
I honestly do not understand what the problem is. I have not changed the
configuration of the digests for 5 years. Digests are sent as text, and every
mail program will read them the same way.

Here is an excerpt from a digest:


Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 09:02:30 -0000
From: "Jean Nathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [lace] Strings raffle

Having bought Tim Parker's remaining clearance stock of paper strings as


Jean's address appears quite clearly after "From:".

I think that where people are getting confused is when they see a REPLY to the
list. In such a case, the *quoted* posting often does not show the address
because the person replying to the posting used Outlook with its default
settings. So if you see a message that says, "Hi, Joan, My name is Anne and I
want to join your raffle," with Joan's message below, Joan's address will not

Here's an example of a reply (I have no idea whther Jenny uses Outlook; I just
picked an example):


Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2007 15:03:23 +0900
From: Jenny Brandis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [lace] Pin making

Remember the thread about pin making that followed this ? Here is a
website with more information on pin making.

At 04:02 AM 28/12/2006, Sue Babbs wrote:
>Here's the link for anyone who wants to listen via the computer:


As you can see, Sue's address not appear but Jenny's address does, because Jenny
is replying to what Sue wrote.

There are two solutions:

1. Read your digests carefully and don't empty your trash quite so often. The
original address you want will be there.

2. Go to http://www.mail-archive.com/lace@arachne.com and search for the raffle
thread. The original message should be from the person who set up the raffle.
You click on the button that says "Reply to Joan" on the bottom of the page, on
the Web site.

3. Write to me for the address. I check the [EMAIL PROTECTED] account
once a week (usually Sunday morning) and I check this account several times a
day. I will check the archive or my old digests for you (you could do this much
faster on your own but I will do the search if you feel you're not able to).

For heavens sake, please, digest subscribers, don't get worked up about not
being able to find addresses. It's not so. You have to go back to the original
message to find the address, because not everyone's email program displays the
address of the person they're replying to. This is caused by Outlook's default
settings (most people these days use Outlook) and not majordomo; majordomo does
not strip the addresses.

Arachne moderator

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