At 01:48 PM 13/01/2007, you wrote:

Dear Barbara,
Many thanks for your great website. I've added it to my Favourites and no doubt will be consulting it till I get this design in my head.

The bobbins are now wound and the pricking's on my lace desk. It is indeed Ordensbaandet that I'm working and I shall start tomorrow morning (Sunday)

However, there are definitely a few things that I will be changing. For a start, I'm not all that keen on the whole stitch trail only having a gimp on one side and will probably put one on the other side as well.

The arc of small whole stitch circles, I will most probably turn into those larger Toender holes.

I will no doubt have a couple of shots at those raised tallies on the flower petals. If they don't sit well (haven't done any for years) then I will simply omit them and be content will all those other tallies, which I know I can do well.

As for the many petals themselves, I am still considering whether to do them in whole or half stitch. Half stitch may not be traditional Toender, but mine always look OK, whereas whole stitch is far less forgiving when one is throwing pairs in and out with no working diagram.

Will keep you informed
David in Ballarat

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