[LAAMN] Grassrooots KPFK: Vote Now

2010-09-18 Thread Cindy Henderson
please forward widely: If you care enough to be a member of KPFK, your vote may put help put it back on course. Peace and Freedom Party of L.A. urges everyone who is concerned about the direction our KPFK has been going recently to cast your ballot for all the candidates on the

[LAAMN] FBI setup:Couple charged with attempting to sell nuclear weapons secrets to Venezuela

2010-09-18 Thread Cort Greene
*The FBI setup comes just before next weeks election and is part of a disinformation campaign against Venezuela.* Cort Published: Saturday, September 18, 2010 Bylined to: Agence France-Presse exter...@vheadline.com Published: Saturday, September 18, 2010 Bylined to: Agence France-Presse

[LAAMN] US Media Intensifies Campaign Against Chavez

2010-09-18 Thread Cort Greene
US Media Intensifies Campaign Against Chavez Sep 17th 2010 , by Eva Golinger - Postcards from the Revolution [image: Send to friend] http://venezuelanalysis.com/printmail/5642[1] [image: Printer-friendly version] http://venezuelanalysis.com/print/5642[2] 0

[LAAMN] LA protest to demand: Justice for Manuel Jamines - Stop Killer Cops!”

2010-09-18 Thread Carlos Montes
LA protest to demand: Justice for Manuel Jamines - Stop Killer Cops! By Staff Los Angeles, CA - People in Los Angeles will be marching Sept. 18 to demand justice for Manuel Jamines, the Guatemalan immigrant who was gunned down by L.A. police Sept. 5. The cop who killed Manuel Jamines

[LAAMN] Women Make Their Mark on South American Politics

2010-09-18 Thread Ed Pearl
http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=52861 Women Make Their Mark on South American Politics By Marcela Valente BUENOS AIRES, Sep 16, 2010 (IPS) - If Brazilian voters elect a woman president next month, what might have appeared to be isolated developments in Chile and Argentina would start to look

[LAAMN] Iranian Political Prisoners Welcome Castro’s Comme nts

2010-09-18 Thread Cort Greene
http://iranlaborreport.com/?p=1300 Iranian Political Prisoners Welcome Castro’s Comments Featured http://iranlaborreport.com/?cat=7 / recent updateshttp://iranlaborreport.com/?cat=1 September 18, 2010 0https://mail.google.com/mail/html/compose/static_files/blank_quirks.html#comments Recently,

[LAAMN] Venezuelan Elections: Opposition's Chances are Nonexistent

2010-09-18 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Tiwy.com] http://www.tiwy.com/news.phtml?id=167 September 18, 2010 Venezuelan Elections: Opposition's Chances are Nonexistent [image: Venezuelan Elections: Opposition's Chances are Nonexistent] *Nil Nikandrov* - http://www.strategic-culture.org The parliamentary elections