Interview with NATO protest organizer Joe Iosbaker
“The people are more powerful than the cops, the mayor, or NATO”

By Staff

Fight Back! interviews Joe Iosbaker, the Chicago spokesperson for the United 
National Antiwar Coalition and a leader in the Coalition Against NATO/G8 War 
and Poverty Agenda, on the massive May 20 protest at the NATO Summit.

Fight Back!: Please talk some about what happened at the march on the NATO 
Summit and who was there.

Joe Iosbaker: 15,000 people rallied and marched against the war makers’ summit 
on a scorching hot day here in Chicago. It was a very broad gathering, 
involving the Iraq Veterans Against the War, National Nurses United and the 
Reverend Jesse Jackson. We had music by Tom Morello, Rebel Diaz, David Rovics 
and Outer National. Carlos Montes came from Los Angeles, straight from the 
political persecution trial he is facing. Students came from Utah, Florida and 
all over the Midwest.

There were over 40 speakers. We had leaders of the anti-war movement in the 
U.S., Germany and Mexico. Representatives spoke from the movements of various 
oppressed nationalities: Filipinos, Palestinians, Puerto Ricans, and African 
Americans, including a taped message from Mumia Abu Jamal. They came from the 
immigrant rights movement; from the Muslim community and from among faith based 
activists, environmentalists, and LGBTQ activists. We had Afghans and 
Pakistanis. We had trade unionists, and of course, the Occupy movement.

After we rallied in the park, we then marched almost three miles to the 
location of the summit, McCormick Place. There 40 veterans of the Iraq and 
Afghan wars mounted a stage and one by one, returned the medals they had been 
given for their service in the U.S. military. The young men and women all swore 
they wouldn’t fight again in wars for profit under NATO or U.S. flags. The 
bitterness expressed by the vets was the most moving part of the day.

Fight Back!: What was the political message of the protest?

Iosbaker: The message had two parts to it: against war and against the attacks 
by the rich on the rest of us.

This was expressed in several ways. We raised several slogans, “Jobs, Housing, 
Healthcare, Education, Our Pensions, the Environment, Not War!” “No to NATO War 
makers! No to War and Austerity!” These slogans showed first, that we were 
marching against the wars by NATO and the U.S. against the people of 
Afghanistan, Libya and Pakistan, and threatening against Syria. And second, we 
know that the trillions that are spent on war could go toward meeting the needs 
of poor and working people at home.

But we also raised one other idea. Last summer, the United National Antiwar 
Coalition called for this protest and organized a meeting to form a broader 
group. We called the new formation the Coalition Against NATO/G8 War and 
Poverty Agenda because initially NATO and the Group of Eight - a meeting of the 
wealthiest countries - were to both meet here. The G8 conference includes the 
central bankers from those rich nations, who are responsible above all for the 
economic crisis that struck in 2008. When they were in trouble, they were 
bailed out with trillions from taxpayers in each of those countries. But the 
workers who are losing homes can’t get a bailout. When we lose jobs because 
factories close, we can’t get a bailout. We got sold out, and we made that part 
of our message as well.

Fight Back!: Could you say a few words about the Chicago Principles?

Iosbaker: There are many forces that oppose NATO, including some that are 
willing to march, others who want to link arms and be arrested and others who 
want to challenge the authorities, including the police, more directly. For 
example, there were hundreds of people who refused to leave the intersection 
after the end of our permitted rally and march.

We adopted the same principles that have been used at many major protests in 
the U.S. since the 2008 Republican National Convention in Saint Paul, 
Minnesota. They are an agreement that all those forces respect the other 
groups, despite tactical differences; that we won’t criticize each other to the 
corporate media; and that if one group is attacked, as the mostly youth crowd 
was when the Chicago and Illinois cops beat 60 of them bloody after our march 
ended, that we’ll put the blame where it belongs: on the police, the city of 
Chicago and on NATO for bringing this violence here.

Fight Back!: A large contingent marched against repression. Tell us about that.

Iosbaker: The most visible face at the protest was Carlos Montes. His image was 
on over 100 shirts, and 100 more posters. A contingent organized by the 
Committee to Stop FBI Repression had hundreds marching with it, including 
Filipinos, Palestinians and Puerto Ricans, all chanting, “Free Carlos Montes, 
drop the charges now!”

Montes is on trial in Los Angeles, facing up to 12 years in prison for his 
lifelong political activism. Carlos was raided by the FBI and L.A. sheriff SWAT 
last May. The FBI and the district attorney there are accusing Carlos of being 
a criminal. Their pretext is a 43-year old charge against him from a protest 
for Chicano studies at a college in East Los Angeles. As one of the Brown 
Berets, a youth group that he helped to start, in this protest Carlos was 
singled out for a felony charge for throwing an empty soda can at a cop. This 
was eventually settled as a misdemeanor. Now the FBI has dug this up, claim he 
was convicted of a felony, and since Carlos owns a shot gun and a hand gun, 
they want to imprison him for violation of California firearms code.

