A friend in another group posted this lengthy article, and while some of it is 
a little hard to follow, I am sure it is correct, as I have heard before that 
Goldman Sachs is responsible for the Greek economic crisis.

Also, I note that Mitchell Cohen, the author, is on the board of WBAI, which is 
a good thing IMHO.

Hajja Romi


Posted on February 13, 2012 by MITCHEL COHEN
by Savas Michael-Matsas
The worst fears of the ruling classes of Greece and Europe are 
becoming true: an uncontrollable social explosion is under way in 
When these lines are written, late in the night on February 12-13, 
2012, the violent clashes and street fights between demonstrators and 
the riot police, in the center of Athens and in other cities all over 
the country, still continue. The phony “majority” that just voted in 
Parliament the new package of measures of social cannibalism imposed by 
the troika of the EU, the European Central Bank, and the IMF cannot and 
will not stop the Greek social wild fire to expand in the country and 
spread beyond Greece, all over Europe and internationally.
The popular rally in Syntagma Square Sunday, February 12 was 
literally gigantic: nearly a million people converged in the Square in 
front of the Parliament from all the neighborhoods of the Greek capital, in a 
mass mobilization that superseded in magnitude and fighting spirit every 
previous one, including the huge rallies during the General 
Strikes of June and October 2011.
Last week, already two General Strikes had taken place, on February 7 and on 
February 10-11 but many factors — lack of preparation, 
bureaucratic opposition to a real mass mobilization, extremely bad 
weather conditions — although significant, they had nothing in common 
with what happened on February 12, when the masses flooded the streets 
in Athens and nearly all other cities giving a nearly insurrectionary 
character to the mobilization.
The riot police, with a prepared plan, attacked the people in 
Syntagma from the early moments of the rally, at 5.15 pm. When the well 
known composer Theodorakis and the hero of the anti-Nazi resistance 
Manolis Glezos, both nearly 90 years old, advanced to enter the 
Parliament to make a joint statement of protest, the riot police 
attacked them and all the demonstrators in the Square with tons of 
chemicals. From that moment the center of Athens was transformed into a 
battlefield, while people continued to come en masse from all 
directions. In front of the Parliament itself, they have resisted and 
remained until 10.30 pm some contingents from the EEK, ANTARSYA, and the youth 
of SYRIZA. But all the streets and avenues from Omonia to 
Syntagma and even around Acropolis were packed by people resisting the 
savage police brutality until late after midnight.
Barricades were erected in some of the streets. Banks, big shops, 
cinemas etc., about 40 buildings, were set on fire. The police station 
in Exarchia was attacked. A hundred citizens from all age groups were 
injured, some of them seriously and brought to the hospital. Another 
hundred were arrested, including the demonstrators who had occupied the 
Town Hall of Athens. The center of Athens looks today like a bombarded 
It is noteworthy the fact that the Stalinist KKE one more time held 
its own independent rally in Omonia Square (they claim to have assembled 50 
thousand people) but they avoided to join the many hundreds of 
thousands of people in and around Syntagma Square because of the clashes of the 
demonstrators with the police, and they remained far way from 
the battle, finally dispersing peacefully their contingents. According 
to the Stalinist mantra every violent clash with police forces, and any 
form of direct action is “a State provocation”.
The popular rebellion is not limited to Athens. In other cities, all 
over Greece, from Corfu in the North West and Thessalonica in the North 
to Patras in the West and Creta in the South, were and are taking place 
mobilizations, demonstrations, occupations of public buildings, town 
halls, prefectures etc. Attacks by angry demonstrators against the 
political offices of bourgeois members of parliament took place: in 
Corfu (North West, Ionian Sea), Agrinion (Western Greece), Iraklion 
(Creta, South Aegean Sea) the offices of all local deputies were 
The fury of the rapidly impoverished and ruined people was reflected 
even in the Parliament, blowing up the bourgeois parliamentary political system 
as it used to be the last 38 years, after the fall of the 
dictatorship. Although, a two thirds majority of deputies voted for the 
barbaric Memorandum imposed by the troika and the current Papadimos 
government, the negative vote of an unprecedented large number of 
deputies was followed by massive expulsions from the ruling parties 
supporting Papadimos — 46 deputies, including founding members or 
parliamentary spokesmen of their respective parties, ministers etc., 
were expelled in the middle of the night from the neo-liberal 
“socialist” PASOK, the right wing New Democracy and the far right LAOS. 
Now in Parliament the second in numbers party is the “Party of the 
Expelled,” 63 deputies from the beginning of the crisis (PASOK now has 
130 deputies from the initial figure of 158, and the New Democracy 62. 
