According to the blinking numbers on the electric alarm clock, the power went
back on around 4:15 p.m. yesterday.  It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good to come home
to light and heat again.

Beloved has to work this weekend - he's supervisor
of the early voting at our 
local BOE, so he'll be busy.  Playing
today...after I go to the grocery store to 
replace a lot of the food we
lost.  Also working on posting some of my lace pix 
to the new site.  

tried working on my lace to the light of my makeshift lacemaker's lamp.  I can
see how people would think that lacemakers could go blind from working on lace
during the dark evenings.  Just not enough light for me.  

Hope everyone who
was in the path of the storm is safe and sound.

In cloudy Cleveland
Heights, OH...where it's going to rain...again.

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