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Not For         Profit - For Global Justice

"Lock up your libraries if you like, but there is no gate, no lock, no 
bolt that
you can set upon the freedom of my mind." - Virginia  Woolf

"The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You 
trade in
your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give  up
your ability
to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any  large-scale
until there's a personal revolution, on an individual  level. It's got to
 inside first." - Jim  Morrison

"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable,  I
them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I 
know that
 I alone am morally responsible for everything I do." Robert  A. Heinlein

"When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the 
government fears
the people there is liberty."  - Thomas  Jefferson

December 10/11,  2012

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Click Here For Cost Of War


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US Seen as 'First Among Equals' in 2030: Intel Report

By Shaun Tandon

The study predicted that Asia's economy, military spending and 
technological investment
would surpass those of North America and Europe  combined by 2030, but
warned of
 major uncertainty over an emerging China.

How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor

By Robert Higgs

The claim that Japan attacked the United States without provocation was .
.  . typical
rhetoric. It worked because the public did not know that the 
administration had
 expected Japan to respond with war to anti-Japanese measures  it had
taken in July

Fact or Propaganda?
Russia Arms Syria With Powerful Ballistic  Missiles

By Reza Kahlili

Hours after NATO agreed on Tuesday to send Patriot missiles to Turkey 
because of
the crisis in Syria, Russia delivered its first shipment of Iskander 
missiles to

American Militarism Threatening To Set Off World War  III

By Professor Francis A. Boyle

Historically this latest eruption of American militarism at the start of 
the 21st
Century is akin to that of America opening the 20th Century by means of 
the U.S.-instigated
Spanish-American War in 1898.

A Capitalist System Gone Awry
Wars to Feed The  Blood-thirsty

By Rev. Richard Skaff

The Military Industrial Complex has solidified its ties and deeply
inserted  his
 long horns into the arteries of the American taxpayers.

46 Trillion Reasons To Evolve Society Right Now

By David DeGraw

In the United States, the 400 richest people now have as much wealth as
185  million
people combined, nearly 60% of the entire population.

Billionaires Warn Higher Taxes Could Prevent Them From Buying  Politicians

By Andy Borowitz

The group, led by casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, commissioned a new 
showing that the cost of an average politician has soared exponentially 
over the
past decade.

The Unsilenced Voice of a 'Long-Distance  Revolutionary'
America's Most Famous Political Prisoner

By Chris Hedges

The authorities, as they did before he was convicted, have attempted to 
 him in prison.

Raiding Consciousness:
Why the War on Drugs Is a War on Human  Nature

By Lewis Lapham

The war against human nature strengthens the fear of one's fellow man. The
 white, and blue pills sell the hope of heaven made with artificial 

Hard News

South Sudan Army Kills 25 Protesters: :
The former  Commissioner of Wau County, John Peter Miskin, said Sunday
that 25 people
had  been killed after South Sudan's army fired live bullets on a group
 against the administrative headquarters in the county being moved.

8 killed in Pakistan :
At least eight persons  including three policemen were killed in an attack
by militants
at a police  station near Bannu, Pakistan

U.S.'Drone strike killed my grandmother outside our house':
Unmanned planes that drop bombs are being used indiscriminately - 
resulting in
untold civilian casualties.

Former US president slams drone attacks:
Jimmy Carter  has slammed American assassination drone strikes in other
saying that  killing civilians in such attacks would in fact nurture

The threat of drones ushering in 'invisible wars': Op-Ed:
No American wants to return to the fear that Sept. 11th instilled  in us
all. But
as we set rules that govern our use of drones, we must also  consider
other factors.

Female government worker shot dead in Afghanistan:
Nadia Sediqqi, acting head of women's affairs department in Laghman 
province, is
shot dead on her way to work

US Occupation Force Soldier killed in Afghanistan:
The  Pentagon on Monday identified the U.S. Navy SEAL who was killed in
the rescue
of  an American doctor in Afghanistan as a highly-decorated 10-year
veteran from

North Lebanon clashes leave 17 dead:
Armed clashes in  Tripoli between supporters and opponents of Syrian
President Bashar
Assad have  left 17 people dead since they began Tuesday, with no end to
the violence
in  sight.

Jihadists seize key north Syria army base:
Jihadists  led by the radical Al-Nusra Front seized a strategic army base
in the
 northern  Syrian province of Aleppo on Monday, in a fresh setback for
 Bashar  al-Assad's regime, activists say.

Grisly video shows Syrian rebels forcing child to behead unarmed  prisoner:
The video shows a child cutting a bound prisoner's head  off with a
machete. Militants
then display the man's severed head while chanting  "Allahu Akbar," or
"God is great."

