Hi Jenny,

What a wonderful opportunity to spread the word :-)

A brochure is a great idea, and if there was more time, I'd mail you a
copy of our brochure for ideas.

The RMLG has a nice tri-fold brochure (currently under revision) that
includes a potted history of lace, with a brief description or bobbin
and needle laces and tatting, with a photo of each, and a very brief
description of other main laces - knitted, crocheted,
embroidered/decorated net, tape lace (like battenberg).  It includes
contact details of the Guild with a tear off page that can be returned
to the Guild with a request to join or just go on the mailing list.  

It's good to include contacts for the National and State groups, and you
may also want to include a web address for the ALG.

Good luck with the Show and the demoing.

Helen, Aussie in Denver

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