Hello Miriam, 

I am not near my magazines  at the moment so will have to check later, but if 
they are the Bedfordshire ones, I think there are a couple more in a near by 
issue which might have a thread recommended.  There is also an edging and a 
sixth in Barbara Underwood's Bedfordshire Lace Collection.   This reminds me 
that I still have one or two more to do.

I made them up in Finca 60, which is slightly heavier than I now like.  For the 
Beds butterflies from Margaret Turner's book and the Pamela Nottingham ones I 
used either Madeira 50 or a 120 linen which was better. I think I prefer the 
Madeira 50 weight, Finca 80 would be closer to this. You can get a good idea of 
 the right thread weight from working the start of the head/body with a few 

Generally I work the body, hanging in pairs as I go to start the wings each 
side, then work each wing trying to finish at a point.  They take a lot of 
pairs for the size of the finished piece. Sometime I work the lower wing to 
bring the trail back into the body, if that is going to be neater.  At some 
point I must scan and upload some pictures.

They are nice to work, the wings are a bit more adventurous, with Honiton 
fillings.  There was one I couldn't find and Ann kindly sent me a copy of the 
working diagram for it.   Ann, if you are still on Arachne, thank you again for 
the patterns and help.


In slightly soggy Cambridge 

I found in an old Lace Magazine number 122 from April 2006 three lovely 
butterflies designed by Ann Shadbolt.

The Procking is there but there is no mention as to what size of thread to use.
Did any of you make these butterflies and what thread size did you use.

in Arad, Israel


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