*Someone should tell the Iranian Foreign minister that the Quds Force,
Hezbollah , Russia and China along with some supporting different segments
of the opposition are also outside interference...*


Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi on Tuesday described Tehran as a
"strong ally of the people of Syria" and warned outside powers not to
interfere in the conflict.

But in an interview with Australia's SBS television, Salehi also said the
Syrian government needed to recognize the opposition that has been waging
an 18-month-old rebellion against President Bashar al-Assad's regime.

"When it comes to outside interference, and to the internal affairs of
Syria, and when outside powers dictate upon the Syrian people that 'Look,
your president should step down, and this should happen,' this is not the
right way to do things," he told the broadcaster's Dateline program.

"What we are saying is that both sides have to recognize the other side. In
other words, the government has to recognize the opposition, and the
opposition has to recognize the government."

Official: Hezbollah fighters killed in Syria   October 02, 2012 09:09
PM By Elizabeth
A Kennedy <http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Elizabeth-A-Kennedy.ashx>   [image:
Associated Press]           [image: A+] [image: A-]

BEIRUT: A Hezbollah commander and several fighters have been killed inside
Syria, a Lebanese security official said Tuesday, a development that could
stoke already soaring tensions over the Lebanese militant group's role in
the civil war next door.

Hezbollah's reputation has taken a beating over its support for the Syrian
regime, but any sign that the group's fighters are taking part in the
battle raises fears that the conflict could expand into a wider fight
engulfing the region.

Hezbollah has stood by Syrian President Bashar Assad since the uprising
began 18 months ago, even after the group supported revolts in Egypt,
Tunisia, Libya and Bahrain.

Assad's fall would be a dire scenario for Hezbollah. Any new regime led by
Syria's majority Sunni Muslims would likely be far less friendly - or even
outright hostile - to Shiite Muslim Hezbollah. Iran remains the group's
most important patron, but Syria is a crucial supply route. Without it,
Hezbollah will struggle to get money and weapons as easily.

The Syrian uprising has left Assad deeply isolated - making his remaining
allies such as Iran and Russia all the more important. At last week's
gathering of world leaders at the United Nations, dozens of nations
excoriated the Assad regime for its role in a conflict that activists

estimate has killed at least 30,000 Syrians.

It was not immediately clear how the Hezbollah militants were killed or
whether they had been fighting alongside the Syrian army. But Hezbollah's
newspaper al-Intiqad said Hezbollah commander Ali Hussein Nassif, who is
also known as Abu Abbas, was killed "while performing his jihadi duties."
It did not say when or where he was killed.

A Lebanese security official said Nassif was killed in Syria and his body
was returned to Lebanon through the Masnaa border crossing on Sunday.

Speaking on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to
the media, the official said the bodies of several other Hezbollah fighters
have been brought back to Lebanon in recent days.

Hezbollah spokesman Ibrahim Moussawi on Tuesday confirmed the deaths of the
Hezbollah members but said he had no further information on where or how
Nassif was killed. He declined further comment.

The Syrian opposition has long accused the group of helping the Syrian
leadership crack down on the uprising - a claim the group has repeatedly
denied. Hezbollah has to tread a careful path with its support for the
regime, mindful that many of its supporters in Lebanon dread getting sucked
into the conflict.

Nassif's funeral, which was held in the eastern town of Budai, near
Baalbek, was attended by top Hezbollah officials including the head of the
judicial council and the political bureau, an indication of Nassif's high

On Tuesday, Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV showed the funerals of at least two
other Hezbollah members it said were killed while performing their "jihadi
duty." Both funerals were attended by Hezbollah officials and commanders.

The coffins of the dead were draped with Hezbollah's yellow flags and
carried by militants in black uniforms and red berets. Hundreds of people
marched in the funeral.

Samer al-Homsi, an activist in Syria's central Homs province, which borders
Lebanon, said Nassif was killed Saturday when a roadside bomb went off as
the car he was in passed just outside the town of Qusair. He said Nassif
and several other people were killed in the blast.

"His job was to coordinate with Syrian security agencies," al-Homsi said
via Skype.

He added that the rebels detonated the bomb "without knowing" that the
target was a Hezbollah official. "We knew he was a Hezbollah official after
it was announced by the group in Lebanon," he said. Al-Homsi's account
could not be independently verified.

Although Hezbollah's ties to Syria have stayed strong during the uprising,
the government's longstanding relations with the Palestinian militant group
Hamas have frayed.

Syria's state-run media unleashed a scathing attack on the leader of Hamas,
accusing him of turning his back on Assad and describing him as ungrateful
and traitorous.

In an editorial aired Monday, Syrian TV said Khaled Mashaal, who pulled
Hamas' headquarters out of Damascus this year, had abandoned the resistance
movement against Israel and the United States.

The comments show just how much ties between Hamas and the Syrian regime -
once staunch allies - have disintegrated since the uprising began 18 months

The regime's verbal attack appeared to be prompted by Mashaal's decision to
take part in a major conference Sunday of Turkish Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip Erdogan's ruling party. Erdogan has been one of Assad's sharpest

Less than two years ago, Syria, Iran, Hamas and Lebanon's militant
Hezbollah group were part of what they called an "axis of resistance"
against Israel and the U.S. With Hamas' departure, they lost a major
Palestinian faction that rules the Gaza Strip.

Hamas initially staked out a neutral position toward the uprising, but as
the estimated 500,000 Palestinians living in Syria became increasingly
outraged over the regime's brutal crackdown on protesters, Hamas came under
pressure for its cozy ties with the government, prompting the group in
February to shift its stance and praise Syrians for "moving toward
democracy and reform."

Since then, most Hamas leaders have left Syria for Egypt, where their
allies in the Muslim Brotherhood have taken power in elections following
the uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak. Egypt's new Islamist president,
Mohammed Morsi, has been a strong critic of Assad, calling his government
an "oppressive regime."

Mashaal himself shuttered Hamas' Damascus offices and now spends most of
his time in Qatar, the tiny Gulf country that has strongly backed the
rebels battling to overthrow Assad.

In its editorial, Syrian state TV sought to remind Mashaal, who holds
Jordanian citizenship, of when he was expelled from Jordan in 1999 for
"illicit and harmful" activities, and how several countries refused to
welcome him after he was kicked out.

"Remember when you were a refugee aboard planes. Damascus came and gave you
mercy," the station said. "No one wanted to shake your hand then, as if you
had rabies."

Read more:
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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