"An archivist at the U.S. National Archives asked Turse whether he thought
witnessing war crimes could cause PTSD."
"....War crimes, for army investigators, were “an image management”
problem. Those charged with war crimes were rarely punished."

Make sure you find this in your copy with the graphics, or read it here
while it is still in archives.

This is in response to a discussion on a group about Bush's War Crimes and
whether Obama's war crimes should be looked at as less, and why some
people felt his weren't important enough while refusing to look at a
supplied list with documentation.

Interesting question, if watching might contribute, then what is our
culture of violent games and media spread of gore do to the common person?



*Yet another "casualty" -- loathed word -- in the battle by the rich to
screw everyone else: another ordinary man, facing foreclosure and the loss
of everything he'd worked for in his life, committed
The suicide rate is up in this country and has
the Wall Street Crime Spree began in 2007. Add in the number of war
veterans committing
and we have a crisis. Not a problem, not an "issue," a crisis. But then,
such people are expendable. They always have been. Meanwhile, our political
village idiots continue to make deals with each other to cut social
benefits and screw us even more, while there is, of course, plenty of money
for military contractors and war profiteers. Bomb, baby,


[image: Prepare to be hacked by

*Torture prisoners, bomb cities, commit war crimes, pollute the
environment, deny people health care, throw them out of their homes, crash
the economy -- all that's okay in the Land of Free. But for the love of
god, don't mess with corporations' computers. That could get you fined
hundreds of thousands of dollars and locked up for 25



[image: Road Runner Warner
*Well, it's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do
Then again, given that you're more likely to be struck by
maybe not.*

*I've written about this book before, but not everybody sees every
newsletter, and not everybody can read everything. So in case you haven't
seen it yet, read on. And as you're reading, remember Bradley Manning and
compare.  -Lisa Simeone*

[image: Kill Anything That Moves, by Nick Turse Photo: Metropolitan

 Kill Anything That
** *by Chris Hedges*

Nick Turse’s “Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam”
is not only one of the most important books ever written about the Vietnam
conflict but provides readers with an unflinching account of the nature of
modern industrial warfare. *It captures, as few books on war do, the utter
depravity of industrial violence—what the sociologist James William Gibson
calls “technowar.” It exposes the sickness of the hyper-masculine military
culture, the intoxicating rush and addiction of violence, and the massive
government spin machine that lies daily to a gullible public and uses
tactics of intimidation, threats, and smear campaigns to silence dissenters.
* Turse, finally, grasps that the trauma that plagues most combat veterans
is a result not only of what they witnessed or endured, but what they did.
This trauma, shame, guilt, and self-revulsion push many combat
veterans—whether from Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan—to escape into narcotic
and alcoholic fogs or commit suicide. By the end of Turse’s book, you
understand why. ****

** **

*This is not the book Turse set out to write.* He was, when his research
began in June 2001, a graduate student looking at post-traumatic stress
disorder among Vietnam veterans. An archivist at the U.S. National Archives
asked Turse whether he thought witnessing war crimes could cause PTSD. He
steered Turse to yellowing reports amassed by the *Vietnam War Crimes
The group, set up in the wake of the My Lai massacre, was designed to
investigate the *hundreds of reports of torture, rape, kidnapping, forced
displacement, beatings, arson, mutilation, executions, and massacres
carried out by U.S. troops.* *But the object of the group was not to
discipline or to halt the abuses. It was, as Turse writes, “to ensure that
the army would never again be caught off-guard by a major war crimes
scandal.” War crimes, for army investigators, were “an image management”
problem.* *Those charged with war crimes were rarely punished. The numerous
reports of atrocities collected by the Vietnam War Crimes Working Group
were kept secret, and the eyewitnesses who reported war crimes were usually
ignored, discredited, or cowed into silence.* ****

