The Rijksmuseum has a mini museum at Schiphol airport.  There's a gift shop
area on the ground floor, with a pod above it to provide a secure climate
controlled area for displaying objects from the museum.  The current
exhibition is paintings from the golden age of Dutch painting, and portraits
of women from the same era.  This coincides very well with the period in
which much lace was worn, so more than half the portraits and some of the
other paintings have lace on clothing.  It is sumptuous, layer on layer in
some cases, and even the black lace worn over black fabric is painted well
enough for the type of lace to be recognisable.
Do go take a look if you are in the airport.  The museum is always an
interesting way to spend some waiting time, but this exhibition is
particularly good.
Open 6am to 8pm
On the non-Schengen side of passport control, head for gates E
The 'Dutch Girls' exhibition runs until 12 December

Manchester, UK
Berlin, Germany
Money can't buy everything. That's what credit cards are for.
Steph Peters
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