Please read this article in Fight Back News from the Committee to Stop FBI 
Repression, on the one year anniversary of the FBI raids on anti war activists, 
and my upcoming court preliminary hearing on September 29, in LA.

Carlos Montes

Build the movement against political repression
One year since the September 24 FBI raids and Grand Jury subpoenas 

By Committee to Stop FBI Repression

The Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR) is asking you to build the movement 
against political repression on the one-year anniversary of the Sept. 24, 2010 
FBI raids on anti-war and international solidarity activists. We need your 
continued solidarity as we build movements for peace, justice and equality.
The storm of political repression continues to expand and threaten. It is 
likely to intensify and churn into a destructive force with indictments, 
trials, and attempts to imprison anti-war activists. The last we knew, U.S. 
Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald was preparing multiple indictments as he and 
Attorney General Eric Holder attempt to criminalize the targeted activists and 
the movements to which we dedicate our lives.
It is one year since the FBI raided two homes in Chicago and five homes plus 
the Anti-War Committee office in Minneapolis, eventually handing out 23 
subpoenas. The anti-war activists’ homes were turned upside down and notebooks, 
cell phones, artwork, computers, passports and personal belongings were all 
carted off by the FBI. Anyone who has ever been robbed knows the feelings - 
shock and anger.
The man responsible for this assault on activists and their families, on free 
speech and the right to organize, is U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald in 
Chicago. Fitzgerald has an ugly record of getting powerful Republicans like 
Dick Cheney and Karl Rove off the hook, while mercilessly pursuing an agenda to 
scare America into silence and submission with the phony ‘war on terror.’ 
Fitzgerald is attempting to criminalize anti-war activists with accusations of 
‘material support for terrorism,’ involving groups in Palestine and Colombia.
First the U.S. government targeted Arabs and Muslims, violating their civil 
rights and liberties and spying on them. Then they came for the anti-war and 
international solidarity activists. We refuse to be criminalized. We continue 
to speak out and organize. We say, “Opposing U.S. war and occupation is not a 
crime!” We are currently building a united front with groups and movements to 
defeat Fitzgerald’s reactionary, fear mongering assault on anti-war activism 
and to restore civil liberties taken away by the undemocratic USA PATRIOT Act.
Many people know the developments in the case, but for those who do not, we 
invite you to read a timeline at We think the repression centers 
on this: During the lead up to the Republican National Convention in Saint 
Paul, Minnesota, a federal law enforcement officer, using the phony name of 
“Karen Sullivan” got involved and joined the Anti-War Committee and Freedom 
Road Socialist Organization in Minneapolis. She lied to everyone she met and 
helped the FBI to disrupt many activities in the anti-war, international 
solidarity and labor movements in Minnesota - and also other states and even 
over in Palestine. It is outrageous.
In fact, many of those being investigated travelled to Colombia or Palestine to 
learn firsthand about U.S. government funding for war and oppression. There was 
no money given to any groups that the U.S. government lists as terrorist 
organizations. However, we met people who are a lot like most Americans - 
students, community organizers, religious leaders, trade unionists, women’s 
group leaders and activists much like ourselves. Many of the U.S. activists 
wrote about their trips, did educational events, or helped organized protests 
against U.S. militarism and war. In a increasingly repressive period, this is 
enough to make one a suspect in Fitzgerald’s office.
This struggle is far from one-sided however. The response to the FBI raids and 
the pushback from the movement is tremendous. Minneapolis and Chicago 
immediately organized a number of press conferences and rallies with hundreds 
of people. Over the first two weeks after the raids, 60 cities protested 
outside FBI offices, from New York to Kalamazoo, from traveled to the Bay Area. 
The National Lawyers Guild convention was in New Orleans the day of the FBI 
raids and they immediately issued a solidarity statement and got to work on the 
case. Solidarity poured in from anti-war, civil rights, religious and faith 
groups, students and unions. Groups and committees began working to obtain 
