
*In a dumbed-down State of the Union address
last night, President Obama asked Congress for an increase in the
minimum wage.  Obama took a cue from President Clinton, who also began
his White House years in control of both houses of Congress, but waited
until Republicans took control of Congress to ask for a minimum wage
increase (the scam is to convince supporters that it's all the
Republicans' fault, while ignoring the issue when Dems are in control).

*/Common Dreams/ does the SOTU story
<http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/02/12-11> with comments at
the end that would never be allowed by the major media, including
[raydelcamino] "Not only did he promise to push the trans pacific
partnership into law this year, Obama also promised a trans Atlantic
partnership.  Perhaps this will alert Europeans to mobilize against this
empowerment of global corporations to sue sovereign governments for
enforcing their own laws, unlike Americans who are ignoring what will be
the end of anything resembling the rule of law in the US."

*And [galen066] "Obama takes center stage, mouths a script of
meaningless platitudes, the Congress and Senate applaud like the
Corporate-paid trained seals they are, and Corporate-owned media pundits
on /Fox/ and /MSNBC/ spend the next week waxing rhapsodic and dissecting
the meaning of nothing. Meanwhile Obama goes full speed ahead on KXL,
stirring up a possible shooting war between China and Japan, ponders
whether or not to bomb Iran at Israel's behest, and greenlights even
more repression at home."*



*"Bahraini police have fired tear gas and stun grenades to disperse
protesters trying to march to Pearl Roundabout, the now-crushed symbol
of the pro-democracy uprising that began nearly two years ago," begins a
piece at /al Jazeera/
points out more than 80 protesters have been killed in the unrest.

*But we see nothing in our government or mass media alarming the
American people that "They are killing their own people," resulting in
the introduction of al Qaeda terrorists, as was done in Libya and is
being done in Syria.  Never mind, you can kill your own people if you're
a client of the Empire, and be supplied the weapons with which to
accomplish the deed.

*But should a member of the press attempt to even consider posing a
Middle East question beyond the propaganda allowed in the Land of the
Free, /The National Press Club/ cracks down



*Republican Senators appear to be enjoying a chance to show the
hypocrisy of President Obama
in decrying Wall Street excesses, then appointing a Treasury Secretary
(Jack Lew) from /Citigroup/ (which got billions in bailout money).  They
also point out that Lew had personal offshore investments in the Cayman
Islands.  Republicans don't really object, after all Jack Lew does
exactly what a Republican appointee would do, they just want to
embarrass Obama before they agree to the appointment.*


**Totalitarianism begins creeping, eventually culminating in a gallop.
Hitler did not begin by taking on a large minority like the Jews, there
were millions of them.  Pastor Niemoller told us the Nazis began by
rounding up the communists, a much smaller minority, then moved to the
socialists, then to organized labor leaders, all leftist groups targeted
by the US government over the last century.  These are the groups most
in the way of corporate capitalism, or fascism as it was called in the
1930's (although, in fairness, Mussolini didn't like the word fascism,
preferring to call it corporate capitalism).

**If you target a very large number of people all at once for control,
too many will be onto what is happening and opposition will quickly
swell and stop you.  If you say you are only after those bad Muslims,
including American ones, you can get a number of people to support your
kill list//-- due process be damned, as the door to totalitarianism
opens a crack.  It is the tried and true way to do it, and even has Dick
Cheney behind the drone kill list, telling us we don't need no stinkin'
oversight of the program

--Jack Balkwill**

**America's Expanding Kill List**


******Prosecutors always expand laws far beyond their intent. Attorneys
in civil cases do the same. For example, the 1970 Racketeer Influenced
and Corrupt Organizations Act was passed in order to make it easier for
the government to convict members of the Mafia.

However, the law, despite its intent, was quickly expanded by
prosecutors and attorneys and used in cases against pro-life activists,
Catholic bishops, corporations accused of hiring illegal immigrants, and
in divorce cases. "Junk bond king" Michael Milken, a person with no ties
to organized crime, was threatened with indictment under the RICO Act.
Prosecutors have found that the asset freeze provision in the Act is a
convenient way to prevent a defendant from being able to pay attorneys
and, therefore, makes it easier for prosecutors to coerce innocent
defendants into a guilty plea.

