
I think everything has been said about the IOLI
convention that I wanted to express.  The RMLG did a
wonderful job and the hotel staff should be commended
for their pleasant and prompt service in all aspects. 
Anytime I saw one of the committee members they seemed
calm and happy; and that attitude is contagious. 
There seemed to be very little grousing and
complaining by the attendees.

Our class, Polychrome Blonde, was wonderful!  Pompi
Parry was a great teacher.  She gave lots of attention
to everyone and had lots of information about the lace
to share.  It is a point ground lace, with some
peculiarities in how the footside, catch-pins and
gimps are handled.  Oh and the picots are different
also.  I won’t outline everything, but mention that I
had trouble NOT putting the twists next to the gimp
inside the motifs.  I found myself concentrating so
hard on the new stuff that I blanked out for a minute
on how to do the ground stitch and honeycomb!

Anyway, I really enjoyed it; even though the silk
threads wanted to break if you just breathed on them. 
I did break a thread removing my pins from the
completed motif at home – that caused a few naughty
words to be said.  I started another project on the
last day of class and got comfortable with it before I
had to pack it up to come home.  I haven’t had a
chance to get the pillow set up since being home, but
this weekend has some large chunks of time that I am
going to devote to working on it.  I’m very happy with
everything that I got in the vendor room.  This was
the year of threads for me; I didn’t realize how many
I bought until I got home and spread them all out on
the table.  I guess I have lots of projects in mind to

I heartily encourage everyone to attend a large
convention like this one.  Especially the 2008 IOLI in
Crystal Lake, Illinois ;)

Diane Williams
Galena Illinois USA

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