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 Letter from an Egyptian
Written by an Egyptian activist Friday, 21 January 2011

*We received this letter from an Egyptian activist which highlights the
dilemma facing all the Arab leaders, who, after the courageous movement of
the Tunisian masses overthrew the hated Ben Ali, now fear revolution in
their own countries.*



  Tunisia: the revolutionary initiative of the masses continues
Written by Jorge Martín Friday, 21 January 2011

*While the “new” Tunisian government of “national unity” (in fact, stacked
with Ben Ali ministers) had its first meeting on Thursday, January 20, and
attempted to rush through a series of measures which would gain it some
legitimacy, the revolution continues on the streets and in the workplaces
with workers taking on anyone in authority who had links to the old Ben Ali

*[image: Tunis, 19 January, protest against new government. Photo: Nasser
*The “new” president Gannouchi was forced to announce the legalisation of
all political parties, a general amnesty (though this was just a project, to
be discussed in parliament) and the nationalisation of all buildings of the
hated RCD ruling party. The government also declared three days of national
mourning for the martyrs of the revolution. What utter hypocrisy,
considering that the key ministers in this government were part of the
government that killed these martyrs! There can be no mourning until those
responsible for the killings are removed from the government and other
official positions and put on trial.*

*Yesterday we reported that there had been demonstrations throughout the
country of tens of thousands in every town and city, even the most remote.
The growing anger against the government of Ghannouchi (Ben Ali’s prime
minister) has developed into a national movement of protest which is
spreading to all sections of society. Today there were even reports of a
strike and demonstrations by police officers in Monastir, Bizerte and even *
*parts of Tunis* <http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=146276295429463>
*. Some were at work, directing traffic, but wearing red arm bands in

The demonstrations continue and regional general strikes have already been
called for today, Friday 21, in many different regions, with demands for the
dismissal of the government of Gannouchi. “You stole the country’s wealth,
but you will not steal the revolution – Resignation of the government – we
will always be loyal to the blood of our martyrs” were amongst the slogans.

Yesterday we reported how a Provisional Council had taken over the running
of all affairs in Sidi Bou Ali. We have now received a report that a similar
development has taken place in the city of Siliana, in the North West where
“the citizens have set up a local council for the protection of the
revolution and the management of public affairs”. Their founding statement
says that “faced with the vacuum of power created by the flight of officials
linked to the RCD”, they have decided to create a local and a regional
council “to protect the revolution and to manage the running of the city and
the governorate.”

In a very significant development the Army seemed to be testing the ground
as to how far they can go in restoring “order”, i.e. the old authorities, in
the towns and cities which have been taken over by the peoples’
revolutionary committees. In the town of Sidi Bou Rouis, also in the Siliana
governorate, the “Council for the Protection of the People's Revolution” has
issued the following statement:

“The Army Commander has called the Bou Rouis local committees and told them
that within the framework of things being brought back to normal
functioning, the return of council members and mayors has been approved.

“As a result of this dangerous development ‘the Bou Rouis Council for the
Protection of the People's Revolution’ has called an emergency meeting this
evening to discuss the new situation and how to deal with it, and calls for
the mobilisation of the whole people today and tomorrow in mass rallies and
agrees the following urgent demands:

“1) The formation of a national transitional government consisting of
national figures known for their integrity and who were not involved with
the former regime to run state affairs and draft a new constitution and new
electoral rules.

“2) The dissolution of the House of Representatives and the Council of
Advisers, which lost all semblance of legitimacy during the people's
revolution for freedom and dignity.

“3) The issuing of a ban to prevent elements of the former regime from
exercising any political activity on the grounds of complicity with the
former ruling party which plunged the country into a dark period dominated
by injustice and tyranny, corruption and unemployment and the wastage of an
unprecedented amount of wealth of the country at the expense of the public
who are subject to all forms of repression and deprivation.

“Long live the People... Long live the Revolution

“Glory to the people... Glory to the martyrs... Glory to the revolution of
Tunisia for dignity and freedom.

“Time: 15:40, Bou Rouis, 20 January” [full Arabic original below].

This is, again, an extraordinary state of affairs, in which the people have
not only taken power in the whole of the Siliana governorate, but are
standing strong in the face of the attempt of the Army to restore the old
mayors back in power. We see how, like in the statement from the Provisional
Council of Sidi Bou Ali, they call for a provisional government to be
formed, composed of nationally recognized figures not linked to the old
regime. We think that it should be the revolutionary committees and councils
themselves who should organise such a transitional body, which should be
charged with convening a genuinely democratic national assembly.

Meanwhile, the masses continue their direct action, deepening the scope of
the revolution also into the workplaces. There are many reports of
journalists in state owned newspapers, radio stations, TV channels, etc.,
which used to be nothing but disgusting mouthpieces of Ben Ali’s propaganda,
getting organized and taking over the editorial line.

This is the case at the state-owned *La Presse.* El-Heni, a journalist in
the foreign desk explains:

"We had an important meeting and decided to create two elected editorial
committees to supervise the editorial line, and we told the boss that he
would no longer have any editorial control… He is only here for finance and
administration. He was clever enough to understand that."

One of the *La Presse* journalists, who had been sacked for political
reasons, has been reinstated as the head of the journalists’ union in the

In state owned companies, ministries and private companies owned or linked
to the Trabelsi family, workers’ assemblies and strikes have been organised
to drive out the hated RCD managers, CEOs and high ranking officials.

