"If you don't have a double headed bobbin and have to put your half hitch on
the thread itself, there is a way to help prevent the hitch from digging into
the thread.  When winding the thread onto the bobbin, I wind from top to
bottom very closely and then take the thread from bottom to top in a single
turn.  This leaves a vertical thread on the bobbin that prevents the half
hitch from digging into the layer beneath it.  I alternate the close
horizontal layer with a single vertical thread.  I find it helps a lot with
sticky linen... Well, I am just full of advice and opinions this afternoon,
aren't I?

Thank you so much for that tip, Patty! I was always puzzled about how to solve
that tiny annoyance. Please, fell free to shower us with your advice and
opinions :)

-Gabrielle   (surrounded by tiny children who love to steal my bobbins, but I
will get them out of the toybox, soon, and get back to making lace!)

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