All who oppose Fascism, or as Musolinni stated he should have more
properly called it, Corporatism, which is what it does in action, protects
Corporations and Capitalists from not only the citizens at home but the
force of the state uses it abroad, all who oppose Fascism, strikes terror
in the heart of the Authoritarians, and are labels Terrorists.

Do not question them, give them all your labors and do not expect a living
wage in exchange for your labors, and send your children abroad to secure
the goods that give us the life style we are accustomed to.

It's interesting how this articles states Fascism has never caught on in
the West, but Corporatism and Capitalism are our rallying cries.
Orwellianisms in abundance.



Fascism is a totalitarian economic and political ideology that arose in
early twentieth-century Europe and came to dominate the social and
political systems of Italy under Benito Mussolini and Germany under Adolf
Hitler. Fascism was primarily statist in nature, relying on big government
solutions and "crony capitalism", and openly hostile towards conventional
religion. Fascism was influential in Portugal as well, and had followers
in most European countries and in Argentina. The last regime that had some
fascist elements, that of Francisco Franco in Spain, came to an end in
The name "fascism" derives from an ancient Roman symbol, the fasces, a
group of birch rods bundled together with an axe. It symbolizes strength
in unity; the rods are weak by themselves but strong when bundled
together. Historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. has stated,
“      The Fascists were not conservative in any very meaningful sense. They
did not wish to preserve the existing order, or even to turn back the
clock to some more stable century. They purposefully planned to transform
the existing order into a new and all-absorbing authoritarianism, based
upon the energies and frustrations of modern industrialism. The Fascists,
in a meaningful sense, were revolutionaries.[1]  ”

Contents [hide]
1 Beliefs
2 Examples
3 Inspiration for the New Deal
3.1 National Recovery Administration
3.2 Agricultrual Adjustment Administration
3.3 Admiration for Mussolini and Hitler
3.4 Fascist means to liberal ends
4 World War II Era
5 Modern Times
6 See Also
7 Further reading
8 References

Fascists believe that all actions should be done for the good of the
state; they reject classical liberalism, which upholds the rights of the
individual. Fascism ignores or rejects Christianity, though some fascist
leaders such as Franco have exploited organized religion for political
gain. This definition extends to economic policy as well, with government
and business made to work together for this end. This is called
Characteristics of fascism include a belief that the state is more
important than the individual; a leaning towards authoritarian government
and violence; preference for centralized economic planning; an emphasis on
nationalism and national traditions; militarism; information control and
censorship; media propagation of the Great Leader which demonizes and
trivializes his critics; and a rejection of both free enterprise and
Socialism in favor of corporatist economic policies.
Fascist regimes have pushed their agendas by concentrating on a
"scapegoat"--typically a group that is deemed to be foreign in origin or
beliefs or both. Examples include the vehement Nazi attack on the Jews and
Gypsies and the campaigns waged by several fascist regimes against
Freemasonry. The characteristics of fascism also include rampant cronyism
and corruption, as well as rigged elections and a general disdain for
human rights.[2]

The prototypical fascist regime was that of Benito Mussolini, who ruled
Italy from 1922 to 1943. Other regimes which included corporatist elements
are those of Francisco Franco in Spain (1936-1975) and Antonio Salazar in
Portugal (1932-1968). German Nazism referred to government mandated
corporatist entities as industrial cartels and added an obsession with
race. Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek observed in the final stages of
World War II, "the rise of fascism and Marxism was not a reaction against
the socialist trends of the preceding period but a necessary outcome of
those tendencies. Yet it is significant that many of the leaders of these
movements, from Mussolini down (and including Laval and Quisling) began as
socialists and ended as fascists or Nazis. [3]
Inspiration for the New Deal

