Please support this American soldier who has refused to fight in Iraq

Breaking Ranks to Shun War
An Army sergeant who refuses to return to Iraq 
seeks a discharge as a conscientious objector. He 
may instead face a court-martial.
By David Zucchino
Times Staff Writer

February 7, 2005

HINESVILLE, Ga. - His sergeant called him a 
coward to his face. His chaplain sent him an 
e-mail saying he was ashamed of him. His 
commanders had him formally charged with 

Sgt. Kevin Benderman, who has served one tour of 
duty in Iraq, is refusing to serve another. When 
his fellow soldiers of the 3rd Infantry Division 
packed their gear and left nearby Ft. Stewart for 
Iraq last week, Benderman stayed home. He says he 
has chosen to follow his conscience - not his 

After 10 years in the Army, Benderman has applied 
for a discharge as a conscientious objector - a 
heresy to many in the military at a time when the 
country is fighting two wars overseas.

Today, Benderman, 40, will attend a military 
court hearing at Ft. Stewart that will determine 
whether he will face a court-martial for 
desertion and failure to report for a unit 
deployment. He could face up to seven years in 
prison if convicted.

"War is the greatest form of wrong," Benderman 
wrote in his seven-page conscientious objector 
application. "I believe that my moral obligation 
to humanity is to not allow myself to be a part 
of this destruction."

In the six months he spent in combat in Iraq in 
2003, Benderman said, he was badly shaken by what 
he witnessed. He saw a young Iraqi girl with her 
arm horribly burned and blackened, standing 
helplessly on a roadside as Benderman's convoy 
rushed past. He saw dogs feasting on civilian 
corpses that had been dumped into pits. He saw 
young U.S. soldiers treat war like a video game, 
he said, with few qualms about killing or the 
effects of the invasion on ordinary Iraqis.

Benderman said he begged an officer to stop and 
help the girl, but was told that the unit 
couldn't spare its limited medical supplies. "I 
had to look at that little girl, look into her 
eyes, and in her eyes I saw the TRUTH. I cannot 
kill," Benderman wrote in his application.

Only a handful of conscientious objector 
applications have been filed during the wars in 
Iraq and Afghanistan, which are being fought by 
professional soldiers, not draftees. Vietnam, a 
war that bitterly divided the U.S., produced 
172,000 conscientious objector applications from 
draftees and 17,000 from active-duty soldiers.

For the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, applications 
increased from 23 in 2002 to 60 in 2003 and 67 
last year, according to Pentagon figures. Of 
those applications, 71 - almost half - have been 
approved. Unlike Benderman, few applicants have 
spoken publicly about their beliefs.

After seeing the civilian corpses, Benderman 
said, he made a point of befriending ordinary 
Iraqis, only to be warned by officers not to 
fraternize with "the enemy." He had long talks 
with an English-speaking schoolteacher. He began 
reading the Koran and realized that the religious 
and moral values of most Iraqis were similar to 
his. Everything he had been told about the 
rationale for the U.S. invasion, he said, seemed 
misguided and destructive.

Benderman said he now believed the war in Iraq - 
and all wars - were immoral. His conscience would 
no longer allow him to fight or kill, he said, 
even if that made him a pariah.

"War robs you of your humanity. It makes people 
do terrible things they would otherwise never 
do," Benderman said in the living room of his 
home in Hinesville, his wife, Monica, by his side 
and his dog, Carl, at his feet.

When Benderman returned from Iraq to Ft. Stewart 
a year ago, he began studying the works of Ralph 
Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. He engaged 
in long discussions with his wife. He weighed his 
options before deciding to file his application 
Dec. 28. Benderman said his military superiors 
tried to shame him and talk him out of it. But he 
said he was willing to endure the contempt of his 
peers, and even go to prison.

"I'm not going to run from my convictions," he 
said. "I believe what I'm doing is the right 
thing, whatever the consequences."

Monica Benderman, whose essay on a faith-based 
pacifist website about the immorality of war 
helped crystallize her husband's views, said she 
was proud of him. Many soldiers and their 
families have told the couple they share their 
opposition to war, she said, but were afraid to 
speak up for fear of being ostracized. Several 
Vietnam veterans have stepped forward to support 

"We believe in speaking the truth. You put 
forward the truth and the right things will 
happen," she said.

The couple said they have received e-mails and 
letters of support from people around the world, 
including Iraqis, Guatemalans and Germans. They 
have also received e-mails and phone calls 
branding them cowards and traitors.

"All because a man has chosen to speak out 
against war and violence, and his wife has chosen 
to stand with him," Monica wrote in her essay, 
"Catching Flack - A Military Wife Speaks."

