<It took several years to start all those projects, so don't expect to finish them all this year. Also, don't be afraid to cut off a project and put the 'done' part in a sample box -- if you have a project that you just don't want to finish. The main thing is to enjoy your lace. If it's not fun, get rid of it. (All personal opinion, of course. <G>)>

Oh, Alice! Thanks so much for saying that. I'm always feeling badly, because I start a project, hate doing it, and just want to cut it off the pillow and use it as a sample - and actually have done just that.

Right now I have a Brugge Bloemwork mat on my pillow that I wanted to enter in the State Fair. Well, let me clarify this. The original mat that I was going to finish is on hold on it's pillow. Total exercise in frustration! I finally was so sick of looking at it and after 3 attempts to get the scroll right, I decided to just give up on it. My problem was not taking the time to get out the video and following the instructor. I can be soooooooooooo undisciplined and stubborn at times!! 8-)

So, the mat that's on the new sea grass pillow (which I love!) is just getting a start, and I'm using the video every step of the way. Will it be finished in time for the State Fair? Nooooooooooooooo, but I can now take myself off the hot seat, and just enjoy doing and learning again. The video is wonderful, I just wish the project was a bit smaller.

What do I want that I don't have? I "need" a few dozen Midlands bobbins. I originally started out with Continentals, but started collecting Midlands, and have used them enough now to really like them. I don't think I'll purchase any more pillows - unless I decide I want to try a bolster some day. I would like to own one of those antique roller pillows I keep seeing on Ebay.

The one thing that I truly want, though, is to go to the IOLI Convention! I kick myself for not going when it was in Denver (I live in NE, the next state to the east).My son and DGD live in Seattle, so my saved $$ gets used for a trip out there to see them. I'm also a weaver, and next year is a large seminar just a few miles from me (which NEVER happens), so I won't make it to Oklahoma for Convention, either. Aaaaah, someday!

That all sounds so depressing!! 8-)). I love making lace, though. Even the failures are worthy of my time. I learn a LOT from my mistakes since I make so many of them!! Ha! Ha!

I'm looking forward to all the Convention reports and I'm hoping we'll get to see lots of pictures, even though I'm pea green with envy. ;-)

Mary R

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