However, a L.A. Deputy Sheriff admitted that the FBI instigated the case in an 
investigation of Carlos’s anti-war activism. In fact, the attack on him stems 
from the case of the 23 anti-war activists, including my wife, Stephanie Weiner 
and myself. We were raided by the FBI in September 2010, and are still being 
pursued by the U.S. Attorney in Chicago for our anti-war activism. All of us 
are being targeted because we took the side of the people of Palestine and 
Colombia against the brutal, U.S.-backed governments of Colombia and Israel.

Fight Back!: What is the story on arrests ahead of the summit?

Iosbaker: On Wednesday night, May 17, cops broke down the doors of the 
apartment of two of the leaders of Occupy Chicago, Zoe Sigman and Bill 
Vassilakis, without even a search warrant. After beating up the Occupy folks 
from around the country who were staying there, they shackled them, and then 
held them in secret for 40 hours, despite the efforts of the National Lawyers 
Guild to locate them.

The authorities later charged three of the young people with terrorism charges, 
claiming they were conspiring to make Molotov cocktails. Even FOX news 
recognizes this as a clumsy effort of entrapment. FOX interviewed a retired 
judge who said these charges will be thrown out of court.

Of course, the purpose of these raids, and other raids and police violence that 
occurred in the days leading up to Sunday, was to frighten people away from the 
protest. If not for these, we are confident the march would have been even 

The most important lesson is that the people are more powerful than the cops, 
the mayor, or NATO. With little resources and under heavy repression, we 
brought together the forces, especially the Occupy Movement and the anti-war 
movement, to build this demonstration. In doing so, we dealt blows to NATO. 
Their image has been severely tarnished, and that will make it harder for them 
to continue the blood bath in Afghanistan and other wars they are planning. We 
educated millions about NATO and the G8, of which most people in this country 
knew nothing before we started. This experience has made the Occupy movement 
one that now takes a stand against imperialist war. And we rekindled the 
anti-war movement. This was the largest national protest since the 2008 march 
on the RNC and a good sign that resistance to empire and cut backs will 
continue to grow.

Read more News and Views from the Peoples Struggle at You can write to us at

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Fight Back! News · P.O. Box 582564 · Minneapolis, MN 55440 



Interview with NATO protest organizer Joe Iosbaker
“The people are more powerful than the cops, the mayor, or NATO”

By Staff

Fight Back! interviews Joe Iosbaker, the Chicago spokesperson for the United 
National Antiwar Coalition and a leader in the Coalition Against NATO/G8 War 
and Poverty Agenda, on the massive May 20 protest at the NATO Summit.

Fight Back!: Please talk some about what happened at the march on the NATO 
Summit and who was there.

Joe Iosbaker: 15,000 people rallied and marched against the war makers’ summit 
on a scorching hot day here in Chicago. It was a very broad gathering, 
involving the Iraq Veterans Against the War, National Nurses United and the 
Reverend Jesse Jackson. We had music by Tom Morello, Rebel Diaz, David Rovics 
and Outer National. Carlos Montes came from Los Angeles, straight from the 
political persecution trial he is facing. Students came from Utah, Florida and 
all over the Midwest.

There were over 40 speakers. We had leaders of the anti-war movement in the 
U.S., Germany and Mexico. Representatives spoke from the movements of various 
oppressed nationalities: Filipinos, Palestinians, Puerto Ricans, and African 
Americans, including a taped message from Mumia Abu Jamal. They came from the 
immigrant rights movement; from the Muslim community and from among faith based 
activists, environmentalists, and LGBTQ activists. We had Afghans and 
Pakistanis. We had trade unionists, and of course, the Occupy movement.

After we rallied in the park, we then marched almost three miles to the 
location of the summit, McCormick Place. There 40 veterans of the Iraq and 
Afghan wars mounted a stage and one by one, returned the medals they had been 
given for their service in the U.S. military. The young men and women all swore 
they wouldn’t fight again in wars for profit under NATO or U.S. flags. The 
bitterness expressed by the vets was the most moving part of the day.

Fight Back!: What was the political message of the protest?

Iosbaker: The message had two parts to it: against war and against the attacks 
by the rich on the rest of us.

This was expressed in several ways. We raised several slogans, “Jobs, Housing, 
Healthcare, Education, Our Pensions, the Environment, Not War!” “No to NATO War 
makers! No to War and Austerity!” These slogans showed first, that we were 
marching against the wars by NATO and the U.S. against the people of 
Afghanistan, Libya and Pakistan, and threatening against Syria. And second, we 
know that the trillions that are spent on war could go toward meeting the needs 
of poor and working people at home.