Turse used the secret Pentagon reports and documents to track down more
than 100 veterans—including those who had reported witnessing atrocities to
their superiors and others charged with carrying out atrocities—and
traveled to Vietnam to interview survivors. A decade later he produced a
masterpiece. *Case after case in his book makes it painfully clear that
soldiers and Marines deliberately maimed, abused, beat, tortured, raped,
wounded, or killed hundreds of thousands of unarmed civilians, including
children, with impunity. Troops engaged in routine acts of sadistic
violence usually associated with demented Nazi concentration camp guards.
what Turse describes is a woefully incomplete portrait, since he found that
*“an astonishing number of marine court-martial records of the era have
apparently been destroyed or gone missing,”* and “most air force and navy
criminal investigation files that may have existed seem to have met the
same fate.” ****

The few incidents of wanton killing in Vietnam—and this is also true for
the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—that did become public, such as My Lai,
were dismissed as an aberration, the result of a few soldiers or Marines
gone bad. But, *as Turse makes clear, such massacres were and are, in our
current imperial adventures, commonplace. The slaughters “were the
inevitable outcome of deliberate policies, dictated at the highest levels
of the military,”* he writes. They were carried out because the dominant
tactic of the war, as conceived by our politicians and generals, was
on the concept of “overkill.” And when troops on the ground could not kill
fast enough, the gunships, helicopters, fighter jets, and bombers came to
their assistance. *The U.S. Air Force contributed to the demented quest for
“overkill”—eradicating so many of the enemy that recuperation was
theoretically impossible—by dropping the equivalent of 640 Hiroshima-sized
atomic bombs on Vietnam, most actually falling on the south where our
purported Vietnamese allies resided. And planes didn’t just drop bombs.
They unloaded more than 70 million tons of herbicidal agents, 3 million
white phosphorus rockets—white phosphorous will burn its way entirely
through a body—and an estimated 400,000 tons of jellied incendiary
napalm. *“Thirty-five
percent of the victims,” Turse writes, “died within fifteen to twenty
minutes.” Death from the skies, like death on the ground, was often
unleashed capriciously. “It was not out of the ordinary for U.S. troops in
Vietnam to blast a whole village or bombard a wide area in an effort to
kill a single sniper,” Turse writes.* ****

Murder is an integral part of war. And the most disturbing form of murder,
because it is so intimate, is carried out by infantry troops. *The god-like
power that comes with the ability to destroy anything, including other
human beings, along with the intoxicating firepower of industrial weapons,
rapidly turns those who wield these weapons into beasts. Human beings are
reduced to objects, toys to satiate a perverse desire to dominate,
humiliate, control, and kill.* Corpses are trophies. *Many of the
Vietnamese who were murdered, Turse relates, were first subjected to
degrading forms of public abuse, gang rape, torture, and savage
beatings.*They were, Turse writes, when first detained “confined to
tiny barbed wire
‘cow cages’ and sometimes jabbed with sharpened bamboo sticks while inside
them.” Other detainees “were placed in large drums filled with water; the
containers were then struck with great force, which caused internal
injuries but left no scars.” Some were “suspended by ropes for hours on end
or hung upside down and beaten, a practice called ‘the plane ride.’ ” Or
they “were chained with their hands over their heads, arms fully extended,
so their feet could barely touch the ground—a version of an age-old torture
called the strappado. *Untold numbers were subjected to electric shocks
from crank-operated field telephones, battery-powered devices, or even
cattle prods.”* Soles of feet were beaten. Fingernails were ripped out.
Fingers were dismembered. Detainees were slashed with knives, “suffocated,
burned by cigarettes, or beaten with truncheons, clubs, sticks, bamboo
flails, baseball bats, and other objects. Many were threatened with death
or even subjected to mock executions.” Turse found that “detained civilians
and captured guerrillas were often used as human mine detectors and
regularly died in the process.” *And while soldiers and Marines were
engaged in daily acts of brutality and murder, the Central Intelligence
Agency “organized, coordinated, and paid for” a clandestine program of
targeted assassinations “of specific individuals without any attempt to
capture them alive or any thought of a legal trial.”*

** **

*“All that suffering,” Turse, writes, “was more or less ignored as it
happened, and then written out of history even more thoroughly in the
decades since.”*****

