Offered by The Embroiderers' Guild of America; no travel expenses!
American lace guilds offer very few needlelace-based classes.
Registration deadline is June 24th, for those who might be interested in  
Romanian Point Lace, a course taught by Sylvia Murariu.  Piece is a  Guardian 
Angel.  (Wish I had the time; it would be a good addition to my  lace angel 
collection!)  Techniques are crochet and needlelace.
Registration deadline is July 27th, for second course in the same  EGA 
offering:  Stumpwork, taught by Celeste Chalasani.  Design is  a Pomegranate 
panel.  Eight lessons.  Nine weeks.  Traditional  and Contemporary techniques.
Anyone interested may write to me, and I will forward the formal  offer, 
which includes wonderful photographs and contact information on how to  
As you all know, artwork cannot be handled on Arachne.  
Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center

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