This reads better at the web site, my web mail insists on detaching the
graphics and reattaching them as disembodied attachments at the bottom,
when I forwards.


"...slanting public opinion is necessary for support going to the
militarization of our society, providing massive profits to the ruling
Forces of Greed."



*"Americans' confidence in television news has hit an all-time low,
according to a new survey released Tuesday by Gallup," begins a piece at
/Common Dreams/ <>.

More are catching on, and we would be making a movement toward democracy
if these skeptics had the facts, but most citizens are flying blind, not
knowing where to look for the truth.  Our LUV tribe is getting pertinent
facts out, but on our best days we do not hit 1% of the US population.

Abroad, it is getting to be just as bad.  We have a number of daily
readers in other countries, many of them expats tired of propaganda from
/CNN International/.

The foreign press is brutal about it, particularly in targeted nations
like Russia, which is demonized in the US mass media.  Here's one this
morning from Russian news
about the wild propaganda in the US media concerning Syria, where nobody
in US mass media appears to be checking facts, rather sticking
microphones in front of official sources and relaying it as "news,"
often containing lies about Russia.



*/Pro Publica/ has a piece
showing the mass media hype about New York City Police stopping major
terrorism is mostly untrue.  Sad that so many citizens are watching
their TVs and believing we are under attack from crazed Muslim's wanting
to blow up innocents, but of course slanting public opinion is necessary
for support going to the militarization of our society, providing
massive profits to the ruling Forces of Greed.

Glenn Greenwald goes into the plan
<> for a new
medal which would be awarded to drone "pilots" for their "bravery."
Those troops involved in the massacre of Lakota at Wounded Knee got over
twenty Medals of Honor.  Like the drone campaigns, the dead and wounded
contained large numbers of women and children, but at least those troops
had to watch their victims bleed and die.  Often, drone strikes are on
buildings, and the "pilot" has little idea who's in the building.



*We had to go to Italian news to get this beautiful piece
about the bestowal of the RFK Human Rights Award to Librada Paz, who has
devoted her life to helping farm workers achieve a bit of dignity.  She
will be given the award in November.

The people who pick our crops average less than minimum wage, often
working more than 12 hour days without overtime, health care, or days
off in most states.  They are routinely exposed to toxic chemicals, and
the females often face sexual abuse.

We are told that to give them decent wages would mean the cost of our
produce would increase, without considering the billions of dollars in
subsidies that go to big agribusiness and the 1%.  It's hard to believe
citizens would not support an increase in the cost of their produce if
the increase went to the people who do the work, and our Department of
Agriculture protected our interests rather than the interests of the
ruling Forces of Greed, who won't even let us know what's in our food.

Of all the horrible armies of terrorists unleashed on third world
peoples by the USA in recent decades, those financed and armed by the
Reagan administration were among the worst.  There was Jonas Savimbi
murdering at least hundreds of thousands in Angola and Mozambique, the
Afghan Mujahadeen (a gift that still keeps giving from its creation of
al Qaeda, then including Osama bin Laden), and the Central American
Contras, documented by international human rights groups to have
murdered thousands, tortured thousands and raped thousands while being
financed, supplied and trained by the CIA.**


**This was because the people of Nicaragua had overthrown their
dictator, the Samoza family installed by the USA to rule for decades
with the help of their US-trained National Guard.  Rather than apologize
to the people of Nicaragua for all the horrors imposed on them by the
Samozas, our government is now asking that Nicaraguans reward their
rapists, torturers and murderers.  Only in the Land of the Free   --Jack

**Coming to the Aid of War Criminals**

At the moment, the U.S. State Department is threatening to withhold
millions of dollars of aid to Nicaragua on the basis that Nicaragua
appropriated land -- in many instances from those who served as National
Guard officials under the repressive regime of Anastasio Somoza --
without proper compensation.  This despite the fact that the Nicaraguan
government has taken great pains to resolve such property claims.  A
number of human rights groups see this threat to withhold much needed
aid as, in the words of the Nicaragua Network, "nothing less than a
transparent attack on the Sandinista government's poverty reduction

The mere suggestion that the United States knowingly harbors alleged war
criminals would surely come as a surprise to most Americans and yet that
is precisely the case.

