Robin I am so sorry for your tipped pillow. This happened to me once in a 
class, Bridget Cook was the instructor. I was trying to untangle each thread 
caught on the pins. She said no no, and to my horror picked up my pillow turned 
it upside down and gave it a little shake or two and all the threads fell away 
from the pins! We have had many cats over the years and I have had to use the 
untangle method a couple of times. I would imagine if your spangles are too 
heavy you might break a thread, but I have been lucky and not broken a thread 
when shaking.

I was on the list many years ago and just recently came back to lace, I am a 
lurker but thought you could relate to my little story. I still have a binder 
with copies of all the good info I had gleaned from the list. 

Cherre in the beautiful starting a little early getting hot California desert.

On Mar 18, 2013, at 7:35 AM, Robin D <> wrote:

> Woke up this morning to find my lace pillow, with major project, on the
> floor.  The box of pins scattered everywhere along with bits of broken cat
> claw.  I was lucky in that the bobbins (midlands) were all strung onto
> knitting stitch holders and/or pinned down under a cloth - so they really
> are not that tangled.  However, one of the size 100 silk threads is
> broken.  I can't decide whether to kill my husband's cat or cry.   This cat
> "knows" better and I have warned my DH that his indoor cat may find herself
> living outside.  In all the years we've shared space she chooses the
> project that means the most to me to ruin.  I designed the pattern while
> dealing with my father's sudden death and DH really encouraged me to
> actually try to make it.  I've been so careful not to make mistakes or
> anything.
> Going with crying, but the cat is exiled to the back of the house.
> *sigh*
> Robin
> PS:  Wait what?  Liz are you teaching a class or just coming to Utah?   I
> am truly excited to meet you, but if you are teaching and I missed that
> somehow I'll be very put out!
> -- 
> Never, ever, let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. Prove the
> cynics wrong. Pity them for they have no imagination.
> The sky's the limit. *Your* sky. *Your *limit.   Now, let's dance.  *~Tom
> Hiddleston*
> -
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