'US to send sophisticated arms to militants in Syria':
According to diplomatic sources, Americans have bought some of the 
weapons, including
Russian-made Strela 2 missiles, from the stockpiles of slain  Libyan
dictator Muammar
Ghaddafi. Strela 2 or SA-7 is a man-portable,  shoulder-fired,
low-altitude surface-to-air
missile system.

U.S. designates Syrian group as terrorist organization:
Recent reports  from Syria suggest that extremists groups such as Jabhat
are gaining
ground in  places where support for the opposition Free Syrian Army, the
loose umbrella
of  rebel fighters, is wearing thin.

Germany expels four Syrian diplomats as fighting rages:
Germany expelled four Syrian diplomats in a drive to further cut  ties
with the
president, Bashar Al Assad, as gun battles erupted in Damascus and  jets
city suburbs.

Israel not concerned Assad will use chemical weapons against it,  top
minister says:
Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya'alon told  Israel Radio that he saw no
Assad was going to use the country's  large stores of weapons on Israel.

EU condemns Israel over illegal settlements:
The  European Union warned Israel of unspecified consequences Monday if it
 through with plans to build thousands of new "settler" homes in occupied 
and the West Bank.

Abbas warns Israel against withholding taxes, says he may turn to  ICC:
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas warned Israel on  Sunday not
to withhold
tax revenues that were to be transferred to the  Palestinian Authority,
saying he
would turn to the International Criminal Court  if Jerusalem did not honor

Egypt's army assumes broader powers ahead of charter referendum:
A decree issued by Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi giving the  military
authority to arrest civilians and protect "vital facilities  of the state"
effect Monday.

'We won't allow revolution to be stolen again':
Brotherhood second-in-command: The Muslim Brotherhood's deputy  guide
Khairat El-Shater
accused foreign and local parties today of aiming to  overthrow the regime
led by
President Mohamed Morsi by bringing chaos to the  country.

Bahraini activist jailed for "inciting hatred":
A  prominent Bahraini rights activist has been arrested on charges of
 hatred against the regime" after attempting to visit a hospital patient
shot in
  the face by riot police, her friends announced Monday.

Iran to US: Thanks for the CIA drone, we're going to copy it:
Iran's Revolutionary Guard today said a US drone used by the CIA  and
seized by
the Islamic Republic last year has been successfully decoded.  Tehran said
it will
now build its own versions of the high-tech aircraft

Fact or Fiction?
3,000 US troops secretly return to Iraq via  Kuwait:
According to our correspondent, the US troops have secretly  entered Iraq
in multiple
stages and are mostly stationed at Balad military  garrison in Salahuddin
and al-Asad air base in al-Anbar province.

Innocence of Muslims 2? Belgium alarmed as another controversial  film to
be released:
Belgium has heightened its terror alert level  ahead of the release of
another highly
provocative film exploring Islam,  reportedly made in cooperation with the
Koran-burning US pastor Terry  Jones.

The Senate Report on CIA Interrogations You May Never See:
The Senate report focuses on whether so-called "enhanced  interrogation"
 - including waterboarding, sleep deprivation, and other  techniques -
led to critical intelligence breakthroughs.

U.S. Court of Appeals Rejects CIA's Motion to Squash Lawsuit on Bay  of
Pigs History:
"The CIA told the courts that a decades-old draft  history should stay
secret because
it would 'confuse the public' and make CIA  historians less candid,"

U.S. Intelligence Agencies See a Different World in 2030:
New technologies, dwindling resources and explosive population  growth in
the next
18 years will alter the global balance of power and trigger  radical
economic and
political changes at a speed unprecedented in modern  history, says a new
 by the U.S. intelligence community.

Propaganda alert:
Fracking Seen Robbing OPEC's Power to Set U.S. Gasoline  Prices: -
The success of American drillers in coaxing fossil fuels  from shale rock
has the
potential to boost production so much that it may deny  OPEC the power to
set global
oil and gasoline prices, an intelligence advisory  panel concluded.

Thousands Are Expected to Protest Anti-Worker Legislation in  Michigan:
Large numbers of Michigan State Police officers have  surrounded the
Capitol this
morning in anticipation of a day of protests in  response to so-called
legislation currently being processed  through the state Legislature.

IMF chief says U.S. needs blend of spending cuts, revenue raising:
The United States needs a balanced, comprehensive approach to  tackle its
 woes that should include a mix of spending cuts and revenue  increases,
the head
of the International Monetary Fund said on Sunday.


"Let us be peace and joy"

Tom Feeley

Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq  "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially  acknowledged) In
War On Iraq: 4,883
Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In 
Afghanistan : 3,238
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since  2001

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