letters of support from members of Congress. The solidarity was overwhelming. 
It was great!
It is possible that U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald thought he was picking on an 
isolated group of activists. Instead, those raided proved to have many friends 
and allies from decades of work for social justice and peace. Over the months, 
all the targeted activists refused to appear at the grand jury dates set by 
U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald’s office. In November 2010, a large crew of us 
traveled to New York City to found the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, after 
the United National Antiwar Committee meeting.
In December 2010, U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald’s office called in three of the 
Minnesota women and threatened them. We prepared a campaign in case they were 
jailed for refusing to speak. The FBI also delivered subpoenas to nine more 
Arab-American and Palestine solidarity activists in December. Their grand jury 
date was on Jan. 25, 2011, and we organized protests in over 70 American 
cities, plus a few overseas. The movement was building and expanding, so we 
organized conferences with over 800 participants in the Midwest, the South, and 
on the East and West Coasts. While we were organizing a pushback, the FBI was 
making new plans.
On May 17, 2011, at 5:00 a.m., the Los Angeles, California Sheriff, under the 
direction of the FBI, busted down the front door of Chicano leader Carlos 
Montes, storming in with automatic weapons drawn and shouting. The early 
morning raid was supposedly about weapons and permits, but they seized decades 
of notes and writings about the Chicano, immigrant rights, education rights and 
anti-war movements. The FBI attempted to question Carlos Montes while he was 
handcuffed and in the back of a L.A. sheriff squad car. Montes is going to 
another preliminary court date on Sept. 29, prepared to face six felony 
charges, carrying up to three years in prison for each, knowing he is 
extraordinarily targeted by the FBI. We will walk every step of the way with 
Carlos Montes, and more. Montes was with us at the Republican National 
Convention protests; his name was included on the search warrant for the 
Anti-War Committee office in Minneapolis, and the FBI attempted to question him 
about this case. We ask you to support Carlos Montes and to organize speaking 
events with him and local protests on his important court dates, Sept. 29 being 
the next one.
The same week the FBI raided Carlos Montes in May 2011, the CSFR came back with 
a big revelation - we released a set of documents, the FBI game plan, which the 
FBI mistakenly left behind in a file drawer at one of the homes. The FBI 
documents are on the CSFR website and are fascinating to read. Fitzgerald and 
company developed 102 questions that come right from a McCarthy witch-hunt 
trial of the 1950s. It is like turning back the clock five decades.
The whole intention of the raids is clear: They want to paint activists as 
‘terrorists’ and shut down the organizing. They came at a time when the rich 
and powerful are frightened of not just the masses of people overseas, but of 
the people in their own country. With a failing U.S. war in Afghanistan, a U.S. 
occupation of Iraq predicted to last decades, a new war for oil and domination 
in Libya, a failing immigration policy that breaks up families and produces 
super-profits for big business, and now a long and deep economic crisis that is 
pushing large segments of working people into poverty, the highest levels of 
the U.S. government are turning to political repression.
The only hope for the future is in building stronger, consistent and determined 
movements. In a principled act of solidarity, the 23 subpoenaed activists 
refuse to testify before the grand jury. This sets an example for others.
In addition, the outpouring of support and mobilization into the streets from 
the anti-war, international solidarity, civil rights, labor and immigrant 
rights movements means that not one of the 24 has spent a single day in jail. 
That is a victory.
We ask you to stand with us, to stay vigilant and to hold steady as we proceed 
to organize against wars abroad and injustice at home and as we defend Carlos 
Montes from the FBI charade in Los Angeles.
Please come to the Committee to Stop FBI Repression one-day Conference in 
Chicago on November 5, 2011.
Committee to Stop FBI Repression -

Read more News and Views from the Peoples Struggle at You can write to us at

Sent to carlosmmontes   
Fight Back! News · P.O. Box 582564 · Minneapolis, MN 55440 


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