Hi Janice!

I also love Bucks Point lace... it is my favorite of all the laces I have learned so far. And...I have worked Muriel before! Two times as a matter of fact. The second time was for a gift, and the first time was in a weekend workshop with Geraldine Stott just before Visual Introduction to Bucks Point Lace was released. Ruth was exactly right! The first two pairs were for the false picot...do not hang any other pairs on that pin at the top center of the design. Then lay 4 pair of bobbins horizontally across your pillow. It is tricky juggling them as they just lay there waiting to be worked into the lace, and I really liked Ruth's suggestion for using pins there. You will see that you end up with two pair going in each direction...4 threads (one thread being each pair that you laid across your pillow). The 4 pairs that are called for turn into 2 pair going left and 2 pair going right by laying them in this manner.

Work the false picots that are on each side of the top center one, and then follow the diagram to see where each pair needs to go. Remember, each line is one pair. That fact that we all know so well sometimes gets lost when it comes to those horizontal passives. Maybe because we tend to think that the pair needs to stay together, and here the pairs split up.

After you get through that it's pretty smooth sailing until you get to the leaves. The whole design of the leaves is made by the gimp threads, so be sure you follow the diagram closely to lay the gimp in the right place. Or, you could just get creative and come up with your own leaf design! :) In the workshop,we enlarged our diagrams and working with the larger diagram helped a lot, especially since we also went over the lines with the right color pen to indicate blue or red as it would show up in the book. I still have my diagrams from the workshop, and seeing it again reminded me that the bigger printout really was a help!

Enjoy it...it's a sweet little pattern!!
Debbie in Florida

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