Hi.  Here's another take on and wrap of 2005.  Tune in Monday
for Part 2 of Amy Goodman's look back at 2005, 9 am, KPFK.
Friday's part 1 was outstanding.  Again, my best wishes for 2006.
I'll be sending you some real funnies is a few minutes.

Special Feature, from:

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By Michael Moore

They were the seven words you can't say on television:
"George Bush doesn't care about black people."

2005 will be remembered for many things, from a rising body count in
an endless war to the first criminal charges against a sitting White
House official in 130 years to something as simple as the weather and
a storm that revealed, with one levee break, an administration
re-elected on the promise of keeping everyone safe had no clue at all
what to do.

But it was the bigger levee of apathy and silence which was broken by
the utterance of those seven words, live and unexpected, on national
TV. Spoken with simple sincerity by Kanye West on the NBC telethon to
aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina, it shot out of the nation's flat
screens like a laser beam of truth. Stunned viewers simply could not
believe that someone had said what many had been thinking -- but no
one was saying.

An obviously nervous director cut away from West as soon as he could,
and by the time the telethon aired three hours later on the West
Coast, NBC had exorcised those seven dirty words.

In a time of carefully managed information dissemination and a media
afraid to veer from the Official Story, it was, perhaps, the pivotal
moment of the year, the instant where culture and politics collided
and the apple cart of a president who once had a 90% approval rating
was turned upside down. NBC's censoring of Kanye West's remarks, I'm
sure, made sense to the brass at General Electric. After all, we now
live in a time where dissent must be marginalized, ignored, punished
and, most importantly, seen as something that gives aid and comfort to
America's enemies.

What NBC didn't understand was that the American public was already
way ahead of them. Thanks to a number of individuals who, in 2005,
dared to step out of line and say something real, the public had begun
a seismic shift away from the chokehold of uniform and uninformed
thought. It was the year the Stones got political and showed no
sympathy for the devil. You could turn on Jay Leno and see Bright Eyes
singing "When the President Talks to God." George Clooney seemed like
he was churning out a film a month that spoke to the dark path the
country had taken - and people were lining up to buy tickets. It was a
year when the most popular music video (Green Day's "Wake Me When
September Ends") was one that dared to show an authentic depiction of
how the Iraq war costs young soldiers their limbs and their lives.

But not all of 2005's truth-tellers and troublemakers were well-known
artists - some were just average citizens who had simply seen enough.
A student in Ohio decided he'd take on the army recruiters swarming
his campus in search of fresh bodies. A guy in Texas made it his
mission to uncover the dirty deals of the Republican House majority
leader. A lone mother of a deceased soldier went to Crawford one day,
and the American people listened and wondered what they would do if
their son had died for a pack of lies. It never got better for Mr.
Bush from that day forward.

As a rule, we are instructed from childhood that serious consequences
shall arise if we dare to rock the boat. We learn instinctually that
it is always better to go along so that we get along. To slip off the
assembly line of groupthink means to risk ridicule, rejection,
banishment. Being alone sucks, but being alone while you are attacked,
smeared, and scorned is about the same as picking up a hot poker and
jamming it in your eye. Who in their right mind would want to do that?
Especially when conformity to the community offers as its reward
acceptance, support, love and the chance to be comfortably numb.

This month we celebrated the 50th anniversary of a moment that shook the
world on December 1, 1955. A black seamstress in Montgomery, Alabama,
refused to give up her seat to a white man when she was ordered by the law
to do just that. This unknown woman endured every imaginable abuse from the
authorities, the press, and even from some of the old guard in her own black
community. None of that mattered. A single, simple act by a lone woman
ignited a revolution. When Rosa Parks died in October of this year, the
president-who-doesn't-care-about-black-people couldn't even bring himself to
make it to her funeral. December 1st should be a national holiday, to honor
all individuals who rebel and cause trouble for the common good. Without
these people there would never had been a United States of America and
without them it won't continue.

Far from becoming Public Enemy #1, Kanye West was not only roundly
applauded across the country, he was asked to come back and appear
live on the following week's telethon, one that aired on all the major
networks. The country had come a long way from a certain Oscar night
two years prior when a guy I know was booed off the stage for his
anti-Bush remarks.

I asked Kanye what prompted him to speak out and he told me he hadn't
planned on doing so. "I was just standing there, looking at the
teleprompter with the words they had written for me to say and I just
thought, 'How can I read these words when the truth needs to be

And that's the good news about 2005. This year's mavericks and rabble
rousers stuck their necks out -- and they didn't get them chopped off.
They helped the nation make a turn toward the truth, and average
Americans began to speak their minds freely in the diners and the
churches and the bars, little words of discontent and dissent and
growing outrage. You can argue that it was five years and 2,100 dead
soldiers too late. Or you can say that Americans may be slow learners,
but when we finally figure something out... well, watch out. A new
majority forms and there can be no stopping it. Stands taken by this
year's troublemakers had become, by years' end, the mainstream
position of the American people. Every poll shows the same thing: The
majority now opposes the war, the majority no longer trust the
president when he speaks, and the majority would rather vote for a
Democrat next year. The time is ripe to get this country back in the
hands of the majority. Will we seize the moment? Or will we need a
whole new crop of rebels next year to keep us honest and doing the
right thing? Thank God we will still have artists and writers and
everyday citizens willing to sign up for the call. Those who dare to
be different are the closest thing we have to a national treasure

compiled by NY Transfer from http://www.radiohc.cu



Political Gateway      December 28, 2005

CIA prisoner 'rendition' program began under Clinton

Berlin - The CIA's controversial "rendition" program to have terror suspects
captured and questioned on foreign soil was launched under US president Bill
Clinton, a former US counterterrorism agent told a German newspaper.

Michael Scheuer, a 22-year veteran of the CIA who resigned from the agency
in 2004, told Thursday's issue of the newsweekly Die Zeit that the US
administration had been looking in the mid-1990s for a way to combat the
terrorist threat and circumvent the cumbersome US legal system.

"President Clinton, his national security advisor Sandy Berger and his
terrorism advisor Richard Clark ordered the CIA in the autumn of 1995 to
destroy Al-Qaeda," Scheuer said, in comments published in German.

"We asked the president what we should do with the people we capture.
Clinton said 'That's up to you'."

Scheuer, who headed the CIA unit that tracked Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin
Laden from 1996 to 1999, said that he developed and led the "renditions"
program, which he said included moving prisoners without due legal process
to countries without strict human rights protections.

"In Cairo, people are not treated like they are in Milwaukee. The Clinton
administration asked us if we believed that the prisoners were being treated
in accordance with local law. And we answered, yes, we're fairly sure."

At the time, he said, the CIA did not arrest or imprison anyone itself.

"That was done by the local police or secret services," he said, adding that
the prisoners were never taken to US soil. "President Clinton did not want

He said the program changed under Clinton's successor, President George W.
Bush, after the attacks of September 11, 2001.

"We started putting people in our own institutions -- in Afghanistan, Iraq
and Guantanamo. The Bush administration wanted to capture people itself but
made the same mistake as the Clinton administration by not treating these
people as prisoners of war."

He accused Europeans of being hypocritical in criticizing the US
administration for its anti-terror tactics while benefiting from them.

"All the information we received from interrogations and documents,
everything that had to do with Spain, Italy, Germany, France, England was
passed on," he said.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice defended renditions on a trip to
Europe this month as a "vital tool" for fighting international terrorism but
insisted that Washington does not condone torture.

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