Main article: New Deal
Italian Premier Benito Mussolini was convinced that the New Deal was
copying Fascist economic policies.[4] Nazi Minister of Economics Hjalmar
Schacht declared that President Franklin Roosevelt had the same economic
idea as Hitler and Mussolini;[5] the official Nazi Party organ,
Völkischer Beobachter, applauded “Roosevelt’s adoption of National
Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies.”[6]
Hitler expressed admiration for FDR’s approach, saying, “I have [7]
sympathy with President Roosevelt because he marches straight toward his
objective over Congress, over lobbies, over stubborn bureaucracies.”
FDR's Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes conceded that “what we were
doing in this country were some of the things that were being done in
Russia and even some of the things that were being [8] in Germany. But we
were doing them in an orderly way.”
The Italian Fascist Party program, first promulgated in 1919, demanded
“Suppression of incorporated joint-stock companies, industrial or
financial. Suppression of all speculation by banks and stock exchanges,”
and “Control and taxation of private wealth. Confiscation of
unproductive income.”[9] The Fascists called this economic system
corporativismo (corporativism). As UCLA international relations and
political science professor Herbert Steiner observed in 1938, “So
substantial are the limitations under which private property and capital
are exercised in Italy, that the conception of ‘capitalism’ is
avowedly destroyed and replaced by corporativismo.”[10]
National Recovery Administration
Main article: National Recovery Administration
The centerpiece of the New Deal was the National Industrial Recovery Act
(NIRA) of 1933, which was “similar to experiments being carried out by
the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in Italy and by the Nazis in Adolf
Hitler's Germany,” according to John A. Garraty, [11] of the Society of
American Historians.[12] NIRA established the National Recovery
Administration (NRA), “the New Deal’s attempt to bring to America the
substance of Mussolini’s corporativism.”[13] As one NRA study
concluded, “The Fascist principles are very similar to those which have
been evolving in America and so are of particular interest at this
Just as Mussolini “organized each trade or industrial group or
professional group into a state supervised trade association” that
“operated under state supervision and could plan production, quality,
prices, distribution, labor standards, etc.,”[15] the NRA “forced
virtually all American industry, manufacturing, and retail business into
cartels possessing the power to set prices and wages, and to [16] dictate
the levels of production.”
U.S. Ambassador to Italy Breckinridge Long wrote to Roosevelt’s economic
advisor Rexford Tugwell, “Your mind runs along these lines
[corporativism]… It may have some bearing on the code work under
N.R.A.”[17] Tugwell, the “most prominent of the Brain Trusters and the
man often considered the chief ideologist[18] of the ‘first New Deal’
(roughly, 1933–34),” said, “I find Italy doing many of the things
which seem to me necessary…. Mussolini certainly has the same people
opposed to him as FDR has. But he has the press controlled so that they
cannot scream lies at him daily.”[19]
As head of the NRA and thus “FDR’s leading bureaucrat,”[20] the
President appointed[21] General Hugh Johnson, who was granted “almost
unlimited powers over industry.” [22] According to economist Thayer
Watkins (who teaches economic history[23] at California’s San José
State University), Johnson was “an admirer of Mussolini’s National
Corporatist system[24] in Italy and he drew upon the Italian experience in
formulating the New Deal.” Walker F. Todd, research fellow at the
American Institute for Economic Research, agrees that Johnson “did
admire greatly what Mussolini appeared to have done,” and identifies the
NRA as a “thoroughly corporativist” [25] idea.
Johnson was said to carry around with him a copy of Raffaello Viglione’s
pro-Mussolini book,[26] The Corporate State[27], even presenting a copy to
Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins.[28] In his 1934 retirement speech, he
invoked what he called the “shining name” of Mussolini.[29] According
to Jonah Goldberg, Johnson displayed a portrait of ‘’Il Duce’’ in
his NRA office and actually “distributed a memo at the Democratic
Convention proposing that FDR become a Mussolini-like dictator.”[30]
Agricultrual Adjustment Administration
Main article : Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Roosevelt appointed Johnson’s former business partner George Peek to
head the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA). Both men had
“worked with the War Industries Board, the agency that regulated
American production during World War I, and they believed their experience
of managing an economy almost totally sealed off from the world market
would suit the country now.”[31] They had long advocated a policy of
expanding tariffs to keep foreign agricultural products out of the United
States,[32] a policy that would have again rendered the U.S. economy
“almost totally sealed off from the world market”[33]—a fair
approximation of “ autarky,”[34] an economic policy particularly but
not exclusively “associated with Nazi economic organization.” [35]
Admiration for Mussolini and Hitler
The New York Times reported that the mood in Washington in 1933 was
“strangely reminiscent of Rome in the first weeks after the march of the
Blackshirts, of Moscow at the beginning of the Five-Year Plan... America
today literally asks for orders.” The Roosevelt administration, reported
the Times, “envisages a federation of industry, labor and government
after the fashion of the corporative State as it exists in Italy.”[36]
Roosevelt privately found Mussolini "admirable," writing to his personal
friend John Lawrence, "I don't mind telling you in confidence, that I am
keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman." [37]
FDR also wrote to U.S. Ambassador to Italy Breckinridge Long about
Mussolini, "I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has
accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy and
seeking to prevent general European trouble." [38]
Hitler likewise expressed "admiration" for Roosevelt's economic policies,
and said he was in accord with" Roosevelt's "moral demand," which he
identified as the "quintessence of German philosophy of the State," as he
wrote in a letter[39] to U.S. Ambassador to Germany William Dodd.
Fascist means to liberal ends
George Soule, editor of the pro-Roosevelt New Republic magazine, wrote in
his 1934 book The Coming American Revolution,[40] "We are trying out the
economics of Fascism without having suffered all its social or political
ravages." In the North American Review in 1934, the progressive writer
Roger Shaw described the New Deal as “Fascist means to gain liberal
World War II Era