The total number of the deputies is 300). The far right LAOS, seeing its 
influence shrink dramatically in the polls, voted against the new bail 
out, expelling two of its leading members who remained in the government as 
ministers and voted in favor.
Nevertheless the Fuhrer of the LAOS, Karatzaferis, said that he will 
continue to support the Papadimos government to “save the fatherland 
from communism!”
A similar statement was made by the leader of the right wing New 
Democracy, Antonis Samaras saying that his Party is the last rampart 
against “mob rule” — by “mob” meaning the rebelled masses that lean more and 
more to the left.
The political personnel of the bourgeoisie is decimated. Many 
attempts were made in these last months to create new bourgeois 
political parties — and more attempts certainly will come in the next 
period with so many bourgeois politicians becoming homeless” after their 
expulsion — but they had no success at all so far, disappearing nearly 
after their first public appearance.
The political challenge comes to the Left. But the Stalinist KKE 
continues its self-centered policy focusing mainly to its own electoral 
and organizationally strengthening and keeping the slogan for a workers 
people’s power” a vague slogan for a very distant future; the 
Synaspismos, main force in SYRIZA, looks to the remnants of the excluded from 
PASOK to build a kind of “popular front” coalition with 
governmental ambitions; and the “Democratic Left,” the right wing split 
from Synaspismos, thanks to its good results in the polls, becomes a 
pole of attraction for all refugees from the right wing of PASOK, hoping to 
become a junior partner in a future bourgeois coalition government, 
replacing perhaps the far right LAOS.
The lack of any real radical alternative to the collapsing system 
from the parliamentary and from the centrist extra-parliamentary Left, 
makes the re-groupment of the vanguard fighters, particularly from the 
young generation, in a revolutionary internationalist Party of the 
proletariat the main challenge and urgent task for our own Party, the 
As the social-political explosion is under the way, we keep fighting 
with even more determination for an indefinite General Political Strike 
to overthrow the government, to break with the dictatorship of the EU 
and the IMF, to cancel the debt to the international usurers and to 
re-organize the entire economy on new, socialist bases, under workers 
power. Our hopes are focused in our class brothers and sisters in Europe and 
all over the world to join us in revolutionary struggle as well as 
in a revolutionary International needed now more than ever before.
- Athens, 13 February 2012
Well, it might be a prelude to revolution but it’s not yet even a prelude to a 
revolution within Greece itself.
Popular leaders like Glezos and Theodorakis are the visible part of a humongous 
majority of activist-oriented millions of people in the 
country who have been organizing (and recently calling openly) for an 
uprising. The majority of people are behind this sentiment and support 
it, BUT, also the majority of people have the political maturity to 
desire an uprising that is as peaceful and mindful as possible.
The arson attacks against more than forty buildings on Sunday that 
burned down a large number of shops and buildings that have NOTHING to 
do with the regime of Corporate and State oppressors, took place against the 
wishes of the people-in-rebellion. They are actions of conscious 
and unconscious agents of the regime. If you think this claim is too 
extreme, please see the top photo of the new Cyprus IndyMedia article 
titled “This is who burned down Athens” – it’s all in the boots.
There is nothing “revolutionary” about burning down classical 
architecture  buildings that people love and identify with, cafes and 
movie theaters that  constitute some of the last remaining humane parts 
of the City’s downtown.
At this time, the debate among true and honest revolutionary networks has not 
yet concluded on what is the best way to revolution in THIS 
juncture. Strikes are more and more organized and well attended, but 
takeover strikes (occupations) are only now, in this last year beginning to 
appear, and only on a very small scale. Armed response teams capable of 
delivering meaningful blows to the regime (meaningful in the 
political sense), or capable of defending strikes, occupations, and 
protests from the regime, or capable of enforcing direct actions such as 
liberation and distribution of food in the cities or the countryside 
have not yet been formed because the people still do not support such a 
move. It might come to that, but popular awareness, desire and 
willingness to engage in the revolution is the one and most important 
factor that we need to be in tune with. The only ones engaged in armed 
actions in the last few years are the same fake anarchists and regime 
provocateurs who repeatedly pull off highly destructive (and sometimes 
lethal) actions that erode the peoples’ morale.
