In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, C.
Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>I send this only in the interest of accuracy.  We are not all lacing widows.

>        -- chiefly applied to widows of personages of rank.        [1913

Maybe Tamara, our (future) Dowager Duchess, is getting ready for the
time when she becomes a widow, then - trying the title on for size,

Me, I'm just a common p(h)easant, who has been around on the list since
July 95. I don't think I feel old enough to be a dame yet, though.
Musing on, Pantomime Dames are male, so maybe the title would fit David,

Right, back to making petals and getting covered in glitter - I found
this rather interesting coloured glittery interfacing (at one of the
Papercraft Shows I'm demonstrating at every other week or so) that is
like a wide ribbon, so bought a couple of yards of several colours, and
cut down into narrow strips it works on bobbins for a lace fantasy
flower idea.... just have to remember not to pull too hard! Can any lace
teachers/lace group organisers in Sheffield, Derby, Nottingham, or Wigan
(or the immediate surrounding towns) let me have details of their
meetings/classes if they are taking new members - being the "something
very different" at these shows we pick up interest, and do get asked
about where to learn, so having the details to hand them helps greatly!
These are the shows left for this year; after Christmas we'll be doing
Leeds, Birmingham and Doncaster again, as well as the above.  

The great thing about these fairs is having a dedicated day at least
once a fortnight when I am making lace; the not so great is having to be
up at about 6.30am on Sunday mornings!

I'm also slowly getting a scalloped variation on my Hearts and Flowers
Snowflake Bucks mat (published in Lace a couple of years ago) onto the
pillow, too.... and the long term UFO is a Honiton version of an Ann Orr
quilting pattern. Must get that out again one day! 
Jane Partridge

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