On Tuesday, January 18, UGTT workers at STAR, one of the country’s main
insurance companies, went on strike and expelled the company’s CEO,
Abdelkarim Merdassi, in protest at his links with the Trabelsi clan. This
video <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T7wHHHaIT0> captured the
extraordinary moment in which the workers physically expelled him from his
office while singing the national anthem.

Similar movements developed at the oil distribution company SNDP, where the
CEO Rafaa Dkhul was also kicked out by the workers, who criticized his close
links with the Trabelsi family. Dkhul had given the Trabelsi clan
concessions of a number of petrol stations worth millions of euro. At the
Banque de Tunisie, its general director Alia Abdallah and all high ranking
officers have been barred by the workers, organized by the UGTT, from
entering their offices, in order to prevent the destruction of potentially
incriminating documents. The workers have seized all sensitive documents and

Also expelled from their positions by the action of the workers and their
trade unions are Moncef Bouden, from the Tax
Moncef Dakhli, CEO of the National Agricultural
Montassar Ouaïli, CEO of Tunisie
Telecom <http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=172147976161224>. The
outgoing Minister of Sports, Abdelhamid Slama was prevented by the workers
from entering his old ministry to pick up his things. The list of companies
where the workers have taken action is very long. Today, the workers of the
Tunis public transport went on strike also demanding the dismissal of the
CEO of their company.

The Tunisian business press is full of articles complaining about the “lack
of respect for the law” and asking “what is the Ministry of the Interior
doing” about these actions on the part of the workers. An opinion article on
the business website Web Manager Centre implored “Let’s not put businessmen
on their knees”. Another was entitled “Discipline – ‘comrades’.”

The workers feel confident and are moving forward, not just against the
bosses, but also against their own bureaucratic trade union leaders who
until very recently were supporting the dictatorship of Ben Ali. An appeal
is circulating for an extraordinary national congress of the UGTT to be
convened in order to remove the current leadership.

Workers, however, should not stop at removing the old managers, directors
and officials, but they should replace them with their own elected
representatives, establishing workers’ control over production and the

Clearly, the Tunisian revolution has shaken society from top to bottom. The
workers and youth are on the streets and in a confident mood. The government
commands no authority and the initiative is still firmly on the streets.
Mass demonstrations are expected tomorrow.

The revolutionary movement of the Tunisian masses needs urgently to give
itself a more organized character and a national coordination. The
revolutionary committees and democratic trade unions need to be spread and
strengthened at all levels. A national meeting of delegates from local,
neighbourhood, regional and workplace committees and trade unions should be
called at the earliest possible opportunity. Only such a body would have the
legitimacy to convene a democratic constituent assembly. Workers and youth
should continue and deepen their revolutionary activities in sweeping away
all the institutions and representatives of the old regime. This is the only
real homage that can be paid to the martyrs that died for freedom, dignity,
bread and jobs.

The next few days will be crucial. If the revolutionary movement does not
advance in a bold manner and poses clearly the question of taking power,
then, slowly but surely, the forces of the ruling class will reclaim the
authority they have lost. A situation of dual power cannot last
indefinitely. The Tunisian people have a rich revolutionary history, but
every uprising and general strike has been followed by a period of
concessions and trickery, and then the ruling class reasserting its power
again, through brutal repression. This is the time to put an end to this
cycle and throw the Tunisian ruling class into the dustbin of history.

Long live the People; Long live the workers and youth; Long live the

*Jorge Martín*

لجنة بورويس لحماية الثورة الشعبية

بيان عام

قائد الجيش بمنطقة سليانة يستدعي اللجان المحلية ببورويس ويعلمهم أنه وفي إطار
إعادة الأمور إلى سيرها الطبيعي سوف يقع إرجاع المعتمد وأعضاء المجلس البلدي
وعلى إثر هذا التطور الخطير تدعو "لجنة بورويس لحماية الثورة الشعبية" إلى
إجتماع طارئ هذا المساء لتدارس الأوضاع المستجدة وكيفية التعاطي معها ميدانيا
وتستنفر كامل عناصرها وقواعدها الشعبية اليوم و تدعو مبدئيا إلى مسيرات حاشدة
غدا وتعلن المطالب العاجلة الآتية

تشكيل مجلس وطني تأسيسي إنتقالي يتكون من شخصيات وطنية مشهود لها بالنزاهة لم
تتورط مع النظام السابق يسير شؤون الدولة ويعد
لدستور جديد ومجلة إنتخابية جديدة
حل مجلس النواب ومجلس المستشارين اللذان أسقطت عنهما "الثورة الشعبية من أجل
الحرية والكرامة" جميع مظاهر الشرعية
سن قانون يمنع عناصر النظام البائد من ممارسة أي نشاط سياسي على آعتبار تواطؤهم
مع السلطة السابقة في إقحام البلاد في فترة مظلمة سادها الظلم والإستبداد
والفساد والبطالة وإهدار غير مسبوق لثروات الوطن على حساب أبناء عامة الشعب
الذين عانو جميع أشكال الكبت والحرمان

عاش الشعب... عاشت الثورة

المجد للشعب... المجد للشهداء... المجد لثورة تونس من أجل الكرامة والحرية

الساعة: 15:40

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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