Avital suggested writing about a lace in a museum. It brought to mind my visit to England for the Arachne 98 conference. Before the conference, I took a tour of Scotland. I kept watching for lace in the various places we visited, and finding very little.

Near the end of the tour, we stopped in St Andrews at the Woolen Outlet. It is across the side street from the teeing-off end of the famous gold course. Upstairs over the outlet store was a tea shop. Mounted on the wall of this small tea shop was a large display of knitted lace patterns. There was on large square scarf, and many stitch sample squares.

Of course, by the time I found this, I only had ten minutes to catch my tour bus so there was no time to study it. I took several pictures with my zoom camera and hoped they would be clear enough to look at later.

I don't know if this tea shop and display are still there, but if you are in St Andrews, take a look and let us know.

Alice in Oregon -- still trying to cat proof my house for the two new black cats, who seem to be growing bigger every day. Cat-snuggling time is slowing down my lacemaking. Pillow dumped only three times so far.

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