Where it is not beyond the Quds Brigade to commit assassinations inside and
outside of Iran, the story put out by the US sounds more like the "theater
of the absurd"meets Iran Contra-Gate which had drug dealers, gun runners
and intelligence services working with one another too...but whose this



 Is an Iranian Drug Cartel Behind the Assassination Plot against the Saudi

Posted on 10/12/2011 by Juan

As many observers have pointed out, the story given us by Attorney General
Eric Holder about the alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi
ambassador in Washington, D.C., makes no sense. *Veteran CIA operative Bob
Baer, now retired, notes that Iranian
highly professional and works through proxies, and this sloppy
simply is not their modus operandi.

The US is alleging that Gholam Shakuri, a known member of the Quds Brigade,
the special operations force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, was
involved and that he was running an Iranian-American agent, Manssor
Arbabsiar, a *used car dealer with a conviction on check
Arbabsiar wired $100,000 to a bank account he thought belonged to a member
of the Zeta Mexican drug cartel, as a down payment on the $1.5 million
demanded by the cartel member for carrying out the assassination.

If Arbabsiar really had been an Iranian intelligence asset, he would have
been informed if there’s one thing the US typically monitors, it is money
transfers of more than $10,000 (as a measure against drug money laundering).
The only safe way to undertake this transaction would have been cash, and no
one in the Quds Brigade is so stupid as not to know this simple reality.
Moreover, would the Quds Brigade really depend so heavily on someone with a
fraud conviction, who was therefore known to US authorities? Expert
terrorism deploys “newskins” people who can fly under the radar of police
and security forces.

One possibility as to what is really going on here is *signaled by the
in the
*San Francisco Chronicle*:

” Arbabsiar also told the informant that the same Iranian sponsors behind
the assassination plot also controlled drug smuggling and could provide tons
of opium, the federal law enforcement official said.”

In other words, Arbabsiar’s patron, Shakuri, may have had a side business,
besides the Revolutionary Guards day job, as an element in *an opium- and
heroin-running gang bringing the stuff from
Iran and to points west. About half of Afghanistan’s opium and
heroin is exported via Iran.

If a rogue Iranian drug cartel with an IRGC cover wanted to hit the Saudi
ambassador, then it would be natural for them to reach out to their
counterparts, the Zetas in Mexico. Whereas if the Iranian state wanted to
assassinate someone, it would be crazy for them to reveal themselves to a
Mexican gangster.

So why hit the Saudis? If it was an Iranian cartel, they might be annoyed
with the Saudi version of the *war on
After all, some of their colleagues may have gotten caught in the dragnet.
Or they might be angered that Saudi-backed Sunni militant gangs in Iraq and
Syria have grabbed smuggling routes, cutting out the Iranians.

Of course, we cannot rule out the
possibility<http://www.tni.org/archives/pin-docs_220976-1>of a direct
Iranian government plot. After all, Chilean dictator Gen.
Augusto Pinochet assassinated dissident (and former ambassador) Orlando
Letelier in Washington, DC in 1976.

Iranian and Saudi relations have been roiled by the turmoil in Syria, with
with the Saudis supporting the opposition. In Bahrain the Saudis helped
crush the movement toward greater openness, angering Iranians. And, the
wikileaks cables demonstrate that the Saudis behind the scenes repeatedly
urged the US to hit Iran. There is something like a cold war between the two
regional powers, and this plot could be part of it. But I agree with Baer
that it looks too much like amateur hour to likely be the doings of the
Iranian government per se.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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