If you don't have a cable release, if your camera is on a tripod or some
other steady setup, you could try using the timer delay release.

If you have an ott light or some other type of craft light, those can be
good sources of natural light to supplement.  Sometimes putting a single
layer of a tissue over the flash if it can't be turned off can be enough
to diffuse the light.

I found when I was photographing my teacup and saucer for Australian
Lace, that I needed to turn off a couple of the lights on my copy stand
and use my ott light with it directed slightly away, so that I had light
but no glares/reflections.  Took a little futzing but the end result was
worth it.

Good luck.

Helen, Aussie in Denver, where we're seeing the pavement on our street
emerge from the ice after 9 weeks of it 'hibernating'!  We still have a
good foot of snow on the lawns, but miracle of miracles, my hellabores
has emerged from under a 4foot high pile of snow, flattened but with
flowers buds!

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