Kevin Benderman looks and talks like a soldier. 
Tall and solidly built, with close-cropped brown 
hair, he speaks with a Southern drawl in the 
jargon-laden argot of a career soldier.

His father served in World War II, his 
grandfather in World War I. Members of his family 
served on both sides in the Civil War, and one 
ancestor, William Benderman, fought in the 
American Revolution, Benderman said.

Raised in a Southern Baptist family in Alabama 
and Tennessee, Benderman grew up wanting to be a 
pro football player, not a soldier. At age 22, 
Benderman decided he wanted to follow family 
tradition and join the Army. He served four 
years, then worked laying hardwood and tile 
flooring. In June 2000, feeling patriotic, he 
decided to reenlist.

"I signed up to serve my country," he said. "I 
felt I had a commitment to fulfill."

He was a Bradley fighting vehicle mechanic with 
the 4th Infantry Division in Iraq.

Benderman said his father, Guy, who died in 2001, 
had discouraged him from joining the military. He 
believes his father would have supported his 
decision to seek objector status.

While his application works its way through the 
military, Benderman has been assigned to the 3rd 
Infantry's rear detachment at Ft. Stewart, a few 
miles from his home. He reports daily for 6:30 
a.m. physical fitness training, then spends his 
days supervising soldiers held back from 
deployment to Iraq for medical reasons or family 

"There are no restrictions on him," said a base 
spokesman, Lt. Col. Robert Whetstone.

Filing for conscientious objector status is a 
long and arduous process. Benderman has been 
required to meet with a chaplain and psychologist 
and write essays detailing his moral and 
religious beliefs.

His chaplain did not respond to phone messages or 
e-mails, Benderman said, and refused to talk to 
him when Benderman went to see him at Ft. 
Stewart. After the chaplain had reached Kuwait en 
route to Iraq with other soldiers from the 
division, Benderman said, he sent him an e-mail: 
"You should be ashamed of the way you have 
conducted yourself. I am certainly ashamed of 

Benderman later met with another chaplain, who 
wrote a letter saying, "Sgt. Benderman is sincere 
in his moral and ethical beliefsŠ. His beliefs 
are deeply held to the point where he has no 
choice but to act in accord with them."

Benderman also met with a military psychologist, 
who filled out a one-page assessment saying he 
exhibited no mental health problems.

His commanding officer filed a one-page form in 
which he recommended that the objector 
application be rejected, then told him, "You're 
on your own," Benderman said.

The final decision on Benderman's application 
will be made by the Army Conscientious Objector 
Review Board, made up of three officers, 
including a chaplain. A Pentagon spokeswoman said 
the burden of proof was on applicants, who must 
convince the board of their moral and religious 
objections to war.

Like all new recruits, Benderman signed a 
statement saying he was not a conscientious 
objector. However, the military accepts 
applications made by soldiers who, like 
Benderman, say their beliefs have changed during 
their service.

Conscientious objection is a long-standing 
principle in America. As early as 1673, Rhode 
Island provided alternative militia service for 
conscientious objectors. In 1701, Pennsylvania 
under William Penn provided that anyone with a 
proven conscientious objection to war "shall not 
be in any case be molested or prejudiced."

During the first federal conscription, in the 
Civil War, about 1,200 conscientious objectors 
were allowed to perform alternative service for 
the Union. The Confederacy exempted certain 
members of pacifist churches.

During World War I, local draft boards granted 
conscientious objector status to 22,000 draftees. 
In World War II, about 25,000 men were granted 
objector status and assigned to noncombatant 
duty. Alternative service was provided for people 
who opposed war "by reason of religious training 
and belief."

Benderman said several soldiers who served with 
him in Iraq shared his views. Two members of his 
battalion attempted suicide after being ordered 
to return to Iraq, he said, and several more have 
gone AWOL to avoid deployment. A specialist from 
the division has been charged with having a 
friend shoot him in the leg as part of a staged 
armed robbery in an attempt to avoid returning to 

Antiwar groups that offer counseling to soldiers 
say opposition to the Iraq war among soldiers is 
higher than the Pentagon acknowledges. The GI 
Rights Hotline, run by a consortium of antiwar 
groups, received 32,000 calls last year, many 
from soldiers who have gone AWOL or complained of 
psychological or emotional problems after serving 
in combat. About 15% of the calls were from 
soldiers considering conscientious objector 
applications, said Steve Morse of the Central 
Committee for Conscientious Objectors.

"Soldiers are finding that the military is much 
different from the way it's sold to them by 
recruiters," Morse said. "When they get into 
combat, it's suddenly not a video game. It's no 
longer abstract."

Benderman says his training did not prepare him 
for the brutality and often indiscriminate 
slaughter he witnessed.