Turse, in one of many accounts, describes a string of atrocities committed
in the Duc Pho/Mo Duc border region in spring 1967 by Charlie Company, 2nd
Battalion, 35th Infantry under the command of Capt. James Lanning. A
wounded detainee, Turse writes, was dumped into a boat and pushed into a
rice paddy where he was riddled with bullets and finished off with a
grenade. A wounded woman was covered with a straw mat and set on fire. Paul
Halverson, a soldier and military combat correspondent who accompanied the
unit, when asked about the total number of civilians killed by Lanning’s
force, stated in the book:  “The entire time I was over there—just by
Charlie Company—I’d say it would be in the hundreds.”****

Maj. Gordon Livingston, a regimental surgeon with the 11th Armored Cavalry
Regiment, in 1971 testified before Congress that he witnessed “a helicopter
pilot who swooped down on two Vietnamese women riding bicycles and killed
them with the helicopter skids.” The pilot, after being grounded briefly
and investigated, was soon exonerated and allowed back in the air. ****

*Soldiers and Marines, as is common in all wars, collected body parts of
dead Vietnamese—heads, noses, scalps, breasts, teeth, ears, fingers,
genitals—and displayed them or wore them in necklaces.* “There was people
in all the platoons with ears on cords,” Jimmie Busby, a member of the 75th
Rangers during 1970-1971, told an Army criminal investigator. Corpses were
dressed up and twisted into comic poses for photographs or gruesomely
mutilated. Severed heads of Vietnamese were mounted on pikes or poles in
Army camps. The dead were lashed onto Army *vehicles—which at times ran
over Vietnamese civilians for sport*—and driven through villages.
* Rape was as common as murder.* A veteran from the 198th Light Infantry
Brigade is quoted by Turse as saying that he knew of 10 to 15 rapes of
young girls by soldiers from his unit “within a span of just six or seven
months.” A Vietnamese woman in an Army report Turse quotes said she was
detained by troops from the 173rd Airborne Brigade and “then raped by
approximately ten soldiers.” “In another incident,” Turse writes, “eleven
members of one squad from the 23rd Infantry Division raped a Vietnamese
girl. As word spread, another squad traveled to the scene to join in. In a
third incident, an American GI recalled seeing a Vietnamese woman who was
hardly able to walk after she had been gang-raped by thirteen soldiers.” A
Marine in the book spoke about a nine-man squad that entered a village to
hunt for “a Viet Cong whore.” The squad found a woman, raped her, and then
shot her through the head.****

*“One marine remembered finding a Vietnamese woman who had been shot and
wounded,” Turse writes. “Severely injured, she begged for water. Instead,
her clothes were ripped off.  She was stabbed in both breasts, then forced
into a spread-eagle position, after which the handle of an entrenching
tool—essentially a short-handled shovel—was thrust up her vagina. Other
women were violated with objects ranging from soda bottles to rifles.”* ****

Vietnamese who were detained in the country’s “massive incarceration
archipelago” were slapped, punched, kicked, sexually assaulted, given
electric shocks and subjected to the “water-rag” treatment, or

“They tried to force me to confess that I was involved with the Viet Cong,”
one detainee said of her South Vietnamese and American interrogators. “I
refused to make such a statement and *so they stuck needles under the tips
of my ten fingernails saying that if I did not write down what they wanted,
and admit to being Viet Cong, then they would continue the torture.” When
she did not comply “they tied my nipples to electric wires, then gave me
electric shocks, knocking me to the floor every time they did so.* They
said that if they did not get the necessary information they would continue
the torture. *Two American soldiers were always standing on either side of
me.” *****

Military commanders and politicians were seduced by the destructive fury
they could call down on the enemy. Walls of automatic rifle fire, hundreds
of rounds of belt-fed machine-gun fire, 90 mm tank rounds, endless sheets
of grenades, mortars, artillery shells, and claymore mines saturated the
countryside while gigantic 2,700-pound explosive projectiles were fired
from battleships along the coast. Canisters of napalm, daisy-cutter bombs,
anti-personnel rockets, high-explosive rockets, incendiary rockets, cluster
bombs, high-explosive shells, and iron fragmentation bombs—including the
40,000-pound bomb loads dropped by giant B-52 Strarofortress bombers—along
with chemical defoliants and chemical gases were dropped from the sky. The
ceaseless assault would, the generals and politicians believed, ultimately
ensure victory. The gleeful tally of the dead was captured in the perverse
practice of body counts, a macabre scorecard to “prove” that our side was
winning. ****