Nobody wants to be part of a revolution that kills workers, attacks 
leftist demonstrators and firebombs small shops, and the people have 
repeatedly in the last few years immediately responded to these actions 
by pulling away from mass mobilizations. That is EXACTLY the reason why 
the regime seeks to instigate such actions, with the help of a few 
hundred brainless idiots who think that such behaviour is 
YET ANOTHER PERSPECTIVEDavid Schwartzman writes: Interesting analysis from a 
militant of 
the EEK which in the 2009 legislative election got less than 0.1% of the vote 
according to  wiki. Instead of attacking the main left parties, 
how about forging unity, starting with the rank and file? Here is 
another take:
Greece: A Brutal Experiment on People’s Lives
by Afrodity Giannakis Thessaloniki via Green Left
February 12, 2012
Greek unions launched a two-day general strike on February 10 against new 
extreme austerity measures the “troika” of the International 
Monetary Fund, European Central Bank and European Union is seeking to 
impose on the southern European nation. The deal will give Greece a new 
“bail-out” worth 130 billion euros (A$161 billion) in return for fresh 
spending cuts.
Amid ongoing street protests and building occupations, the Greek 
cabinet approved the deal on February 10. Six cabinet members resigned 
in protest. Greek parliament was scheduled to vote on the deal on the 
evening of February 12.
[The vote was 199 in favor and 74 opposed, with 27 abstentions or blank 
ballots.  - Portside]
Below, Afrodity Giannakis writes from Thessaloniki on the impact of the 
austerity on Greek society.
I work as a permanent English teacher in a Greek village, where I drive every 
day from my home in Thessaloniki.
A few days ago, I was looking for a magazine in my neighbourhood at 
about 9am before going to work. I found that all the shops in the block 
had put up the shutters, except for one closer to my home, which did not have 
the magazine, anyway.
Shops closing down is a common occurrence in neoliberal capitalist 
Greece, but the situation has rapidly deteriorated since May 2010. That 
was the time of the first memorandum, imposed on Greece by the “troika” 
(the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International 
Monetary Fund – IMF) and the Greek Panhellenic Socialist Movement 
(Pasok) government.
Shop owners are forced to close because of the steep plunge in 
consumption, combined with higher government fees and other expenses.
I drove along the national road to go to work, about 45 kilometres 
from Thessaloniki. Until recently I worked 80km away from home. Last 
year I worked 700km away and it is highly uncertain where I will be 
placed next school year.
Far-away placements have been commonplace for Greek teachers for a 
long time. What is new is the rising casualisation, intensification of 
work and overall job insecurity.
Now, it is going to be almost impossible for teachers to make ends meet if they 
have to move away from home.
Having a job at all is also highly uncertain.
The reason is that the troika, in close collaboration with the 
unelected Greek government imposed by the troika, has decided on more 
public sector sackings.
Crippling cuts
The plans are part of the second memorandum agreement between the troika and 
the Greek government.
This memorandum includes cuts of 14.3 billion euros between 2012 and 2015, 
starting with 3.3 billion euros this year.
With 11 million Greek people, these sums come up to a high amount per head. 
This is all the more shocking if we consider that a huge 
proportion of Greek people live in extreme poverty.
The number of Greek people living at or below the poverty line is more than 3 
million and rising.
The new agreement includes 150,000 public sector sackings to be be 
carried out by 2015. As a start, 15,000 public servants will lose their 
jobs this year.
Immediate sackings of 22,500 temporary and casual teachers has also been raised.
The troika has persistently pushed immediate cuts to military 
personnel numbers. This may be cause for concern in the light of recent 
official statements that anything is possible in Greece.
>From the first memorandum on, measures first raised years ago have 
finally been implemented. The attacks on the Greek people seem to be 
part of a well thought-out plan.
For example, the capitalists and their political representatives have long 
demanded an end to public service job permanency. They have also 
aimed to do away with collective agreements.
Furthermore, ex-Pasok prime minister George Papandreou had arranged 
to hand Greece over to the IMF before his party won the 2009 elections.
The measures against the Greek people are unprecedented. People are 
in a constant state of stress, not knowing what is coming next.
My friends, colleagues, comrades – most people I come across – don’t 
seem to smile in the way they used to. They seem thoughtful, less happy, lost, 
even depressed.
The immediate effects of the public sector sackings will be higher 
unemployment (the official figure is now 20.9%) and deepened recession.
In my job, after the sackings of temporary and casual teachers, 
face-to-face teaching hours will rise for those remaining. Needless to 
say, there will not be an accompanying salary rise.
These austerity measures are taking place against a background of deteriorating 
conditions for students and teachers.
There is a shocking shortage in school books, about 2000 schools 
closed down in the last school year, class sizes have risen and funding 
for education has dropped to 2.75% of the gross national product.
Schools do not have enough funding for photocopying paper or central 
heating. In this year’s freezing winter, students and teachers have had 
lessons with their coats on. Schools have been forced to shut down due 
to inadequate heating.