We are now witnessing the expansion of Obama's Kill List. The list began
under the Bush regime as a rationale for murdering suspect citizens of
countries with which the US was not at war. The Obama regime expanded
the scope of the list to include the execution, without due process of
law, of US citizens accused, without evidence presented in court, of
association with terrorism.  The list quickly expanded to include the
American teen-age son of a cleric accused of preaching jihad against the
West. The son's "association" with terrorism apparently was his blood
relationship to his father.

As Glenn Greenwald recently wrote, the power of government to imprison
and to murder its citizens without due process of law is the certain
mark of dictatorship. Dictatorship is government unconstrained by law.
On February 10 the Wall Street Journal revealed that the Obama
dictatorship now intends to expand the Kill List to include those
accused of acting against foreign governments. Mokhtar Belmokhtar, an
"Algerian militant" accused of planning the January attack on an
Algerian natural gas facility, has been chosen as the threat that is
being used to expand Obama's Kill List to include participants in the
internal disputes and civil wars of every country.

If the Obama regime is on the side of the government, as in Algeria, it
will kill the rebels opposing the government. If the Obama regime is on
the side of the rebels, as in Libya, it will kill the government's
leaders. Whether Washington sends a drone to murder Putin and the
president of China remains to be seen. But don't be surprised if
Washington has targeted the president of Iran.

The elasticity of the Kill List and its easy expansion makes it certain
that Washington will be involved in extra-judicial executions of those
"associated with terrorism" over much of the world. Americans themselves
should be alarmed, because the term "association with terrorism" is very
elastic. Federal prosecutors have interpreted the term to include
charitable contributions to Palestinians.

The next time former US Representative Cynthia McKinney gets on an aid
ship to Palestine, will Washington give the green light to Israel to
kill her as a terrorist agent for her association with aid to Gaza,
ruled by the "terrorist organization," Hamas?

Already a year or two ago, the director of Homeland Security said that
the federal police agency's focus had shifted from terrorists to
"domestic extremists," another elastic and undefined term. A domestic
extremist will be all who disagree with Washington. They also, are
headed for the Kill List.

Where is the government going with this?  The most likely outcome is
that everyone disliked or distrusted by those who have the power to add
to the Kill List will find themselves on the list. The government can
expand the Kill List beyond the original intent as easily as the RICO
Act was expanded beyond its original intent.

As the Founding Fathers knew and the American people have forgot, no one
is safe in a dictatorship.

Clearly, the American public lacks sufficient comprehension to remain a
free people. All indications are that the large majority of Americans
fear alleged terrorists in distant lands more than they fear their
government's acquisition of dictatorial powers over them--powers that
allow government to place itself above the law and to be unaccountable
to law. This is despite the fact that 99.999% of all Americans will
never, ever, experience any terrorism except that of their own government.

According to a recent poll of registered American voters, 75% approve of
Washington's assassination of foreign citizens abroad based on suspicion
that they might be terrorists, despite the fact that the vast majority
of the Gitmo detainees, declared by the US government to be the most
dangerous men on earth, turned out to be totally innocent. Only 13% of
registered voters disapprove of the extra-judicial murders carried out
by Washington against foreign citizens, whether based on wrong
intelligence, hearsay, or actual deeds.

Registered voters have a different view of the extra-judicial murder of
US citizens. In what the rest of the world will see as further evidence
of American double-standards, 48% believe it is illegal for Washington
to murder US citizens without due process of law. However, 24% agree
with the Obama regime that it is permissible for the government to
murder its own citizens on accusation alone without trial and conviction
of a capital crime. As The Onion put it, "24% of citizens were
unequivocally in favor of being obliterated at any point, for any
reason, in a massive airstrike."

