
Christine Springetts books have a couple of wedding horseshoes. One book is the "Lace for Children of All Ages" and the other one is her latest book "Lace for Special Occasions". Both books have small horseshoes too which can be put onto wedding cards or used to make little cushioned hangers with the couples details embroidered in the centre etc., which could be given to the bride in place of a horseshoe if a long enough loop of ribbon is added to the top. Lace for Special Occasions also has a wedding garter pattern in it.

SMP lace sells these books and gives a quick service as a general rule, Russell Perrin will take credit card payments via the details over the phone or by letter but not online. SMPs website is at Look at the catalogue and under the heading books, followed by Books on Lace, there you will find a listing of authors of lace books, Christine Springett is listed under S. You can see the small photos of the front covers of her books here for an idea of the horseshoes etc. also sell the books but no photos of the covers are shown here, they have a couple of Christine's books on their New and Used system at reduced prices. But delivery is not so quick as that of SMP.

I have made several of the horseshoe pattern from the book Lace for children of all ages and can send you a photo of one of these I have made if you want to see how it comes out. It is made mostly in torchon ground with a little bit of honeycomb stitch I can make one of these in about 5 hours once the bobbins are on the pillow. Christine's instructions are very precise and clear.

I used the Gold Rush thread in Silver throughout, apart form the blue gimp around the edge. Christine's instructions say to use white thread with a blue gimp and then to mount the horseshoe onto Silver coloured card cut into a horseshoe shape, but I can't get that sort of card here. So I make my silver thread horseshoe then use a liquid called Stiffy and paint that on the back, a couple of coats usually does the trick and I then don't need the card. I cover a cork tile with plastic film pinned out taut and lay the horseshoe face down on that, putting in a couple of pins to hold it steady. Then I paint on the stiffy and leave it to dry for at least 24 hours, giving a second coat then if I feel it necessary, you only need a thin coat each time so as not to clog the holes in the lace.

Because I use gold rush instead of the recommended thread I obviously don't cut the lengths of thread to Christine's measurements but just fill the bobbins with as much gold rush as I can. I think I use about 4mts or so per bobbin. Any left over lengths can be used up on smaller projects as silver gimps etc.,

I also make some of the little flowers from the same book. These flowers are made in the form of a strip with a wavy edge, of varying depth of wave, the strip is then gathered up using the passive threads which are left long when cutting off the bobbins. These little flowers are used in the book for alice band and card decoration, I add a little pearl seed bead to the centre of each flower and usually use 3 flowers per horseshoe. I drew up a leaf shape on a bit of pricking card and pricked holes around the edge to make up 3 green leaves from this, again using Stiffy to stiffen the flowers and leaves enough to hold their shape and bend the leaves and the "petals" of the flowers to shape them a little and give a bit of life to both. I then stitch these to the front of the horseshoe instead of the silk flowers that Christine used. Add a blue satin ribbon handle and voila!

The giving of horseshoes is not a custom here and when I have given one of these silver horseshoes to a Spanish bride they have been delighted with it and are fascinated by the custom.

The book Lace for Special Occasions also has a rosette to put on the front of white satin wedding shoes, an edging for place cards, wedding hankies and a head dress for the bride in two sizes. There are also piece of lace used on photo frames for photos of the babies that come later. There is also a circle of lace to use behind a posy of flowers. All sorts of ideas there for you to ponder.

Jenny DeAngelis

I'm looking for various prickings for wedding horse-shoes and garters so
that I can make a few to sell at our local charity craft fair. Could anyone
point me in the right direction please.

Thanks, Babs (Chesterfield)

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