I don't have a pillow out at present.  (Yes, I know that's unusual! But I'm busy 
drawing designs for a silk
screen workshop I'm going to attend on Tuesday; learning how to use the serger I was 
given for Christmas; and
trying to stick the last year's worth of photos in the photo album, so there isn't 
much free space left for

Anyway, back to the lace content and what sounds as if it would work to me...

This would involve unwinding thread from the bobbin and then rewinding it.I realise 
that this would in itself
be difficult, but I presume that Lissette has in some way solved that problem (I can't 
imagine how, unless she
gets someone else to wind all her bobbins and put the hitch on.)

Put two or three support pins into the pillow, some distance from the sewing and 
pattern. These support pins
would need to be sufficiently far apart to hold a big enough loop of thread for the 
bobbin to pass through.

Insert your hook into the lace as usual, but draw through a lot more thread than a two 
handed person would
need, and place this loop round the support pins.

Pass the other bobbin through this loop and then carefully tighten up, withdrawing 
pins one at a time. Rewind
the excess thread.

As I don't have a piece of lace on the go at present, I haven't been able to try this, 
but I think it might
work. Perhaps someone can give it a one handed try and comment.

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