The recession will be worsened by the 22% cut in the minimum wage 
(32% for workers under 25). The minimum wage will fall to 600 euros 
(A$741) gross a month (473 euros clear, less for young people) from the 
739 euros gross specified in the National General Collective Agreement.
The estimated loss is three months wages per year. This comes on top of the 
huge wage cuts since 2010.
The unemployment benefit, pensions and bonuses will be also be 
affected. The dole will go down to 369 euros a month from 461 euros.
The minimum wage cut will trickle down to all wage brackets.
Pensions are also going to be slashed. Pensions in public enterprises such as 
the Greek electricity company, as well as salaries and job 
permanency, are set to be worst affected. The explanation given is to 
make these enterprises more “competitive” before privatisation.
Closing down
Driving to work costs me almost 300 euros a month, while my salary 
has gone down to 800 euros a month clear, from over 1200 before the 
first memorandum.
Public service salaries have been cut by about 40% since the first 
memorandum. The most recent cuts, of up to 50%, were made last October. 
Another big salary cut is planned for later this year.
I am still managing to hold on to my car; using public transport for work would 
be very inconvenient.
Many people have given up their cars due to financial hardship. 
Soaring petrol prices, as well as rises in car registration and car 
insurance fees, have compounded the problem.
About 160,000 number plates were handed in to the taxation department at the 
end of the 2010 financial year. Last year, the number exceeded 
Not surprisingly, petrol consumption dropped by 22% last year, 
causing more than 1500 petrol stations to close in the past two years. 
Thousands of jobs were lost as a result.
Driving to work, I took a detour to avoid paying the predatory road 
tolls. On top of the high car registration rates and high petrol 
consumption tax, Greek people have to pay costly road tolls to private 
I kept looking for the magazine as I drove slowly through three 
villages. The sense of devastation wasn’t as pronounced as in bigger 
towns or cities, but a lot of shops seemed to have closed down recently, with 
shop and merchandise signs still on them.
I finally found a kiosk still in operation, in the last and biggest village. I 
finally bought my magazine.
On the same day, during my break, I was unable to find a National 
Bank of Greece branch in the village where I work. I spotted a branch 
office in the central square. It seemed to be under renovation, but it 
turned out the branch had closed down.
I had similar experiences looking for a doner kebab place, a 
particular petrol station, a particular bank where I used to pay my 
natural gas bills and a big cosmetics store I used.
All shut down, empty and dusty, with some of the signs still on and the windows 
serving as billboards.
A huge number of homeless people can be seen living in open-air 
spaces. There are 25,000 homeless people in Athens alone, driven out of 
unused public spaces by the Pasok-affiliated mayor.
Many homeless people are dying during this year’s extremely harsh winter.
Public welfare services, as well as schools and hospitals, are all but 
People are driven to sordid poverty and despair, as working rights 
are abolished and public enterprises and resources are sold off. At the 
same time, rising taxes, along with relentless price rises, are 
Tens of thousands of households and small businesses have had their electricity 
cut off due to unpaid bills.
Many children faint in schools after they go hungry for days because 
their parents can’t afford to buy food. There has been a huge rise in 
the number of children sent to orphanages.
In many areas, the church or neighbourhood groups give out mess to 
paupers. People scavenging rubbish bins for food is now a common sight 
in Greece.
The Greek ministry of health reports psychological problems and suicide rates 
have risen dramatically.
New deal
In an attempt to deceive the people, Greek ministers have claimed 
they negotiated hard with the troika before signing the agreement. They 
put on a big show of trying to stop further bonus cuts, which were 
supposedly finally stopped.
Government officials are also talking about economic growth. On 
February 4, after a lengthy talk with the troika, the Greek finance 
minister, Evangelos Venizelos, called on all Greek people to stay united and do 
their bit “to save the country”.
By implementing more and more austerity measures, the government 
deepens the recession and devastates the lives of the overwhelming 
majority of the people.
Last November, the head of the European Commission Task Force for 
Greece, Horst Reichenbach, said that Greece was not ready for 
investment, as it hasn’t hit rock bottom yet. You don’t need a major in 
politics or economics to see what’s in store for the Greek people.
The people are angry at the pro-memorandum political forces. Pasok is polling 
7-9.5% (coming fifth), the other major party, the conservative 
New Democracy has about 19% and far right Popular Orthodox Alert (LAOS) 
has dropped to 4%.
The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and Coalition of the Radical Left (Syriza) 
are polling about 9% each.
