Yes, I know this is about legislation in oregon, but they are part of our
planet too.
This is what I put in my note. - Scott

Why do Multi National Mega Corporations need protection from their
customers and consumers? When that is no longer an issue both those
Corporations and the Legislators working for their best interests will be
able to not fear the voter/consumer.

   [1]Join America's Farmers to stop SB 633 - Oregon's Monsanto Protection
Act and
                   keep seeds in the hands of family farmers!


   [3]Join us to stop GMO contamination and protect the future of organic
   seeds today!

  VOTE TODAY - Tell Oregon to Stop SB 633!

   Dear Scott,

   Today Oregon legislators and Governor  John Kitzhaber will decide whether
   they will do the bidding of out of state multinational biotech seed giants
   like Monsanto and Syngenta or whether they will stand up to protect
   Oregon's family farmers and the future of our seed supply.

   The stakes couldn't be higher. Today the Oregon legislature could pass SB
   633 (LC 5), Oregon's Monsanto Protection Act, which would strip local
   countys' control over seeds, food and agriculture and deny county elected
   officials' ability to keep GMO crops from contaminating farmers' fields.

   After dying in committee during the regular session earlier this year, SB
   633, now known as LC 5, industrial ag corporations joined forces with the
   notorious ALEC and Koch brothers to slip this seed preemption bill into an
   unrelated emergency PERS tax and pension bill in Oregon.

   Please join us in stopping this outrageous sneak attack on family farmers,
   their economic livelihoods, their way of life and the future integrity and
   survival of organic and non-GMO seed.

   Already more than 1,000 family farmers and farm organizations and 28,000
   individuals have signed this urgent letter - Please add your voice!

   Your call could make the difference on this vote!

   1. [4]If you are a FARMER, own a farm or run a farm organization, click
   here to add your name to a sign-on letter to stop SB 633 and stand up to
   protect the future integrity of organic seeds. Please add your farm name
   or organization ONLY to this petition.


   2. [6]If you are not a farmer, but support America's family farmers as an
   INDIVIDUAL and want to protect the future of our food supply and integrity
   of our seed, please join to sign this letter in support of farmers in
   Oregon and every where who work to grow our food.


   3. After you take action, consider giving the Governor John Kitzhaber a
   call to let his office know you strongly oppose SB 633 - tell Oregon it's
   time to protect family farmers, not biotech seed and pesticide companies.

   Governor Kitzhaber's office phone number: 503-378-4582 or Press
   Office: 503-689-6117 503-689-5324

   Leave a friendly message on [8]Gov Kitzhaber's Facebook page:



   After you sign the letter, please pass this on to 3 friends who care about
   this issue so we can broaden our impact.

   Why Standing up for Seed Integrity to Stop SB 633 is Important!

   In the past 6 months alone, Monsanto's GMO wheat and GMO alfalfa have
   contaminated farmers' fields in Oregon and Washington respectively.
   Incredibly, Oregon and Washington farmers produce and supply the majority
   of beta seeds to the nation and the world. This is an issue of global and
   national importance for our seed supply and farmer rights.

   Seed is not only the foundation of agriculture and our food supply, but
   also civilization and our democracy. Without access to pure, safe
   high-quality seeds family farmers cannot adequately meet the challenges of
   growing food for our nation and a growing world population and cannot
   protect their own economic livelihoods.

   SB 633 is a poorly written bill that strips local control of decisions on
   seeds and agriculture production.

   Current efforts to sneak SB 633, a seed pre-emption bill, into legislation
   pertaining to public pension cuts and new state tax increases in Oregon
   state, threatens to undermine the future economic survival of all family
   farmers, not just those in Oregon, and erode the rights of local elected
   officials to make appropriate decisions on how local food and agriculture
   should be regulated.

   Farmers across the U.S. are recognizing SB 633 to be a threat to all farms
   and our common seed heritage. If you are a farmer, own a farm or have an
   organization that represents the best interests of independent family
   farmers, Oregon farmers need you today.

   Thanks again for participating in food democracy,

   Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! team


   Visible links
   1. Tell Oregon to Stop SB 633 - Oregon's new Monsanto Protection Act!
   3. Help stop the Oregon Monsanto Protection Act!
   4. Help Stop the Oregon Monsanto Protection Act Todsay!
   6. Help Stop the Oregon Monsanto Protection Act Todsay!
   8. Governor Kitzhaber's Facebook Page!

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