Hi, I'm getting ready for trial and need your back up! Sign the new petition to 
DA, see short video of me for people that may not know about me, and call the 
DA day! Easy reading and clicking below, lol!

Carlos Montes 

-- Please sign our NEW petition in support of Carlos Montes.
-- Check out the new Carlos Montes video.

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View it in your browser. 

Please sign the new petition to
"Drop the charges against Carlos Montes!"
Send a message to Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley!

Carlos Montes urgently needs your solidarity! Please sign our petition hosted 
at the IAC site. Share it with your family, friends and co-workers. Signing the 
petition will generate a direct email to District Attorney Cooley, demanding he 
drop the charges against Carlos Montes. So even if you signed our old petition, 
please sign this one and get your message to D.A. Cooley. (Go to the bottom of 
this email to read the petition text)
Carlos Montes goes on trial Tuesday, May 15-22, 2012 because District Attorney 
Steve Cooley is moving forward with the FBI-initiated political prosecution 
against this long time veteran Chicano leader and anti-war, labor and immigrant 
rights activist. Along with the FBI, District Attorney Steve Cooley is 
attempting to imprison Carlos Montes on charges stemming from 42 years ago, 
when he led a Chicano student strike at East L.A. College to demand Chicano 
Steve Cooley is the official face of political repression, targeting Carlos 
Montes in an attempt to imprison him for over 5 years. The trial of Carlos 
Montes is designed to repress our movements for peace, justice, equality and 
freedom. Now is the time! The stakes are high! We can win through solidarity!
Click here to sign the petition today.

Check out this great new video
featuring Carlos Montes
Click here to see the video!

If you haven't done so yet...

Call Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley
starting Monday, May 7, 8:30 a.m. Pacific Time
Sample call:
“Hello, my name is _________ and I am calling from __________. I want District 
Attorney Steve Cooley to drop all charges against Carlos Montes. He is being 
framed by the FBI because of his political activism for peace, justice, and 
equality. Drop the charges now!”

Text of online petition in support of Carlos Montes

To: Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley
cc: President Barack Obama, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Vice President 
Biden, DOJ Inspector General Fine, the Senate and House Judiciary Committees, 
Congressional Leaders, the Congressional Black Caucus, U.N. Secy Gen Ban, and 
members of the media
** Drop All Charges against Carlos Montes and stop the trial NOW!
Carlos Montes is a long-time Chicano activist in Los Angeles. He is a leader in 
the anti-war & immigrant rights movements. He plays an important role in the 
movement against Arizona’s SB1070 and other anti-immigrant laws in the U.S.
Carlos Montes is facing multiple felony charges because the FBI claims he is a 
felon in violation of firearm codes. The FBI claim stems from a 1969 student 
strike for Black, Chicano, and Women’s studies at East L.A. College, where 
police beat and arrested demonstrators. Carlos was arrested on his way home 
from the protest, accused of assaulting a sheriff’s deputy (with an empty soda 
can). This charge was sentenced as a misdemeanor according to a recent court 
The prosecution's case against Carlos Montes is being based on this 42-year-old 
misdemeanor, disguising it as a bogus felony. Without a past felony, all of the 
charges Montes is facing, relating to his legally purchased firearms, would be 
dismissed. Both sides agree that no prison time whatsoever was served in the 
1969 incident. The legal process is being driven by something other than the 
facts of the case. It is political repression.
Montes is the target of government repression and the FBI’s dirty tricks due to 
his activism. When the FBI raided several Midwest homes and served subpoenas on 
September 24, 2010, Carlos Montes’ name was listed on the FBI search warrant 
for the Anti-War Committee office in Minneapolis - the organizing center to 
protest the 2008 Republican National Convention, where Carlos participated.
Eight months after the Midwest raids, on May 17, 2011, the L.A. Sheriffs broke 
down Carlos’ door, arrested him, and ransacked his home. They took political 
documents, a computer, cell phones and activist meeting notes having nothing to 
do with the charges. The FBI attempted to question Montes while he was 
handcuffed in a squad car, regarding the case of the 23 Midwest anti-war and 
solidarity activists.
These actions constitute unconstitutional political repression and suppression 
of free speech.
Drop the charges against Carlos Montes. Stop the trial NOW!

 follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend  

Copyright © 2012 Committee to Stop FBI Repression, All rights reserved. 
Thanks for your ongoing interest in the fight against FBI repression of 
anti-war and international solidarity activists! 
Our mailing address is: 

Committee to Stop FBI Repression 
PO Box 14183
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Add us to your address book




Carlos Montes 

-- Please sign our NEW petition in support of Carlos Montes.
-- Check out the new Carlos Montes video.

