On Nov 18, 2004, at 23:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I ordered a batch on Sunday/Monday and was told that the delivery date *within UK* is 21 days; God and our president only know when it'll arrive in US...

I would like to comment on this rather negative remark that was in response
to a letter that was meant to be helpful. It is my understanding that neither
God or our President are directly responsible for the delivery of mail, and
making such a broad accusation is unwarranted.

Outgoing mail is leaving the U.S. and being delivered in rather good time.

1) Pipers silk is being shipped from *UK*, not from US and, currently, they're telling me that the delivery time *within UK* is 21 days (as I'd said in my message). Possibly, there's a problem with the British PO; I wouldn't know, it has not been reported in my newspaper.

2) The phrase "God only knows..." is, as far as I understand, commonly used in English, meaning "nobody really knows".

3) Our president has said - on several occasions - that he listens to a "different father" (not to George Bush of the Gulf War), definitely suggesting he's in direct contact with God.

4) It's, therefore, logical to assume that God and the current president of US are the only two guys who might know how long the mail from Pipers' is likely to take to reach US (abroad), if it takes 21 days to reach someone within the country of origin...

I have no quarrel at all with the US PO; in my 31+ yrs in US, it's *never* failed me.
Tamara P Duvall http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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