The Metropolitan Museum of Art has a huge lace coverlet composed of  handmade 
droschel strips and applied Brussels Bobbin lace dating from the  Napoleonic 
era which depicts Diana and her shepherd lover Endymion (plate 76,  Marian 
Powys, Lace and Lacemaking).
In the Brussels Musees Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire there is a cushion cover  
with Mars, Venus, and Cupid (or Return of the Warrior) Risselin-Steenebrugen,  
M., Trois Siecles de Dentelles aux Musees Royaux d' Art et d'Histoire. 
Brussels,  1980, p. 488, fig. 328. Also in that museum there is Tableau en 
with  Apollo and the Metamorphosis of Daphne, illustrated in 
Risselin-Steenebrugen, p.  487, fig 327. This is also shown in figure 369 and 
369A in Santina 
Levey's Lace:  A History.
In the Buffalo Museum of Science in New York there appears to be another of  
the series which shows a woman with a floating veil forming a circle overhead  
and a reclining man. It is rumored that there is another of this series in  
Belgrade, the donation of "the late Michael I. Pupin of Columbia University"  
according to an article appearing in the Metropolitan Museum of  Art Bulletin, 
new series, 1944-45, pp, 204-208. 
A researcher is trying to locate any other examples of this series that she  
believes may all be Loves of the Gods. Has anyone seen anything anywhere that 
is  close in style and fabrication and that might be part of the series?

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