Dear Louise and Arachne subscribers,
Thank you so much.  I recommend people print and save this V&A blog in their
conservation/restoration binders in which - years ago - I recommended everyone
save lace care information.  There is no reliable 21st century book on the
subject that you can buy.  Saving articles for those who will inherit your
lace treasures in the future is a good idea.  Please keep with a copy of your
Knowing how to document, pack and store laces and embroideries responsibly is
something everyone should know, and some of the content of the V&A blog can be
adapted for private collections.  However, some of the content is beyond the
abilities of individuals.  
Louise signed her note to us by referring to a very soggy Cambridge.  
England has a damp climate.  Has anyone used Melinex that has been sealed
around an object?  Does it breathe, or can damp be trapped inside a sealed
casing?  We have scientific members who will know.  In the 20th century I
was taught in Conservation classes that textiles in storage must breathe.  I
am sending this paragraph to the V&A, per Comment invitation on the last page
of their blog, and will share their response.
Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center
(I, Jeri, have tested the address provided below, and did not need the second
line - s-and-rehousing - to view the site.)
In a message dated 4/9/2018 4:01:29 AM Eastern Standard Time,

...there is an article on the V&A blog which discusses rehousing the lace
collection and shows
amoungst others two pieces of needle lace, one in green silk and one in human

Louise, in very soggy Cambridge.

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