Another approach is to make worm bandages out of very coarse
thread that quickly adds up to something.  My Compact Oxford
English Dictionary has a bookmark that is a long strip of
cloth stitch made of three colors of Knit-Cro-Sheen, with
white bedspread cotton for the passives.  The footsides are
very untidy because Knit-Cro-Sheen is twisted the wrong way.

The units of measurement in The Handbook of Chemistry and
Physics are marked by a fringe which, when pulled, reveals a
bedspread-cotton bookmark like the one in the OED, but
nicely made and only six inches long.

I once braided strings for a pair of crocheted booties,
which, with the aid of four bobbins, was less tedious than
crocheting them.

Joy "reflexes of a plant" Beeson
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.

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