in  the Community (_English_ 
lish.pdf) ,  _Spanish_ 
-  _Know  Your Rights in Detention_ 
- _Pre-Raid  Community Safety Plan_ 
- _Raids  to Deportation Map_ 
- _Raids  to Deportation Policy Map_ 

More on  Immigration Resource Page
Useful Handouts and Know Your Immigrant  Rights When Marches  

Immigrant Marches / Marchas de los Inmigrantes 

_Acerca de  la Union Americana de Libertades  Civiles_ 

Immigrants and their supporters are participating in marches all over  the 
country to protest proposed national legislation and to seek justice  for 
immigrants. The materials available here provide important information  about 
the rights and risks involved for anyone who is planning to  participate in 
the ongoing marches. 
If government agents question you, it is important to understand your  
rights. You should be careful in the way you speak when approached by the  
police, FBI, or INS. If you give answers, they can be used against you in  a 
criminal, immigration, or civil case. 
The ACLU's publications below provide effective and useful guidance in  
several languages for many situations. The brochures apprise you of your  legal 
rights, recommend how to preserve those rights, and provide guidance  on 
how to interact with officials. 
_Know Your Rights When Encountering Law Enforcement_ 
|  _Conozca Sus Derechos Frente A Los Agentes Del Orden  Público_ 

ACLU of Massachusetts - Your Rights And  Responsibilities If You Are 
Contacted By The Authorities _English_ (http://www.aclum.org/pdf/bustcard.pdf)  
_Spanish_ (http://www.aclu-nj.org/downloads/BustcardSpanish.pdf)  |  
_Chinese_ (http://www.aclum.org/pdf/bustcard.pdf)  

ACLU of  Massachusetts - _What to do  if stopped and questioned about your 
immigration status on the street, the  subway, or the bus_ 
| _Que  hacer si Usted es interrogado en el tren o autobus acerca de su 
estatus  inmigratorio_ 

ACLU of South Carolina - _How  To Deal With A 287(g)_ 
| _Como  Lidiar Con Una 287(g)_ 

ACLU of Southern California - _What to Do If Immigration Agents or Police 
Stop You While on  Foot, in Your Car, or Come to Your Home_ 
| _Qué Hacer Si Agentes de Inmigración o la Policía lo  Paran Mientras Va 
Caminando, lo Detienen en su Auto o Vienen a su  Hogar_ 

ACLU of Washington - Brochure for Iraqis: What to  Do If the FBI or Police 
Contact You for Questioning _English_ 
(http://www.aclu-wa.org/detail.cfm?id=200)  | _Arabic_ 

ACLU of  Washington - _Your  Rights at Checkpoints at Ferry Terminals_ 
| _Sus  Derechos en Puestos de Control en las Terminales de  
_Immigrant Protests - What Every Worker Should Know:  _ 
| _Manifestaciones de los Inmigrantes - Lo Que Todo  Trabajador Debe Saber_ 
ACLU of Florida Brochure - _The Rights of Protesters_ 
| _Los Derechos de los Manifestantes_ 
Washington State - _Student Walkouts and Political Speech at School_ 
| _Huelgas Estudiantiles y Expresión Política en las  Escuelas_ 

_California Students: Public School Walk-outs and Free  Speech_ 
| _Estudiantes de California: Marchas o Huelgas y La  Libertad de Expresión 
en las Escuelas Públicas_ 


Please  Subscribe to the US Immigration Alert Newsletter!
A Monthly Newsletter from National Immigrant  Solidarity Network
1 year subscription rate (12 issues) is $35.00
It  will help us pay for the printing costs, as well as funding for the 
NISN  projects (additional donations to the NISN is tax  deductible!)

Check pay to:  NISN/AFGJ
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box  751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751  
Please Join Our  Mailing Lists!

- Daily email update:
The National  Immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv
to join, visit web:  _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 
or  send e-mail to: _isn-subscr...@lists.riseup.net
_ (mailto:isn-subscr...@lists.riseup.net) 

-  Regional listservs:
Asian American Labor Activism Alert!  Listserv
send-e-mail to: _api-la-subscribe@lists.riseup.net_ 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la
_ (http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la) 
New  York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania areas immigrant workers 
 information and alerts 
send e-mail to: _nyc-immigrantalert-subscribe@lists.riseup.net_ 
(mailto:nyc-immigrantalert-subscr...@lists.riseup.net)   or e-mail request to: 
_info@immigrantsolidarity.org_ (mailto:i...@immigrantsolidarity.org) 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 
Virginia state-wide immigrant organizing E-mail  list
send- e-mail to: _va-immigrantrights-subscribe@lists.riseup.net_ 
or visit: _https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/va-immigrantrights_ 

US-Mexico  Border Information: No Militarization of Borders! Support 
Immigrant  Rights! 
send e-mail to: _Border01-subscribe@yahoogroups.com_ 
or visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 
Immigrant Deportation and Detention Alert!
send  e-mail to: _isn-deportees-subscribe@lists.riseup.net_ 
Chicago/Midwest/Great Lake Region Immigrant  List
send e-mail to: _chicago-immigrantrights@lists.riseup.net_ 
or  visit: _https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/chicago-immigrantrights_ 

Please Donate to National Immigrant Solidarity  Network!
All Donations Are Tax Deductible!
Make check payable to NISN/AFGJ  and it will be tax deductible! Send your 
check to:
National Immigrant  Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA  91031-0751
Los Angeles, California 90048
____ $100.00 ____ $  50.00 ____ $ 35.00 ____ Other Amount $___________
($35 or more will  receive 1 year free subscriptions of the Immigration 
Alert! Newsletter  Print Edition) 
Every Donation Counts! Please Support Us!   


National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No  Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
e-mail:  _info@ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles:  (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.: (202)595-8990
Chicago:  (773)942-2268

* join the immigrant Solidarity Network daily  news litserv, send e-mail 
to: isn-subscr...@lists.riseup.net  

Please consider making a donation to the important work of National  
Immigrant Solidarity Network

Send check pay to:
National  Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
(All  donations are tax deductible)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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