*The official license granted to soldiers and Marines to kill anyone came
in the form of the free fire zone—a term later changed by the military to
the more neutral sounding “specified strike zone”—which had at its core the
Orwellian logic of military institutions. In these zones, troops were
informed, there were no civilians because everyone in a “free fire zone”
was the enemy.* *Women. Children. The elderly. They were all legitimate
targets. “You could not be held responsible for firing on innocent
civilians since by definition there were none there,”* an infantryman said.
And when patrols shot and killed groups of unarmed civilians outside of
officially designated free fire zones they unilaterally decided to
designate their killing sites as free fire zones.****

** **

*War always exalts and elevates psychotic killers. *And Vietnam became
their playground. Sgt. Roy Bumgarner of the Army’s 1st Cavalry Division and
later the 173rd Airborne Brigade “reportedly amassed an astonishing
personal body count of more than 1,500 enemy KIAs, sometimes logging more
kills with his six-man ‘wildcat’ team than the rest of his 500-man
battalion combined.” Reports of Bumgarner’s indiscriminate killing sprees,
excessive even by the standards of Vietnam, filtered back to the high
command. In March 1968 Pvt. Arthur Williams, a sniper on Bumgarner’s scout
team, informed military authorities that on “at least four occasions” he
had seen Bumgarner kill unarmed Vietnamese civilians, Turse writes.
Bumgarner, Turse reports, *often planted Chinese communist grenades on the
bodies of his victims—including children—so they could be called in as dead
enemy troops.* Charles Boss, who was on the sergeant’s wildcat team, is
quoted as telling an Army criminal investigator “only a couple of weeks ago
I heard Bumgarner had killed a Vietnamese girl and two younger kids (boys),
who didn’t have any weapons.” Bumgarner was eventually court-martialed
after numerous eyewitness reports of his propensity for murder. He was
convicted of unpremeditated murder, reduced in rank, and fined. *But he
never did any prison time. He continued his career in the military, soon
regaining his old rank.* The military was not about to lose his services.
He spent seven years in Vietnam. ****

*Turse also profiles Col. John Donaldson, a West Point graduate and former
Olympian who organized “gook” hunts from helicopters.* One officer is
quoted in the book as saying that Donaldson and his chief intelligence
officer “flew around in the colonel’s chopper with a crate of grenades,
‘frags’ they were called, and popped them in the rice fields over the
‘dinks’ who would attempt to run for cover when the chopper swooped down to
chase them.” When enough reports of the colonel’s killing made it up the
chain of command, *his fellow officers, including Colin Powell who had
served with him for eight months in Vietnam, made sure the charges were
ignored or dismissed. Two of the key witnesses willing to testify against
him, apparently under pressure, changed their testimony. The colonel was
never reprimanded.*

** **

The killing campaign of Gen. Julian Ewell, nicknamed the “Butcher of the
Delta,” reached staggering *genocidal proportions* in the Mekong Delta
where he commanded the 9th Division. Ronald Bartek in the book remembered
that the general “wanted to begin killing ‘4,000 of these little bastards,’
and then by the end of the following month wanted to kill 6,000, and so on
from there.” Ewell launched an operation called “Speedy Express” that
employed fleets of helicopter gunships, F-4 Phantoms, ships lobbing
“Volkswagen-sized” shells, B-52 bombers, Swift Boats, snipers, teams of
Navy SEALs, and thousands of infantry troops. The provincial hospitals were
soon flooded with civilian wounded. *A veteran, disturbed by the massive
loss of life, wrote a letter to Gen. William Westmoreland*, the army’s
chief of staff. He explained Ewell’s tactics: “If anybody ever got sniper
fire from a tree line we’d use gunships and artillery on the villages and
go in later.” He listed the names of the officers pushing the soldiers to
carry out the massacres. *He pleaded with the military to put a halt to the
carnage. *He wrote that any civilian who ran from U.S. troops was instantly
shot. He detailed in the letter how “a battalion would kill maybe 15 to 20
a day. With four battalions in the Brigade that would be maybe 40 to 50 a
day or 1200 to 1500 a month, easy. (One battalion claimed almost 1000 body
counts one month!) If I am only 10% right, and believe me it’s lots more,
then I am trying to tell you about 120-150 murders, or a My Lay each month
for over a year.” *He signed the letter “Concerned Sergeant.” The
“Concerned Sergeant” was soon identified* by the Criminal Investigation
Command as George Lewis, a member of the 4th Battalion, 39th Infantry, of
Ewell’s 9th Division. *When nothing was done he wrote more letters to
senior commanders. But his pleas were ignored. *“No one,” Turse writes,
“from the 9th Infantry Division was ever court-martialed for killing
civilians during Speedy Express.” Ewell, in fact, was awarded a third star
and promoted. He went on to help author a counterinsurgency manual for the
Army. And, as Turse writes, “the rank-and-file troops who spoke out against
murder were, for the most part, essentially powerless in the face of
command-level cover-ups.”****

