Grenada 1979-1984 KH<>
As to the invasion itself ... code-named "*Urgent Fury*" . *...* Before
long the Psychological *Operations* Battalion of the US Army was cruising
over the island in a *...*

Maurice Bishop and The New Jewel Movement

Maurice Bishop's Daughter Speaks - Renaming of Airport - MBIA
A Bitter Anniversary: Remembering the Invasion of Grenada
October 22, 2012
Tweet <> [1]
The Other Side of Paradise <> [2]

The second half of October is always a time of reflection amongst
progressive forces in Caribbean, but especially so in Grenada. This is
because October 19 marked the 29th anniversary of the death of Maurice
Bishop, the Prime Minister of the People’s Revolutionary Government of
Grenada. In addition, October 25 will mark the 29th anniversary of the
invasion of Grenada—where the United States attacked the island’s
population of 110,000 with 7,000 troops via land, sea, and air.

[image: 1339] "Photo Credit:"

The right wing Heritage Foundation described the 1983 invasion
[3] “The Reagan Administration's bold action to restore democracy and a
free market economy to Grenada.” Ronald Reagan himself stated
[4] “no invasion; it was a rescue mission.” Guyana’s *Stabroek News* was
more precise, calling
[5] “one of the most egregious examples of asymmetrical warfare in modern
times, the United States of America, the world’s most powerful state,
invaded Grenada, one of the world’s weakest mini-states.”

Given the context of the Cold War, the United States under Reagan had been
busy undermining <>
[6] the revolutionary government in Nicaragua, aiding the right wing
paramilitaries <> [7] in El Salvador,
[8] the progressive government of Michael Manley in Jamaica. Reagan was
also eager to score a military victory and restore the confidence that had
been lost after the Vietnam War and the overthrowing of the Shah in Iran.
This victory was to come at the expense of the Grenadian people, and the
wider hopes of the Caribbean, in constructing a model of society based on
social justice.

The Grenadian Revolution began on March 13, 1979, when the New Joint
Endeavor for Welfare Education and Liberation, or the New Jewel Movement,
overthrew the corrupt and increasingly oppressive government of Eric Gairy.
Bishop described
[9] under Gairy as one of “a total dependence on imperialism, a reality
that meant extreme poverty, characterized by massive unemployment, with
more than half of the work force out of work, high malnutrition,
illiteracy, backwardness, superstition, poor housing and health conditions
combined with overall economic stagnation and massive migration.”

The role of the Grenadian Revolution, its importance to the wider
Caribbean, and the threat it posed for the United States was best summed up
by Bishop who 
[10] in 1980 that “We are obviously no threat to America, nor is Cuba for
that matter. I think Washington fears that we could set an example for the
rest of the region if our Revolution succeeds. In the Caribbean region
you’re talking about small countries with small populations and limited
resources, countries that over the years have been classic examples of
neo-capitalist depend­encies. Now you have these new governments like
Nicaragua and Grenada that are attempting a different experiment. They are
no longer looking at development as how many hotels you have on the beach
but in terms of what benefits people get. How many have jobs? How many are
being fed, housed, and clothed? How many of the children receive education?
We certainly believe in Grenada that the people of the English-speaking
Caribbean *want *to see an experiment like that succeed. They *want *to see
what we are trying to build come about. America understands that and
obviously if *we *are able to succeed where previous governments following
different models failed, that would be very, very subversive.”

According to Jorge
[11], the Grenadian Revolution “stands as the single most advanced effort
to bring socialism to the English speaking Caribbean, regionally the
Grenadian Revolution stands only after the Haitian Revolution of 1804, and
the Cuban Revolution of 1959 in the scope and degree of change brought to
political institutions.” As such, the Reagan administration had to figure
out a way to portray Grenada as an immediate threat to the world’s
preeminent superpower.

