Patsy writes...
I just hope your not going to destroy a good piece of lace but are just going to change it's appearance, since I have no idea what mangling is.

Oh dear Patsy, your message made me laugh! No indeed, I have no intention of destroying my lace and I'm certain I won't! I don't know what the origin of the word is. I do know that the word "mangle" in the Scandinavian languages is close to it and I'm thinking that's where we get our English word for it. Anyway, mangling is not "wringing" or "twisting", it's just a finishing process for linen well known to weavers. That's how you get it to have the linen hand.

First, you wet the piece of linen (lace or handwoven fabric), damp out most of the water with a towel, lay it flat on a hard surface, roll it hard with a rolling pin, let it dry where it is. When it is dry, voila! The linen lace has a "linen hand" and the design just pops out. My lace has never needed any ironing after mangling. My handwovens sometimes do need a touch of ironing.

Peggy Osterkamp has a section in her weaving book III on finishing linen. She describes mangling, and she also talks about pounding linen. I've never seen anyone do that so I don't know anything about pounding as a finishing process.

I had made quite a bit of linen lace years ago but was very disappointed in its appearance and I quit using linen thread for lace. When I first heard about mangling in a weaving class, a big light bulb lit up inside my head. As soon as I walked back in my dooor, I got that lace out, and mangled it. That finishing step was exactly what my lace was missing. I'm really very pleased now with my linen lace and I'm using linen thread again.

Sally Schoenberg
Anchorage Alaska

----- Original Message ----- From: "Patsy A. Goodman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sally Schoenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: [lace] Montreal .... mangling demo?

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