Hi Peg,

Actually there are sources of genuine animal-skin parchment on the
web. One on ebay: http://tinyurl.com/p6xstfy. It's probably worth $5 to see
how it does. There were others. Search in Google for "real parchment for

It will be interesting to hear how it goes, since the surface may be
a significantly texture than modern materials.

Connecticut, USA
>...The parchment they would have used was made from animal skin (usually goat
or sheep) and was very expensive. ...

.........>I had been thinking of
wearing a costume, and
having everything authentic.  I read they used
parchment as the
 base.  Any
ideas where I can find some heavy enough to use
for this purpose?  All I've
been able to find is either the kind you cook
with, or parchment paper for

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