Hi All,

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and that 2010 will prove happy and
healthy, peaceful and prosperous for you all!

I hade a strange Christmas, culminating in the best news ever, with just a
little worry along the way!    On the 20th Dec., after three days of quite
deep snow, very unusual for the East Anglian region, my heating system failed,
so I went to my daughter's for the afternoon and night.   Thankfully, I was
sleeping there when Claire, 32 weeks pregnant, had a bleed, and went into
hospital, so I was on tap to look after my grandson.    Claire came out of the
hospital late on the Monday, but had to return for injections to make the
baby's lungs viable just in case the babe came early.    Same Monday, I had to
go home in the morning to await the arrival of the plumber, who duly arrived,
and thought he'd fixed the heating and the water.     Not so!   About eight
that night, there was a horrific noise like a cat being strangled, and the
system died once more.    I was starved with cold, so on Tuesday morning, I
abandoned ship and hurriedly went to my parents' in North Norfolk.    We had a
quiet, but enjoyable, Christmas, but couldn't raise Claire and her husband on
the phone on Christmas afternoon.    She had been taken into hospital, and her
baby - Phoebe Isobel - weighed in at 5 lbs 11 oz, at ten in the morning on St
Stephen's Day.     The baby is still in intensive care, but is doing well, and
all the medics are pleased with her - I came back home to help provide food
and all the other incidentals like washing and ironing of clothes for the
family, and also visit my new grand-daughter.   She is beautiful, and seems
tiny, but is gorgeous.

However, being an early baby, the crochet jacket, and hat I made for her will
doubtless not be fitting her for another six months!    (That was the lace
part!)  I am now making a very simple crochet shawl for her - thankfully,
crochet grows quickly - which I will hope to finish by the time she is
released from hospital.   But - a wondeful Christmas present, for the whole
family, especially when it is close to the first anniversary of my husband's
passing last January.

Love and God Bless you all, and do keep Claire and Phoebe in your prayers, and
hope that they'll both be out of hospital very soon.

Carol - Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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