Funny, how I seem to be drawn to the subject I know nothing about or, to be precise, to the _subject line_... :)

On Jul 10, 2006, at 1:12, Christine Johnson wrote:

I also used to draft text roughly on paper first before using a word
processing program to type up the almost-final version.

While I cannot imagine myself _ever_ learning enough to manipulate a 'puter program to design patterns, I used the beast to compose text on from the moment I realized that corrections -- erasing/replacing phrases and shifting whole paragraphs -- was easier done on screen than on paper. From the time I started sending patterns for publication, I've always composed on-screen, then printed out to proofread and marked the "iffy" spots (the ones I managed to catch, that is <g>) , then entered the corrections into the original text.

I do take hand-written notes on the pattern's developmental progress as I work on it, but they tend to be so untidy that even I have trouble deciphering them :)

Tamara P Duvall                  
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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