In a message dated 6/1/2007 9:22:18 A.M. Mountain Standard Time,  

Whilst I  have heard of hemlock, I don't know the plant.

That's what Socrates said, according to Steve Martin, if you ever saw that  
skit he did on the Death of Socrates.
He was sitting chatting with his morose friends, when someone brought in a  
chalice and he drank it down, and kept talking. Suddenly he said, "I feel  
woozy!" and started lying back on the couch.
His friend said, "Of course, you just drank hemlock!"
He said, "What's hemlock?"
His friend said, "It's poison."
Socrates Martin said, "Oh great. Now you tell me. All these years, it's  been 
'Socrates, what's the meaning of life? Socrates, what is truth?' Never once  
did anyone say, 'Socrates, hemlock is poison!"
Best regards from Ricki in sunny suddenly summery Utah, where the grass is  
growing and drying out and I'd better get the rest of the garden in but  FAST.

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