Is this email not displaying correctly?
View it in your browser. 

Please sign the new petition to
"Drop the charges against Carlos Montes!"
Send a message to Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley!

Carlos Montes urgently needs your solidarity! Please sign our petition hosted 
at the IAC site. Share it with your family, friends and co-workers. Signing the 
petition will generate a direct email to District Attorney Cooley, demanding he 
drop the charges against Carlos Montes. So even if you signed our old petition, 
please sign this one and get your message to D.A. Cooley. (Go to the bottom of 
this email to read the petition text)
Carlos Montes goes on trial Tuesday, May 15-22, 2012 because District Attorney 
Steve Cooley is moving forward with the FBI-initiated political prosecution 
against this long time veteran Chicano leader and anti-war, labor and immigrant 
rights activist. Along with the FBI, District Attorney Steve Cooley is 
attempting to imprison Carlos Montes on charges stemming from 42 years ago, 
when he led a Chicano student strike at East L.A. College to demand Chicano 
Steve Cooley is the official face of political repression, targeting Carlos 
Montes in an attempt to imprison him for over 5 years. The trial of Carlos 
Montes is designed to repress our movements for peace, justice, equality and 
freedom. Now is the time! The stakes are high! We can win through solidarity!
Click here to sign the petition today.

Check out this great new video
featuring Carlos Montes
Click here to see the video!

If you haven't done so yet...

Call Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley
starting Monday, May 7, 8:30 a.m. Pacific Time
Sample call:
“Hello, my name is _________ and I am calling from __________. I want District 
Attorney Steve Cooley to drop all charges against Carlos Montes. He is being 
framed by the FBI because of his political activism for peace, justice, and 
equality. Drop the charges now!”

Text of online petition in support of Carlos Montes

To: Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley
cc: President Barack Obama, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Vice President 
Biden, DOJ Inspector General Fine, the Senate and House Judiciary Committees, 
Congressional Leaders, the Congressional Black Caucus, U.N. Secy Gen Ban, and 
members of the media
** Drop All Charges against Carlos Montes and stop the trial NOW!
Carlos Montes is a long-time Chicano activist in Los Angeles. He is a leader in 
the anti-war & immigrant rights movements. He plays an important role in the 
movement against Arizona’s SB1070 and other anti-immigrant laws in the U.S.
Carlos Montes is facing multiple felony charges because the FBI claims he is a 
felon in violation of firearm codes. The FBI claim stems from a 1969 student 
strike for Black, Chicano, and Women’s studies at East L.A. College, where 
police beat and arrested demonstrators. Carlos was arrested on his way home 
from the protest, accused of assaulting a sheriff’s deputy (with an empty soda 
can). This charge was sentenced as a misdemeanor according to a recent court 
The prosecution's case against Carlos Montes is being based on this 42-year-old 
misdemeanor, disguising it as a bogus felony. Without a past felony, all of the 
charges Montes is facing, relating to his legally purchased firearms, would be 
dismissed. Both sides agree that no prison time whatsoever was served in the 
1969 incident. The legal process is being driven by something other than the 
facts of the case. It is political repression.
Montes is the target of government repression and the FBI’s dirty tricks due to 
his activism. When the FBI raided several Midwest homes and served subpoenas on 
September 24, 2010, Carlos Montes’ name was listed on the FBI search warrant 
for the Anti-War Committee office in Minneapolis - the organizing center to 
protest the 2008 Republican National Convention, where Carlos participated.
Eight months after the Midwest raids, on May 17, 2011, the L.A. Sheriffs broke 
down Carlos’ door, arrested him, and ransacked his home. They took political 
documents, a computer, cell phones and activist meeting notes having nothing to 
do with the charges. The FBI attempted to question Montes while he was 
handcuffed in a squad car, regarding the case of the 23 Midwest anti-war and 
solidarity activists.
These actions constitute unconstitutional political repression and suppression 
of free speech.
Drop the charges against Carlos Montes. Stop the trial NOW!

 follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend  

Copyright © 2012 Committee to Stop FBI Repression, All rights reserved. 
Thanks for your ongoing interest in the fight against FBI repression of 
anti-war and international solidarity activists! 
Our mailing address is: 

Committee to Stop FBI Repression 
PO Box 14183
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Add us to your address book




[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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