"You can train all you want and watch training 
videos, but you can't possibly know what combat 
is like until you experience it," he said. "You 
can't burn a little girl's arm off in training, 
or have dogs eat human remains, or have soldiers 
actually shoot and kill real people."

Young men who had never experienced combat were 
eager to fight in Iraq, he said, but were 
overwhelmed once they had to kill the enemy or 
watch their friends die or suffer grievous wounds.

Benderman said he saw 19- and 20-year-old 
soldiers hardened by killing. While under enemy 
fire, he said, one young soldier leaped up and 
began videotaping incoming rounds.

Monica Benderman said she sensed her husband's 
view of war evolving in the letters and e-mails 
he sent from Iraq. He asked her to mail him small 
gifts to hand out to Iraqis, and told her he had 
come to realize how destructive the invasion had 
been for civilians.

Benderman said he believed he would prevail at 
today's hearing, and insisted that he had not 
deserted his unit.

"I didn't go anywhere. I didn't run to Canada," 
he said. "I'm still right here."

If his application is denied and he is ordered 
back to Iraq, he said, he would refuse to go. He 
has turned a corner, he said, and he will not 
turn back.

"I've already refused once," he said. "I will not 
change my mind, no matter what."

Copyright 2005 Los Angeles Times

  January 27, 2005
My Husband Is Defending Democracy
by Monica Benderman

In a democracy, we are supposed to have choices. 
Our Constitution gives us those choices. Our 
Constitution is founded on the highest order of 
morality. As a soldier, my husband, Sgt. Kevin 
Benderman, has a sworn duty to defend his country 
and its Constitution. As a soldier, my husband 
therefore has a sworn duty to defend morality.

"Thou shalt not kill." After seeing the 
immorality of war firsthand, my husband has laid 
down his weapons to kill no more. What greater 
defense of our Constitution is there?

This morning my husband and I sat down together, 
away from every electronic communication device 
we have; we shared coffee and thoughts about the 
past three weeks of our lives. We are baffled 
that a decision, a choice that makes such simple 
sense to us, is causing such an uproar.

"Thou shalt not kill." We have heard it since 
childhood, but life, society, religious 
instruction all find a way to wrap a simple 
statement into myriad parables until the simple 
truth is unrecognizable, hidden in 
justifications, addenda, and codicils. Reality, 
the act of living it, not dramatizing it, not 
fantasizing it, not presuming its nature, just 
living it, gave us all we needed to unwrap the 
package and face the simple truth.

My work has been taking care of people who are 
sick or aged so that when it is their time to 
die, it is with dignity. I saw the true nobility 
of a life well lived, and a death that was proud; 
a declaration of peace, and respect for life.

My husband's work showed him the alternative, 
dying young, for a cause far less noble than 
life, and it will continue unless we learn to lay 
down our weapons in respect for all the soldiers 
who have given their lives for peace. He saw the 
worst; unnatural death brought about by the 
arrogance of people who dared to try to control 

We are asked how someone who accepted his duty to 
train for war five years ago, two years ago - who 
served a combat tour - could now say he is 
against all war?

We respond with more questions of our own:

How is it that someone can profess to honor the 
veterans who have served in past wars, then leave 
their father or mother stranded in a nursing home 
with little regard for their care or emotional 
well-being? How can a country that allows this 
question my husband for wanting to honor the 
service of our veterans by fighting for peace in 
a war without weapons?

How can a pastor profess an understanding of true 
faith, say he speaks in God's name, teach others 
to walk the path of the "Prince of Peace," and 
yet claim the Bible, God's word, says that war is 
a necessity, the evil we must face before we can 
see peace?

How can a country that dares to profess faith 
question my husband's defense of God's teachings 
for laying down his weapons and choosing that 
same path of peace?

Some say the Bible is a prophecy. We say the 
Bible is a prophecy of what could happen if we 
make the wrong choice. The Bible says war will 
happen, not because it must, but because man will 
not walk the path of peace. Democracy gives us 
all a choice. We have made ours. We have made the 
only choice that maintains our integrity and 
brings us peace. We respect the choices of 
others, even when we do not understand them; 
democracy requires that. My husband is a soldier, 
sworn to defend our country's Constitution, and I 
have sworn to support him in that defense.

"Thou shalt not kill," simple words now. My 
husband has laid down his gun to raise a far more 
powerful weapon Š he has made his choice to raise 
his hand in peace.

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My Husband Is Defending Democracy
Monica Benderman is the wife of Sgt. Kevin 
Benderman of the U.S. Army's 3rd Infantry 
Division, who was stop-lossed and has refused to 
return to Iraq.

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without written permission is strictly prohibited.
Copyright 2005

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