Hi Everyone - Especially Sandi Woods & Brenda Paternoster
I've been perusing (drooling over) my copy of Sandi Woods' "Alphabet
Inspirations" for a week or two now and  want to say to all that
"Inspirations" is a perfect part of the title. I want to "do" all the
patterns in the book and further have been inspired to think 
*       Can I combine the I & G (my brother  - Ian Graham - is 50 in
*       Can I mix P & C (Paul & Christine get married later this month)
*       And ... and .. and 
That's just the inspiration from the letters. When you do the perception
shift to see how parts of letters are used to create other designs - the
ideas just multiply (sadly time does not expand to fit the lace ideas
To get to my query!
The book suggests Pipers silks - 90/2 & 80/3 etc as the correct threads
for the prickings as printed. In Sandi's earlier book - Special Effects
in Bobbin Lace - the pricking guides say that if you use the Piper's
threads you should use the prickings at 100% (ie the same as the
Inspirations). This is also the guide for Madeira tanne 50 & Gutermann
silk thread.
Brenda's book says that the Pipers silks recommended have 27-30
threads/cm but that Madeira 50 has 39. Madeira 30 has 29 threads/cm in
Brenda's book but Sandi's "Special Effects" suggest a pricking
enlargement to 105% if tanne 30 is used.
My question is 
Are the silk threads "squashier" when used in bobbin lace so that the
extra threads can squeeze themselves into the space or have I totally
misunderstood Brenda's work! I thought that where were 99 wraps per cm
in Yarn "A" and the pricking said use yarn "B", if yarn B was within a
reasonable number of "wraps" of A it would work and that otherwise you
had an adjustment fact or to apply based on  99 X A/B (or 99 X A2/B2 ? -
please answer this one too, someone, again!). 

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