Hi, please support me and the 23 other activist in this fight, my court date is 
July 6.


Carlos Montes 

Support Carlos Montes' legal defense. Thousands are needed to keep Carlos out 
of prison. Also don't forget the call-in Day July 6!

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Please Support Anti-War and
Chicano Activist Carlos Montes!
A July 6 court date is fast approaching for Carlos Montes, and we urgently need 
your support.
Thousands of dollars are needed to put on a strong legal and political defense.
You can help keep Carlos Montes out of prison.
We are asking you to donate to Carlos Montes’ legal defense by clicking here.
For donations by check, there is information at the bottom. 
Carlos Montes is a longtime Chicano activist known for his leadership of the 
1968 East Los Angeles high school education reform movement (see the film 
Walkout), the historic Chicano Moratorium against the U.S. war in Vietnam, and 
the recent immigrants rights mega-marches of 2006.
More recently in September 2010, Carlos Montes’ name appeared on the FBI search 
warrant for the Anti-War Committee office in Minneapolis - the organizing 
center for the 30,000 protesters at the 2008 Republican National Convention. 
The attack on Carlos Montes is part of a sweeping government campaign tied to 
23 Midwest anti-war activists raided or subpoenaed by the FBI - as the 
Washington Post reported.
In May, Los Angeles Sheriffs broke down Montes’ door, arrested him and 
ransacked his home. They took political documents, a computer, cell phones and 
meeting notes having nothing to do with the legal charges. The FBI tried to 
question Carlos regarding the case of the 23 anti-war and solidarity activists.
Sadly, we have seen this repression before. As Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) 
said in a recent letter to Attorney General Eric Holder about the current FBI 
and grand jury repression:  “I am writing because I am reminded of another time 
and another period in our history, during the Civil Rights Movement, when Dr. 
Martin Luther King, Jr. and I and many others in the movement, were 
investigated in an attempt to silence our voices.” 
If you know this history, you understand the repression Carlos Montes now faces.
In solidarity with Carlos Montes on Wednesday July 6, we are organizing a 
protest in Los Angeles and a National Call In Day to Attorney General Eric 
Thank you for your donation and your solidarity. The anti-war and immigrant 
rights movements will not be silenced, we will continue to organize for 
meaningful change.
For peace and justice,
Tom Burke,
for the Committee to Stop FBI Repression
To Donate by Check
Mail: Committee to Stop FBI Repression
PO Box 14183
Minneapolis, MN 55414

To Donate Online click here. or paste http://www.stopfbi.net/donate in your 
For Tax Deductible Donations
For larger tax deductable donations going to the legal defense fund, please 
make them out to the “National Lawyers’ Guild Foundation" and write “CSFR” in 
the message line. These donations must be $100 or more. Please mail to our 
office at the address above.

For questions or information: i...@stopfbi.net or call 612-379-3585

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Copyright © 2011 Committee to Stop FBI Repression, All rights reserved. 
Thanks for your ongoing interest in the fight against FBI repression of 
anti-war and international solidarity activists! 
Our mailing address is: 

Committee to Stop FBI Repression 
PO Box 14183
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Add us to your address book



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