At the conclusion of the Nicaraguan Revolution in July of 1979 many
among the wealthy and ruling class fled the country. In the case of
US-backed dictator Anastasio Somoza it was surely rooted in a fear of
recrimination and retribution for his horrific and well-documented
record of human rights abuses. While Somoza eventually wound up in
Ascuncion, Paraguay where he was killed by a commando unit of the
Argentine Workers Party in 1980, many of his top lieutenants and
associates ended up in the United States where eventually they were
granted US citizenship. But that by no means was the end of the story.

When Somoza and company made their hasty departure they left behind
property that in many cases had been illegally appropriated during the
period of the Somoza family dictatorship. These abandoned properties
were confiscated by the Sandinista government and redistributed through
agrarian reform measures.

The Nicaraguan refugees who are now US Citizens received a warm
reception and a safe home among other Latin American expatriate
communities in South Florida. They were also the darlings of the far
right-wing of the Republican Party, including members of Congress who
felt the need to take up their cause.

In the mid 1990's the Helms-Gonzalez Amendment of the Foreign Relations
Authorization Act was adopted.  This required that the U.S. government
refuse aid to countries that expropriated U.S. citizen lands, unless the
President (or those acting on his behalf) provides such countries with a

Nicaragua has complied with U.S. demands on this issue, resolving 60
cases in the past year by paying out nearly $3.5 billion total over the
years to those petitioning for remuneration, including to those
Nicaraguans who mortgaged properties, spent the money, became US
citizens, and then demanded return of the properties!

So who exactly are these individuals? The US State Department is
reluctant to share such information as it would infringe on citizen's
rights to privacy, but a document obtained from Nicaraguan Attorney
General Hernan Estrada's office offers a chilling glimpse of victimizers
now maintaining victim status. Several examples are offered here, but
are by no mean exhaustive.

Alesio Gutierrez, at one time a colonel and leader of the notorious
Guardia Nacional, stands accused of carrying out "operacion limpieza" or
"operation cleansing" in various neighborhoods of Managua as well as
directing the indiscriminate bombing of civilians. Mr. Gutierrez now
seeks compensation for a certificate of deposit.

Reynaldo Perez Vega, at one time second in command of the Guardia
Nacional (GN), is best remembered as a torturer and for crimes against
humanity.  Mr. Vega's family now seeks compensation for a piece of real

Hugo Pineda, once a GN officer, was allegedly directly responsible for
the 1979 assignation of Conservative leader Bonifacio "Pancho" Miranda
and others in the area of Barrio New Guinea. Mr. Pineda now seeks
compensation for a piece of real estate.

As previously, the Nicaraguan government has in good faith sought to
resolve these claims by former Nicaraguans (now US Citizens), but
resolving cases such as those noted here becomes highly problematic and
difficult.  Under increasing pressure from the US House Committee on
Foreign Affairs, under the leadership of Illeana Ross-Lehtinen, the real
possibility exists that for the first time since the adoption of the
Helms-Gonzales amendment, a waiver will not be granted.  As a result,
millions of dollars in much needed US aid will be withheld --- a move
that would devastate efforts to alleviate poverty, provide for education
and economic development in Nicaragua which remains the second poorest
country in the Hemisphere.  Ironically, funds dedicated to so-called
"democracy promotion" efforts would remain unaffected.

While the U.S. has already decided to withhold $3 million in aid on the
alleged grounds of "transparency issues," a decision on the property
waiver is expected in the coming weeks.   We urge folks interested in
this issue to immediately contact John Ballard at the Nicaragua Desk of
the State Department (202-647-1510) and tell him that you support
extending both of these waivers to Nicaragua this year.

Rev. Brian Peterson is a human right rights activist.

Daniel Kovalik is a labor and human rights lawyer.

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