This was done by portraying the construction of the Port Salines
International Airport as the latest Soviet attempt to launch an attack on
the United States. Despite the airport being a project planned by the
British and Canadian government, assisted by Cuban construction workers and
a Miami-based dredging
[12], Reagan spun the project as something much more sinister, calling
[13] “a Soviet-Cuban colony being readied as a major military bastion to
export terror and undermine democracy.”

In 1982, Bishop invited Congressman Ron Dellums to Grenada on a
fact-finding mission. Upon his return, he told Congress
[14] "Based on my personal observations, discussion, and analysis of the
new international airport under construction in Grenada, it is my
conclusion that this project is specifically now and has always been for
the purpose of economic development and is not for military use.... It is
my thought that it is absurd, patronizing, and totally unwarranted for the
United States Government to charge that this airport poses a military
threat to the United States’ national security."

October 19, 1983 marks the date when a personal and factional rivalry began
between Bishop and Bernard Coard. Bishop was regarded as being more
pragmatic, while Coard on the other hand was seen by many as being much
more “Stalinist” and doctrinaire in character. Coard’s ultra-left
counter-revolution was extremely bloody, killing Bishop, his pregnant
girlfriend, and many of his supporters in the Revolutionary cabinet. With
the killing of such a charismatic and visionary leader, this was the date
when the Grenadian Revolution was dealt its hardest blow; the invasion
simply finished things off.

Before this could happen, one of the most vital elements which helped
Reagan build his case for invasion came in the form of a request by the
Organization of Eastern Caribbean States to invade Grenada to restore
democratic institutions. The OECS leader and Prime Minister of Dominica,
Eugenia Charles, made the request. William Blum argued about the
controversial nature of this request for intervention, remarking
[15] “Even if the fears were valid, it would constitute a principle
heretofore unknown under international law, namely that state A could ask
state B to invade state C in the absence of any aggressive act toward state
A by state C.” Declassified records have since shown that the CIA had given
[16] for making the request to intervene in Grenada.

One year after the U.S. invasion and the deaths of hundreds of Grenadian
people, the World Bank hypocritically argued
[17] the lack of an international airport “was the most limiting single
factor in achieving the island’s growth possibilities.”

The Grenadian Revolution was notable in the English speaking Caribbean for
its firm declaration of anti- imperialist politics and the advancement of
grass roots democracy, economic self-reliance, and agricultural
cooperatives. Fidel Castro referred
[18] it as both “a successful Moncada” and “a big revolution in a small

In many ways, the Grenadian revolution was also traumatic blow to the wider
Caribbean left, revealing sharp warnings about ideological factionalism and
ever-present U.S. destabilization campaigns and military intervention. It
was a violent reminder that broad societal change would not occur easily or
without repercussions. That said, we can see signs of hope. As a sign of
the transition towards recognizing the good of the Revolution, in
[19], the Point Salines International Airport—the target of so much U.S.
propaganda efforts—was renamed the Maurice Bishop International Airport.
The move was significant after so much time and money had been spent to
demonize Bishop and the revolution since the invasion.

With the deterioration of living conditions and limited opportunities for
so many people in the Caribbean, the words of Bishop and the positive
lessons from the Grenadian Revolution are now more important than ever.
While August 2012 marked the 50th Anniversary of independence for Jamaica
and Trinidad, the current levels of poverty, inequality, violence, and lack
of opportunity across the wider Caribbean, reveal that political
independence is often a hollow prize if not reinforced by efforts to remake
society along the lines of greater equality and justice.


 *Kevin Edmonds is a NACLA blogger focusing on the Caribbean. For more from
his blog, "*The Other Side of Paradise,*" visit [20]. Edmonds is a former NACLA research
associate and a current PhD student at the University of Toronto, where he
is studying the impact of neoliberalism on the St. Lucian banana trade.
Follow him on twitter @kevin_edmonds <>

   - Grenada <> [22]
   - Invasion <> [23]
   - Maurice Bishop <> [24]
   - Revolution <> [25]

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