The left must take advantage of this historical opportunity, join 
forces and help the Greek people reclaim their lives. They have to show 
the way forward, instead of passively waiting for elections.
We must thwart the capitalists’ plans. This nightmare has to stop and the 
capitalists will not stop unless we stop them.
In These Times – November 5, 2011
Here’s what we’re told:
Greece’s economy blew apart because a bunch of olive-spitting,  
ouzo-guzzling, lazy-ass Greeks refuse to put in a full day’s work,  
retire while they’re still teenagers, pocket pensions fit for a pasha;  
and they’ve gone on a social-services spending spree using borrowed  
money. Now that the bill has come due and the Greeks have to pay with  
higher taxes and cuts in their big fat welfare state, they run riot,  
screaming in the streets, busting windows and burning banks.
I don’t buy it.  I don’t buy it because of the document in my hand marked, 
I’ll cut to the indictment:  Greece is a crime scene.  The people are victims 
of a fraud, a scam, a hustle and a flim-flam.  And –– cover the children’s ears 
when I say this –– a bank named 
Goldman  Sachs is holding the smoking gun.
This is an adaptation of an excerpt from Vultures’ Picnic, Greg Palast’s new 
book, out next week, an investigator’s pursuit of  
petroleum pigs, power pirates and high-finance fraudsters. Read the first 
chapteror just get the bookhere.
In 2002, Goldman Sachs secretly bought up €2.3 billion in Greek  
government debt, converted it all into yen and dollars, then immediately sold 
it back to Greece.
Goldman took a huge loss on the trade.
Is Goldman that stupid?
Goldman is stupid — like a fox. The deal was a con, with Goldman 
making  up a phony-baloney exchange rate for the transaction.  Why?
Goldman had cut a secret deal with the Greek government in power  
then. Their game:  to conceal a massive budget deficit.  Goldman’s fake  loss 
was the Greek government’s fake gain.
Goldman would get repayment of its “loss” from the government at loan-shark 
The point is, through this crazy and costly legerdemain, Greece’s  
right-wing free-market government was able to pretend its deficits never 
exceeded 3 percent of GDP.
Cool. Fraudulent but cool.
But flim-flam isn’t cheap these days: On top of murderous interest  
payments, Goldman charged the Greeks over a quarter billion dollars in  
When the new Socialist government of George Papandreou came into  
office, they opened up the books and Goldman’s bats flew out.  Investors went 
berserk, demanding monster interest rates to lend more  money to 
roll over this debt.
Greece’s panicked bondholders rushed to buy insurance against the  
nation going bankrupt. The price of the bond-bust insurance, called a credit 
default swap (or CDS), also shot through the roof. Who made a big pile selling 
the CDS insurance? Goldman.
And those rotting bags of CDS’s sold by Goldman and others? Didn’t  
they know they were handing their customers gold-painted turds?
That’s Goldman’s specialty. In 2007, at the same time banks were  
selling suspect CDS’s and CDOs (packaged sub-prime mortgage securities), 
Goldman held a “net short” position against these securities. That is, Goldman 
was betting their financial “products” would end up in the  
toilet. Goldman picked up another half a billion dollars on their “net  
short” scam.
But, instead of cuffing Goldman’s CEO Lloyd Blankfein and parading  
him in a cage through the streets of Athens, we have the victims of the  
frauds, the Greek people, blamed. Blamed and soaked for the cost of  
it. The “spread” on Greek bonds (the term used for the risk premium  
paid on Greece’s corrupted debt) has now risen to — get ready for this 
–– $14,000 per family per year.
Euro-nation, the secret Geithner memo, and the Ecuador connection
Why did the Greek government throw its nation’s fate into Goldman’s  
greasy hands? What the heck was in the “RESTRICTED” document? And why  
did I have to take it to Geneva, to throw it down in front of the  
Director-General of the WTO for authentication, a creepy French banker I 
otherwise wouldn’t bother to spit on, and then tear off to Quito to  
share it with the grateful President of Ecuador?
To give you all the answers would require me to write a book.  I 
have:  Vultures’ Picnic –– in Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and 
High-Finance Fraudsters.
It’s really quite important to me that you read it, that you get it 
now.  That’s  a funny statement, I suppose, from an author. But if you’ve been  
reading my stories in The Guardian or watching my reports on BBC Newsnight, 
you’ve gotten the facts; but I really want to let you inside  the 
investigations, to cross the continents with me and follow down the  
leads so that you can get a full picture of The Beasts. The Beasts and  
their trophy wives, intelligence agency go-fers, political concubines  
and bone-breakers. And besides, it’s enormous fun when it’s not scary  
as sh*t.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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