Fascism as an ideological theory was comprehensively discredited in the
eyes of most Westerners because of the defeat of the Axis powers in World
War II.
Modern Times

"Fascist" is today frequently used as a term of abuse both on the left and
on the right against one's political opponents. While few people are
willing to describe themselves as fascists or endorse the fascist regimes
of the past, fascist parties and parties descended from fascist parties
(such as the Alleanza Nazionale in Italy) continue to be a minor force in
European politics. Fascism seems not to flourish in countries with an
Anglo-centric heritage: America, Australia and Canada have never had
significant fascist movements. The British Union of Fascists was never an
important force in British politics, although it was significant enough
for the government to consider its leader, Sir Oswald Mosley, dangerous
enough to intern during the war.
See Also

Further reading

Eatwell, Roger. Fascism: A History. (1996). 432 pp.
Laqueur, Walter. Fascism: Past, Present, Future. (1996). 245 pp.
Payne, Stanley G. A History of Fascism, 1914-1945. U. of Wisconsin Press,
1995. 613 pp. the standard history, by a leading conservative historian

↑ Not Right, Not Left, But a Vital Center, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.,
New York Times Magazine, April 4, 1948.
↑ Dr. Lawrence Britt "Fascism Anyone?," Free Inquiry, Spring 2003, page 20
↑ Friedrich A. Hayek, Road to Serfdom, Reader's Digest Condensed
Version, April 1945, pg. 31 - 32.
↑ Stanley G. Payne, A History of Fascism, 1914-1945’’ (University of
Wisconsin Press, 1996) ISBN 0299148742, p. 230
↑ William E. Leuchtenburg, ‘’Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New
Deal’’ (Harper & Row, 1963), p. 203
↑ Wolfgang Schivelbusch, ‘’Three New Deals: Reflections on
Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany,
1933-1939’’ (Macmillan, 2006) ISBN 080507452X, p. 19
↑ [1],
↑ done under Hitler
↑ Count Carlo Sforza,’’Contemporary Italy - Its Intellectual and
Moral Origins (Read Books, 2007) ISBN 1406760307), pp. 295-296
↑ H. Arthur Steiner, ‘’Government in Fascist Italy’’
(McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1938), p. 92
↑ past president
↑ John Arthur Garraty, ‘’The American Nation’’, 4th ed., vol. 2
(Harper & Row, 1979) ISBN 0060422696, p. 656
↑ Leonard Peikoff, ‘’The Ominous Parallels’’ (Stein and Day,
1982) ISBN 081282850X, p. 293
↑ Janet C. Wright, "Capital and Labor Under Fascism," National Archives,
Record Group 9, Records of the National Recovery Administration,Special
Research and Planning Reports and Memoranda, 1933-35, Entry 31, Box 3
↑ John T. Flynn, ‘’The Roosevelt Myth’’ (The Devin-Adair