But we also raised one other idea. Last summer, the United National Antiwar 
Coalition called for this protest and organized a meeting to form a broader 
group. We called the new formation the Coalition Against NATO/G8 War and 
Poverty Agenda because initially NATO and the Group of Eight - a meeting of the 
wealthiest countries - were to both meet here. The G8 conference includes the 
central bankers from those rich nations, who are responsible above all for the 
economic crisis that struck in 2008. When they were in trouble, they were 
bailed out with trillions from taxpayers in each of those countries. But the 
workers who are losing homes can’t get a bailout. When we lose jobs because 
factories close, we can’t get a bailout. We got sold out, and we made that part 
of our message as well.

Fight Back!: Could you say a few words about the Chicago Principles?

Iosbaker: There are many forces that oppose NATO, including some that are 
willing to march, others who want to link arms and be arrested and others who 
want to challenge the authorities, including the police, more directly. For 
example, there were hundreds of people who refused to leave the intersection 
after the end of our permitted rally and march.

We adopted the same principles that have been used at many major protests in 
the U.S. since the 2008 Republican National Convention in Saint Paul, 
Minnesota. They are an agreement that all those forces respect the other 
groups, despite tactical differences; that we won’t criticize each other to the 
corporate media; and that if one group is attacked, as the mostly youth crowd 
was when the Chicago and Illinois cops beat 60 of them bloody after our march 
ended, that we’ll put the blame where it belongs: on the police, the city of 
Chicago and on NATO for bringing this violence here.

Fight Back!: A large contingent marched against repression. Tell us about that.

Iosbaker: The most visible face at the protest was Carlos Montes. His image was 
on over 100 shirts, and 100 more posters. A contingent organized by the 
Committee to Stop FBI Repression had hundreds marching with it, including 
Filipinos, Palestinians and Puerto Ricans, all chanting, “Free Carlos Montes, 
drop the charges now!”

Montes is on trial in Los Angeles, facing up to 12 years in prison for his 
lifelong political activism. Carlos was raided by the FBI and L.A. sheriff SWAT 
last May. The FBI and the district attorney there are accusing Carlos of being 
a criminal. Their pretext is a 43-year old charge against him from a protest 
for Chicano studies at a college in East Los Angeles. As one of the Brown 
Berets, a youth group that he helped to start, in this protest Carlos was 
singled out for a felony charge for throwing an empty soda can at a cop. This 
was eventually settled as a misdemeanor. Now the FBI has dug this up, claim he 
was convicted of a felony, and since Carlos owns a shot gun and a hand gun, 
they want to imprison him for violation of California firearms code.

However, a L.A. Deputy Sheriff admitted that the FBI instigated the case in an 
investigation of Carlos’s anti-war activism. In fact, the attack on him stems 
from the case of the 23 anti-war activists, including my wife, Stephanie Weiner 
and myself. We were raided by the FBI in September 2010, and are still being 
pursued by the U.S. Attorney in Chicago for our anti-war activism. All of us 
are being targeted because we took the side of the people of Palestine and 
Colombia against the brutal, U.S.-backed governments of Colombia and Israel.

Fight Back!: What is the story on arrests ahead of the summit?

Iosbaker: On Wednesday night, May 17, cops broke down the doors of the 
apartment of two of the leaders of Occupy Chicago, Zoe Sigman and Bill 
Vassilakis, without even a search warrant. After beating up the Occupy folks 
from around the country who were staying there, they shackled them, and then 
held them in secret for 40 hours, despite the efforts of the National Lawyers 
Guild to locate them.

The authorities later charged three of the young people with terrorism charges, 
claiming they were conspiring to make Molotov cocktails. Even FOX news 
recognizes this as a clumsy effort of entrapment. FOX interviewed a retired 
judge who said these charges will be thrown out of court.

Of course, the purpose of these raids, and other raids and police violence that 
occurred in the days leading up to Sunday, was to frighten people away from the 
protest. If not for these, we are confident the march would have been even 

The most important lesson is that the people are more powerful than the cops, 
the mayor, or NATO. With little resources and under heavy repression, we 
brought together the forces, especially the Occupy Movement and the anti-war 
movement, to build this demonstration. In doing so, we dealt blows to NATO. 
Their image has been severely tarnished, and that will make it harder for them 
to continue the blood bath in Afghanistan and other wars they are planning. We 
educated millions about NATO and the G8, of which most people in this country 
knew nothing before we started. This experience has made the Occupy movement 
one that now takes a stand against imperialist war. And we rekindled the 
anti-war movement. This was the largest national protest since the 2008 march 
on the RNC and a good sign that resistance to empire and cut backs will 
continue to grow.

Read more News and Views from the Peoples Struggle at You can write to us at

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Fight Back! News · P.O. Box 582564 · Minneapolis, MN 55440 



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