*Those soldiers and Marines who did report the war crimes they witnessed
could sometimes face a fate worse than being pressured, discredited, or
ignored.* On Sept. 12, 1969, Turse writes, George Chunko sent a letter to
his parents explaining how his unit had entered a home that had a young
Vietnamese woman, four young children, an elderly man and a military-age
male. It appeared the younger man was AWOL from the South Vietnamese army.
The young man was stripped naked and tied to a tree. His wife fell to her
knees and begged the soldiers for mercy. The prisoner, Chunko wrote, was
“ridiculed, slapped around, and [had] mud rubbed into this face.” He was
then executed. *A day after he wrote the letter Chunko was killed. Chunko’s
parents “suspected that their son had been murdered to cover up the crime.”*

** **

*Lt. Col. Anthony Herbert reported to his superiors “descriptions of
torture at the 172nd Military Intelligence Detachment compound, as well as
other horrific stories.”*  Maj. Carl Hensley was assigned to investigate. *He
soon found that the charges were accurate. But, according to his wife,
Dolores, the more Hensley dug and the more he prodded the military to
respond to the war crimes, the more despondent and depressed he became at
home.* “Carl withdrew into a shell,” she is quoted as saying, “stopped
eating, did not talk to the children and did not or would not talk to me.”
Hensley used a shotgun to commit suicide. The Army’s official response to
the Herbert charges was to produce “a 53-page catalog of alleged
discrepancies in Herbert’s public accounts of his time in the military” to
discredit him. “The scores of atrocities that the army uncovered as a
result of Herbert’s charges,” Turse writes, “would remain secret for

** **

*The almost unfathomable scale of the slaughter, the contribution of our
technical, industrial, and scientific apparatus to create deadlier weapon
systems, implicates huge sections of our society in war crimes. The
military and weapons manufacturers openly spoke of the war as a
“laboratory” for new forms of killing. Turse’s book obliterates the image
we have of ourselves as a good and virtuous nation. It mocks the popular
belief that we have a right to impose our “virtues” on others by force. It
exposes the soul of our military, which has achieved, through relentless
propaganda and effective censorship, a level of public adulation that is
terrifying.* *Turse reminds us who we are.* And in an age of expanding wars
in the Middle East, routine torture, murderous air and drone strikes, and
targeted assassinations, *his book is not so much about the past as about
the present. We have worked, consciously and unconsciously, to erase the
terrible truth about Vietnam and ultimately about ourselves. This is a
tragedy.* *For if we were able to remember who we were, if we knew what we
were capable of doing to others, then we might be less prone to replicating
the industrial slaughter of Vietnam in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Somalia, and Yemen.* ****

“After the war,” Turse concludes, “most scholars wrote off the accounts of
widespread war crimes that recur throughout Vietnamese revolutionary
publications and American antiwar literature as merely so much propaganda.
Few academic historians even thought to cite such sources, and almost none
did so extensively. *Meanwhile, My Lai came to stand for—and thus blot
out—all other American atrocities.* Vietnam War bookshelves are now filled
with big-picture histories, sober studies of diplomacy and military
tactics, and combat memoirs told from the soldiers’ perspective. Buried in
forgotten U.S. government archives, locked away in the memories of atrocity
survivors, the real American war in Vietnam has all but vanished from
public consciousness.”****



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