Company, 1948) pp. 42-43
↑ [2]
↑ Long to Tugwell, May 16, 1934, Breckinridge Long Papers, Box 111,
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress)
↑ FDR — The Man, the Leader, the Legacy, Part 11 by Ralph Raico,
Future of Freedom Foundation, February 2001.
↑ Jonah Goldberg, ‘’Liberal Fascism: the Secret History of the
American Left, from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning (Random House,
Inc., 2008) ISBN 0385511841, p.156
↑ Hugh Samuel Johnson, Arlington National Cemetery Website.
↑ General Hugh Johnson, Vanity Fair.
↑ NEW LAW IS ANTICIPATED; President Telephones Associate of Baruch of
His Selection. ANSWER AWAITS PASSAGE As Administrator, He Would Have Under
Roosevelt Vast Powers Over Business. LEADER IN DRAFTING BILL Plans Made to
Put Measure in Operation Within Week After It Is Enacted. JOHNSON CHOSEN
INDUSTRY CHIEF, The Associated Press, May 19, 1933.
↑ Thayer Watkins, Ph.D, San Jose State University.
↑ The Economic System of Corporatism, Thayer Watkins, San José State
↑ The Federal Reserve Board and the Rise of the Corporate State,
1931-1934, Walter F. Todd, Economic Education Bulletin, Great Barrington,
Massachusetts (ISSN 0424–2769) (USPS 167–360),
↑ ‘’
↑ Frances Perkins, ‘’The Roosevelt I Knew’’ (The Viking press,
1946) p. 206. Socialist (Kent Worcester, ‘’C.L.R. James: A Political
Biography’’ [SUNY Press, 1995] ISBN 079142751X, p. 175) George Rawich
wrote that Perkins told him Johnson gave each member of the Cabinet a book
by Fascist theoretician Giovanni Gentile, “and we all read it with great
care.” Schivelbusch suggests the book was actually Mussolini advisor
Fausto Pitigliani’s ‘’The Italian Corporativist State.’’
(‘’Three New Deals’’, p. 203, n. 28)
↑ Arthur Meier Schlesinger, ‘’The coming of the New Deal,
1933-1935’’ (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2003) ISBN 0618340866, p. 153
↑ Eric Rauchway, ‘’The Great Depression & the New Deal: A Very Short
Introduction’’ (Oxford University Press, 2008) ISBN 0195326342, p. 76
↑ William J. Barber , ‘’From New Era to New Deal: Herbert Hoover,
the Economists, and American Economic Policy, 1921-1933’’ (Cambridge
University Press, 1989) ISBN 0521367379, p. 50
↑ Neil Vousden, ‘’The Economics of Trade Protection’’ (Cambridge
University Press, 1990) ISBN 052134669X, p. 91
↑ David F. Schmitz, The United States and fascist Italy, 1922-1940
[University of North Carolina Press, 1988 ISBN 080781766X, p. 139)
↑ F.D.R., His Personal Letters, Vol. 3 [Ed. Elliott Roosevelt] [Duell,
Sloan and Pearce, 1947], p. 352.
↑ George Soule, The Coming American Revolution, p. 294.
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