Dear Arachnes,

 Here's something to brighten these gloomy winter days.  The Embroiderers  
Guild is holding an exhibition at Ely Cathedral during February.

06 Feb 2019 - 28 Feb 2019
This exhibition is the first travelling exhibition for the Embroiderers' Guild, 
since its move to new premises at Bucks County Museum in Aylesbury.
The Embroiderers' Guild Collection is full of stories behind the techniques and 
styles of embroidery on display. We hope that this exhibition will inform and, 
in some cases, offer surprises in the perceived conception of embroidery.
The Beautiful Stitch represents the variety and scope of the Collection, 
including textiles from the 16th Century to the present day with examples of 
many techniques and from many countries.
For this exhibition, five themes were chosen, representing particular strengths 
of the Collection.
Embroidery as Art considers the emergence of textiles as an art form in the 
20th century, when new materials and techniques became popular and art schools 
and colleges began to offer degrees in the study of textiles in many 
contemporary styles.
Embroidery in Education examines the importance of education; from early 
needlework samplers stitched by young girls in the 17th century; when samplers 
were produced as a reference for stitches; through Berlin wool work samplers in 
the late 18th century, to samplers of the 20th century, which were often 
pictorial in form. The Embroiderers' Guild has been a leading light in 
embroidery education from its beginnings in 1906, to the present day.
Embroidery as Fashion looks at the embellishment of clothing and accessories 
with embroidery and encompasses work by professional embroiderers and current 
experts in the field, using both hand and machine embroidery.
Embroidery as Industry shows how embroidery spread from individuals, through 
cottage industries to the mass production of embroidery in factories. Notable 
among factory workshops in the past were Morris & Co and the Singer Sewing 
Machine Company. Today, factories produce embroidery Internationally on a huge 
Embroidery as Status encompasses the use of embroidery as a symbol of status. 
Used for many years by the wealthy and powerful in society; in religion, 
Royalty, government and power; embroidery emphasises rank and authority. 
Sumptuous embroidery in metal thread, silk and jewels reflect the importance of 
the wearer and the occasion.

More details here:

There will also be some day workshops.

Also from March the Fitzwilliam in Cambridge is replacing its sampler 
exhibition with

Fans Unfolded: Conserving the Lennox-Boyd collection
Tuesday 5 March 2019 to Sunday 12 January 2020

Showcasing rare and exquisitely decorated fans from the collection of the Hon. 
Christopher Lennox Boyd, allocated to the Museum by H.M. Government in lieu of 
inheritance tax in 2015, this display reveals the techniques behind the making, 
investigation and conservation of fans.

The collection of over 600 objects ranges in date from the 18th to the 20th 
centuries and in type from bejewelled and hand-painted court and wedding fans, 
to printed mass-produced advertising fans, aide-memoire fans, mourning fans and 
children's fans. A conservation project generously funded by the Marlay group 
has allowed us to display a selection of these fragile but extraordinary 
objects for the first time


Anxiously awaiting snow in Cambridge


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