Are we to be reassured or alarmed that 24% of registered voters believe
that the terrorist threat is so great that suspicion alone without
evidence, trial, and conviction is sufficient for Washington to
terminate US citizens?  Should not we be disturbed that a quarter of
registered voters, despite overwhelming evidence that Washington's wars
are based on conscious lies--"weapons of mass destruction," "Al-Qaeda
connections"--are still prepared to believe the government's claim that
the person it just murdered was a terrorist? Why are so many Americans
willing to believe a proven liar?

If we add up all the costs of the "war on terror," it is obvious that
the costs are many magnitudes greater than the terror threat that the
war is alleged to contain. If terrorists were really a threat to
Americans, shopping centers and electric substations would be blowing up
constantly. Airport security would be a sham, because terrorists would
set off the bombs in the crowded lines waiting to clear security.
Traffic would be continually tied up from roofing nails dispensed on all
main roads in cities across the country for each rush hour. Water
supplies would be poisoned. Police stations would be bombed and police
officers routinely terminated on the streets. Instead, nothing has
happened despite Washington's killing and displacement of huge numbers
of Muslims in seven or eight countries over the past 11 years.

The cost of the "war on terror" is not merely the multi-trillion dollar
financial bill documented by Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes. The cost
of Washington's wars is the main reason for the large national debt, the
threat of which politicians are using to destroy the social safety net.
This is a huge cost for a pointless war that pleases Israel and enriches
the armament companies but does nothing for Americans.

The financial cost is huge, but how important is this cost compared to
another cost--the domestic police state supported by a significant
percentage of the population and a majority in Congress and the media?
Is the war on terror worth the evisceration of the US Constitution? A
war that costs us the Constitution means our total defeat.

The cost in human life has been enormous. Millions of Muslims have been
killed, wounded, orphaned, and displaced, and entire countries have been
destroyed as socio-political entities. Washington locked Iraq in
sectarian murder. Libya has no government, just warring factions, and
now Syria is in the process of being disintegrated. The prospects for
people's lives in these countries have been ruined for years to come.

The cost in American lives has also been high. More than 400,000
American lives have been adversely affected by 11 years of pointless
war. The deaths of 6,656 US troops, the 50,000 wounded, the 1,700
life-changing limb amputations, and the suicides are just the tip of the
iceberg. Since the Bush-Obama wars began, 129,731 US troops have been
diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. And now we learn from a
new Congressional Research Service report that more than a quarter
million of US troops have experienced Traumatic Brain Injury. Based on
current diagnostic capability, three-fourths of the cases are classified
as mild.

These lost, ruined and impaired lives affect also the lives of many
others--spouses, children, parents, siblings, and those disheartened by
their government's pointless wars who have to care for the damaged.
There are many Americans who have been collaterally damaged by
Washington's pointless wars.

Will Americans wake up in time?  I wish I could answer, "yes," but I
regret that Americans are an insouciant people. They are unaware.
Americans are more concerned with sports events, sales, and which
celebrities are sleeping together than they are with their liberty.
Washington can create a police state, because there are insufficient
citizens with the intelligence, education, and awareness to stop Washington.

Congress has accepted the police state and has given up too much of its
power to the executive branch and is too beholden to the special
interests that benefit from the police state to do anything about it.

The federal judiciary has proven to be almost as impotent. Federal
judges did not ask federal prosecutors why, in violation of the
whistleblower protection laws, they were prosecuting National Security
Agency senior executive Thomas Drake for blowing the whistle on the
NSA's illegal spying on US citizens instead of the officials who broke
the law and committed felonies.  Judges did not ask why CIA agent John
Kiriakou was prosecuted for blowing the whistle on the torture program
instead of those who committed crimes by authorizing and committing torture.

The innocent and the truth-tellers were prosecuted. The criminals and
the liars were not.

Liberty is disappearing before our eyes.

Expect no help from "progressives," who believe in Obama more than they
believe in liberty.

******Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US
Treasury and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. His latest
book, Wirtschaft am Abgrund (Economies In Collapse) has just been

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